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  • Tags: 101 Squadron

Peter Lamprey starts with catching up with friends. He comments that they have lost twelve aircraft over the last four operations. He describes in some detail his difficult trip to Munich and that Mannheim had been similar.

Peter Lamprey writes about returning from leave and waiting for his next operation. The letter was annotated ‘Last Letter’.

Peter Lamprey writes of his disapproval that he does not receive replies to his letters and of his sortie to Essen where his aircraft was heavily damaged resulting in them having to limp home.

Peter Lamprey writes that his last operation was to a ‘tunnel’ and was a ‘piece of cake’. He reports his skipper is laid up ill and complains about the weather.

Peter Lamprey writes that the last four operations were to the ‘Big City’ and that he is suffering a hangover after previous night’s revelry.

Peter Lamprey writes about an operation to Turin and comments that he would rather do two trips there rather than ‘Happy Valley’ where some crews had been lost. He remarks that bad weather has curtailed operations.

Peter Lamprey writes about bombing operations to Bochum and then Kassel after which German aircraft followed them home and bombed runway as they went in to land, subsequently putting the airfield unserviceable with anti-personnel bombs. In conclusion…

Peter Lamprey notes that they have been grounded for ten days and had received congratulations from Group Headquarters over the Peenemunde operation. He then describes an operation to Nürnberg when they were engaged by two fighters over Mannheim.

Peter Lamprey reports that his crew turned back with an un-serviceable aircraft from operation to Berlin but that he was subsequently involved in a ferocious attack on Berlin with four hundred planes bombing inside 15 minutes. On their return they…

Peter Lamprey mentions that he has now been to Mannheim three times and that the previous night’s operation had been cancelled due to weather. He states that he had enjoyed his recent leave and that he had to terminate his letter as operations were…

Peter Lamprey commences his letter reporting that there had been a lull in operations and several visits to town as a result. Authorities had instituted physical education but crews were resisting. Letter is concluded later after a bombing operation…

Peter Lamprey writes about an operation to Leipzig and that lack of funds reduced enjoyment of a recent night in town but this situation would be rectified next time.

Peter Lamprey writes about his latest exploits including operations to Turin and Gelsenkirchen. He ends the letter as he has received a battle order for that night.

Peter Lamprey writes some general comments about life including a mention of an operation to Turin and how he spends his time off.

Peter Lamprey writes about operations to Milan, Mannheim and Peenemunde. He writes that the operation to Peenemunde included 600 aircraft and they bombed a factory settlement.

Pete Lamprey writes from Royal Air Force Ludford Magna that letter writing might be more infrequent now and briefly describes his new camp. He mentions that he will not be able to write about what he is doing.

A framed photograph of 101 squadron on VJ day 15th August 1945. A large group of squadron personnel are arranged in six rows on front of a Lancaster.

Sorry to have to advise her that her son was missing from air operations 3-4 September 1943. Holds out hope for forced landing or bale out and offers comments on his character.

Squadron Leader Geoff Bibby grew up in New Zealand and transferred from the army into the Royal New Zealand Air Force in 1943. After training in New Zealand and Canada, he flew operations as a navigator with 101 Squadron from RAF Ludford Magna.

Pat Hickton was born in New Zealand. His mother passed away when he was young and he spent his childhood in a number of foster and children’s homes until he started working on the railway. He volunteered for the RAF and began training as a rear…

Tom Marchant had always wanted to fly and at eighteen joined the RAF as a Wireless Operator Air Gunner but was remustered as Flight Engineer after his initial postings to Warrington and Squires Gate Airfield, Blackpool. He describes his very first…
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