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  • Tags: P-38

A P-38 crashes in flames near a canal which is bordered by vegetation. Four other aircraft are visible in the sky amongst bursts of anti-aircraft fire.

Label reads “121”; signed by the author; caption reads “13 LUGLIO 1944. Cacciabombardiere…

A P-38 crashes in flames while other aircraft are visible in the sky amongst shell bursts. A body of water flanked by trees and gun emplacements is visible in the background.

Label reads “120”; signed by the author; caption reads “13 Luglio…

A dual truss railway bridge has been attacked by a P-38 fighter flying at near-ground altitude. The metal structures are engulfed in flames while debris is falling all around. A collapsed telegraph pole is visible in the bottom left corner. Five more…

Peter was in the Air Training Corps and joined the Royal Air Force, on deferred service, as a wireless operation/air gunner. He was soon called to the Air Crew Reception Centre at Lord’s cricket ground. He went to the No. 2 Radio School at RAF…

Notes include marking, briefing times, H2s set up, weights, bombing heights and target marking plan. Continues with bad weather plan, use of H2S, fighter escort details and aiming instructions.

Shows two bomb loads for operation, one for fourteen aircraft the other for four. Details distributor, preselection and false height settings as well as route, timings and other details. On the reverse pathfinder marking and bombing instruction. At…

Starts with description of operations with B-25 from RAF Foulsham. Succeeded by 514 Squadron Lancaster and 1678 training flight. Replaced by 192 Squadron of 100 Group flying Halifax, Mosquito and Wellington on radio countermeasure and other special…

Contains photographs, silhouettes and drawings of British, American and Russian aircraft, showing dimensions, armament, armour plate or glass, and position of fuel tanks. Tables set out aircraft capabilities, including range and bomb loads.

Lawrence di Placito served as a second-class coxswain on the RAF Air Sea Rescue launches during the Second World War. He was born in Chertsey and attended Egham grammar school where he was a member of the cadet force. Upon leaving school in 1936 he…

Covers coastal patrols to determine density and frequency coverage of enemy radar organisation, discovery of new enemy radar type and monitoring enemy overland radar and communications. Mentions use of specially equipped Wellington flown over enemy…

Top - three aircrew standing on the wing of an aircraft. David Donaldson on the left is wearing battledress with pilot brevet, the middle one is wearing a flying jacket and side cap, the one on the right is wearing a flying helmet. From right to…

Vertical air to ground view of an airfield parking pan running top left to bottom right. Airfield buildings are also shown. Parked on the pan are Lancaster, B-29, C-57, Northrop P61, B-17 and Lockheed Constellation as well as other aircraft.…

Air to ground view of the south-eastern corner of Fairchild production facility at Hagerstown, looking north north west. P-38 lined up outside. In addition C-82 and C-47 parked on aircraft pan. Airfield an runways above factory with car park left…

Article 1. Headlines: Sir S Cripps leaves the war cabinet, now minister of aircraft production, promotion for Mr H Morrison, Mr Eden to lead House of Commons, Col Stanley colonial secretary. Notes appointments by the King. Article 2. Headlines:…

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John Smith grew up near Corby, surrounded by aerodromes, so was used to the sight of aircraft. He observed Lancaster aircraft practising for the Dambusters raid over Eye Brook Reservoir. He also witnessed glider practice and was impressed by the…

Five items, Edward's description of the operation to bomb Panzer concentrations in woods, requested by Field Marshall Montgomery. As the operation was in daylight Edward was able to describe the scene not too long after D Day. There is also Edwards…

Top left - extract from Ned Sparkes's log book between 3 August 1944 and 25 August 1944 with operations to Foret de Nieppe, St Leu-d'Esserent and Brest.
Right - document titled "The Reckoning". Giving details of bomber commands sorties, aircraft and…

A colour postcard drawing of two Lightnings engaged in a dog fight.

A list of aircraft with a brief description of each one with size, construction, engine, armament and observation details.

Notes kept by JH Bird during his training.

#1, 3, 4 and 6 are a model Lancaster, in the air and on the ground.
#2, 7 and 8 are a Stirling model
#5 is a Wellington and Spitfire model.
#9 are a model Stirling and Lightning.

Head on view of an airborne Lockheed P-38 Lightning with drop-tanks.


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