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  • Tags: Me 110

Front quarter view of an airborne Me 110.


Side view of an airborne Me 110 in RAF markings.


View from below of an airborne Me 110 with RAF markings.


A list of aircraft with a brief description of each one with size, construction, engine, armament and observation details.

Batchelder was the pilot of this operation. They bombed inside flares but the navigator insisted it was not Mannheim. Damage to one engine from flak, later they were attacked by a Me 110. They successfully landed at RAF Horsham St Faith, Norwich.

A newspaper article about an attack on Munich. It is annotated 'No 14 2/10/43'.

The pilot who was credited with shooting down Reg Wilson's Halifax.

Contains British, American, German and Italian aircraft silhouettes.

Top left - nine airmen by the tail of a Halifax. Six standing behind and three squatting in front. All are wearing battledress with side or peaked caps. Some have visible brevet.
Top right - seven airmen standing in line by the tail of a Me 110 with…

Account of George Thomson's aircraft 'NF958 (LS-M) of 15 Squadron being shot down by ME 110 on 12 September 1944. Five crew bailed out and were taken prisoner, the pilot did not escape and one other crew member left aircraft but was never seen again.…

Cash book but contains notes on: medicines/chemicals on first page. Followed by general notes and outline diagrams on Stirling, Halifax, Me-110, Dornier 215 & 217 and Hudson aircraft. Continues with flight engineer's notes on a large number of…

Target Mailly-le-Camp attacked by Lancasters. Covers weather forecast, plan of attack, total number of sorties, narrative of attack, day reconnaissance, enemy defences air and ground, enemy aircraft destroyed, casualties, target details, route,…

Rear quarter view of a large model of Lancaster CF-E in an office with desk, chair and model of a Me-110 in the background.

A series of Luftwaffe engagement reports, some in German, some translated concerning the attacks on a four engined bomber in the early hours of 18 December 1944 probably Henry Wagner's Halifax.

English translation of a German nightfighter combat report for 18 December 1944.


Five images of a Me 110. All have 'Messerschmitt Me 110' on the reverse except #4.
#1 Frontal silhouette
#2 Port side silhouette
#3 Identical port side silhouette
#4 Port side photograph
#5 Underside silhouette.


Describes night battle with two Me 110 when all Lancaster's lights came on when electrical system was hit. mentions actions of wireless operator and air gunners one of whom was badly wounded.

Left - Dovercourt Man gets GCM - part of cutting also on the right side.

Top center - crippled bomber lights full on won dog-fight. Account of enemy fighter attack on a bomber, wounding four crew and damaged aircraft. One enemy hit and the other…

For September 1943. Table with date of combat, rank and name of air gunner, type of attack, evasion action taken by bomber, comment on evasion, claims, damage to bomber, type of aircraft engaged, no of rounds fired, Monica or Boozer fitted, warning…

Photo 1 is a starboard/rear view of the Me 309, a nosewheeled single seat fighter.
Photo 2 is a port view of the twin engined Me 410.

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