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  • Tags: petrol bowser

Top left in the background a line of trucks parked on the roadside under trees. In the foreground a group of airmen some sitting eating and some standing under trees.

Top right group of four airmen on a river bank or lakeside framed by…

A group of 13 airmen and five members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force, all wearing battledress, in three rows in front of a Royal Air Force lorry. Three leading aircraftswomen are sitting in front. There is one woman in the centre row and in the…

Shows the front of Lancaster R5868 S-Sugar and inboard engines with bomb doors open. Letter 'S' on the nose, eight full rows of operations symbols, and the quote attributed to Hermann Goering 'No enemy plane will fly over the Reich territory'. One…

Stuart was five when war broke out and recalls some of his early memories. In the early 1970s the Lancaster PA474 was flown to RAF Waddington from RAF Henlow, ostensibly to be a gate guardian. In 1973 the Lincolnshire Echo announced that it was to be…

Peter was called up in November 1943 and, after basic training, was sent to RAF Halton to train as a flight mechanic. Whilst there he had several dangerous incidents during small arms training. He was, initially, posted to 527 Squadron, which was …

Top left - three buildings in the middle distance with scrub in foreground. Captioned 'A & B Flight'. Top right - a number of buildings in the middle distance with hills in the background. Captioned '32 Squadron Dispersal'. Middle left - in the…

An Anson (registration [..]G707) with door open stands on airfield. Two man stand by the tail. Two men are on the wing refuelling while a third stands on the ground behind a fuel bowser.

Article by Carl Ollson from the Illustrated magazine published on 25 March 1944. The article covers the preparations made by the station staff to prepare the aircraft and equipment for an operation. There is a large photograph of twenty Lancasters in…

Five Group Newsletter, number 26, September 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about operations, gardening, war effort, tactics, signals, air bombing, navigation, radar navigation, engineering, air sea rescue,…

Top left - a line of Tiger Moths parked, in the background right a control tower. Top right - parked Tiger Moth captioned 'Tiger Moth No 72, the first kite I flew on'. Centre middle a fuel bowser in front of a Tiger Moth with man on top wing…

Two airmen standing on the front of a fuel bowser, behind is the nose of a Halifax.

Raymond spent his time in the R.A.F. overseas, this lengthy memoir covers the period July 1943 until August 1946. He served in the Middle and Far East and Italy. He was an Engine Mechanic/Fitter and this is his story. The memoir has maps of his…

Two port side views of a Wellington. In the second image it is being refuelled.

A port side view of a Stirling, MG-M' being loaded with bombs. Three more Stirlings are lined up behind.

Five men standing in line. The two on the left wear overalls and the second from left is shaking hands with Roy Chadwick wearing coat and hat in the centre. To the right another two men both in overalls. The man on the far right is wearing side cap.…

Seven airmen grouped in front of a Halifax. Three further men are sitting on the wing. A petrol bowser is on the right. Information supplied with the collection dates it as early 1944.

Five ground crew at work on a Lancaster Mk 2. Two are on the wings refuelling. There is an oil bowser and petrol bowser in the foreground.

Lancaster Mk 2 'Z' being refuelled. A ground crew airman is up a ladder partly obscuring the nose art, a cartoon of a running skeleton with 'Zombie'. It is annotated 'PL29074'.

The nose glass of a Halifax being cleaned by Dunc Ritchie. He is standing on top of a fuel bowser.
Underneath is a caption explaining that inside the Halifax 'A' is an air gunner who was washed out but was desperate to fly.

Seven airmen grouped in front of their aircraft with three ground crew sitting on the wing. A refuelling truck is present.
Information supplied with the collection states 'The crew in the Autumn of 1943, at Tholthorpe; Standing left to right Bomb…

Two ground crew, their tanker and a refuelling a Halifax.
A second image shows the top half of a Halifax.

Drawing with a view along runway. In the distance a bomber just above runway with two voice bubbles. 'Isn't it about time we touched down?' and 'Air speed 130 any minute'. Service and emergency vehicles in the foreground are chasing after the…

Five men sitting on top of a fuel bowser. On the reverse '22 [circled] 3 prints 4 postcards
Cyril Bell
Tony Tine
Paddy Aherne
There is a second copy.

Ralph Ottey was born in Jamaica in 1924. Raised by his grandparents, he describes his education and the family hopes that he would become a teacher. He left school at 16 and a half but was too young to attend teaching college so worked for his uncle…
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