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  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1943"

Enrica Mariani recollects her wartime experiences in Milan: her brother dying of bronchitis after spending too much time in the shelter and her father working in an armaments factory. The aggressive fascist militiamen and the long hours she spent in…

The memoir covers Sergeant Officer A Yates' time as a prisoner of war from September 1942 to April 1945. He was initially imprisoned in Stalag VIIIB in Upper Silesia, he was evacuated with 30,000 others to escape the advancing Russian Army. He and a…

Head and shoulders portrait of Des Hawkins wearing service dress including hat. Observer brevet and single medal ribbon over left breast pocket. On the reverse 'Des Hawkins 1943'.

Desmond Hawkins volunteered for the Royal Air Force and became a navigator. After training on Wellingtons and Manchesters, he flew Lancasters for 44 Squadron and completed a tour of operations. He was commissioned as flight lieutenant and after the…

An aerial vertical photograph of docks. On the right a series of interconnected canals and basins. A road runs from top right to middle bottom crossing the canal over narrow channel. A large basin goes from top left to the centre with several ships…

Aerial vertical photograph of docks. A wide river runs from top centre diagonally to bottom left. At the top an inlet and on the right side a road runs top to bottom. Below the inlet and between road and river is a large basin with docks running off…

Aerial vertical photograph of docks. On the left a river with opening to a dock basin. A number of docks with jetties lead of on the top side of the basin. There is a ship moored on the left of the second dock from left. A series of bomb explosions…

Aerial vertical photograph of Wilton Shipyards. On the left the Nieuwe Maas river with entrance to Vijfsluizen basin (Wiltonhaven). Several small craft are leaving it and spreading out on the river. Just inside the entrance, on the top side, several…

Aerial vertical photograph of Ventura flying over canals and town. A Ventura coded YH of 21 squadron flies from right to left. Below is a canal which splits into a number of channels and a branch goes up into the town on the left side. Town buildings…

Top left an aerial inclined photograph of open countryside. A road runs up the left hand side and below to the right are fields. There are many unidentified small black objects over the whole area. Caption 'What is it'.

Top right caption 'V =…

Top left an aerial vertical photograph of Dunkirk docks. A river runs from the sea bottom centre in a curve to top centre. Docks with moles and basins are to the right and the town is to the left of the river.

Top right an aerial vertical…

Donald Briggs was born in Lealholm near Whitby in Yorkshire. After school, he became an apprentice with the Royal Air Force. He trained at RAF Halton in 1939 and became an engine fitter working on Wellingtons and Manchesters. He volunteered for air…

Top left an aerial vertical photograph of part of Caen-Carpiquet airfield. The runway runs from mid left to top right. The airfield is surrounded by a perimeter track and there is a square built up area at the bottom of the airfield.

Top right an…

The log book covers the training and operational career of bomb aimer Peter Bellingham from 10 March 1943 to 21 February 1946. After training in South Africa he flew Halifaxes and Stirlings with 138 Squadron, taking part in 30 night operations over…

Warrant Officer Colin Cole's release from service form. (22 December 1942 to 11 December 1946)

King George VI in RAF uniform shakes hands with a sergeant at the near end of the rear rank of airmen parading on grass. To the King's right, two other RAF officers. In the background Venturas are parked in two lines.

Top right a group of officers…

Helmut Köhler (b. 1928) recalls his wartime experience as Luftwaffenhelfer. He provides a first-hand account of two attacks on Kassel, the first on the 22 October 1943 and the second in March 1944. He describes his time spent inside the air-raid…

Log book for Sergeant Edward Milling from 16 August 1942 to 27 September 1943. Navigator Sergeant E Milling was stationed with 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds, and 166 Squadron at RAF Kirmington, where he flew Lancasters. The log book details 27…

At the top Queen Elizabeth accompanied by a group captain pilot in tunic with peaked cap walks between two ranks of Royal Air Force personnel on parade. In the background Venturas. Caption '1943 Methwold'.

In the middle are two views of case of a…

Two actors with 'bald' wigs and moustaches are seated. Lying against them are two men dressed as women leaning in a dramatic pose. Behind is washing and a laundry.

One actor on his knee beside a man dressed in flannels and jacket. They are watched by a man dressed as a woman. They are in a bedroom with a bed and a painted backdrop of a wallpaper and a dressing table with a large alarm clock.

Six of the actors are dressed in old Chinese costumes. One man is dressed as a woman in conventional long dress. The backdrop is of Chinese appearance.

One man on his knee beside a man dressed as a Chinese woman. They are holding hands. The female character holds a fan in her other hand. The backdrop is of a Chinese building.
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