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  • Tags: incendiary device

Five 'raid assessments' carried out at RAF Spilsby. Detail of problems encountered in each operation. Final sheet is an extract from Operations Record Book by three different Lancasters.

The flyer contrasts Allies' lofty ideals of 'bread and freedom' with the harsh reality of being at the receiving end of the bombing war. Testimonies from a mother, a printing shop the manager, an old soldier, and a common man are quoted: they reprove…

Shows two bomb loads each for a single aircraft. Details preselection settings and includes window, route and marking method. On the reverse marking and bombing instructions.

Annotated 'Augsburg, MINOL Filled, SXUHOTML'. ) Shows four bomb loads for operation for seven, six, one and two aircraft respectively. Details preselection, delay and false height settings and other information. Includes weights, zero hour, Window,…

Shows three bomb loads for seven, two and five aircraft respectively. Details preselection and false height settings and other information including window. On the reverse, pathfinder force Mosquito marking, bombing instructions including height…

Shows four bomb loads for the squadron with two for one aircraft each and the other two for eight and six aircraft. Includes preselection settings, weights, timings, method. On the reverse bombing notes including target marking continued.

Details of six operations carried in Halifax on 35 Squadron at Royal Air Force Graveley in May and early June 1943. Targets include Bochum, Essen, Wuppertal and Munster. States that notes were taken from the National Records Office London.

Details of nine operations carried out between February and May 1943 from RAF Elvington on 77 Squadron flying Halifax. Targets include Cologne, Berlin and several in the Ruhr.

Three newspaper cuttings describing attacks on Essen, Harburg oil refinery, Spitfire and Typhoon attacks on bridges and Aschaffenburg. They are captioned 'Nov 11th 1944'.

A newspaper cutting of a Lancaster dropping incendiary bombs over Duisburg. The text describes the event and a handwritten caption reads ' Oct 14th 1944'.

A communique written by the Swiss authorities after a mass fly over of RAF aircraft. Two aircraft crashed, bombs and propaganda leaflets were dropped. The area most affected was Fribourg but three other areas reported bombing - Riggisberg, Flammart…

Romualdo Siccardi (b. 1926) remembers the November 1942 bombing of the Borgo San Paolo gas holder in Turin, when he was sixteen. Mentions briefly makeshift shelters in basements deemed tantamount to death traps and gives a detailed account of the…

Aldo Magnaghi (b. 1927) remembers the bombings of Milan and explains how his house was not directly hit but rather heavily damaged by blast waves. He describes phosphorus loaded incendiaries, their effects on wooden structures, and how civilians…

Günter Lucks (b. 1925) describes how he was forced to join the Hitler Youth in 1939, an event that caused a great deal of disturbance in a family of strong communist background. When his parents moved out because of his father’s job as aircraft…

Marta Papotti (b. 1937) remembers the bombings of Turin and how she and her family dashed to the shelter in the basement. Reminisces over the sense of community and describes people reciting the rosary or just chatting. Describes how her father the…

Laura Perego (b. 1919) narrates how her village in the outskirts of Milan went through the war almost unscathed, in spite of being close to an ammunition dump and other potential targets. Remembers a mysterious badly dressed man who lived in a nearby…

Rosetta Gobetti (b. 1930) describes the bombing of a marsh near Isola della Scala, describing it as probably target mis-identification. Recalls a more severe bombing which destroyed many houses and killed twenty-eight people. Gives a short…

Luigia Colussi (b. 1925) gives a short account of her wartime life and describes how she persuaded German troops to release her father. Stresses the contrast between the attitude of adults (who prayed and were generally worried by the situation) and…

Carlo Bertolo (b. 1939) remembers a bombing of Turin when incendiaries were dropped. Recalls how one of them hit his house, but it was stopped by a trunk full of clothes before it could reach the shelter.

Anna Maria Baccolini (b. 1933) recalls the first bombing of Turin, aimed at the Lingotto industrial area. Describes the impressive sight of the city burning and highlights the effects of nearby hits. Remembers the tender gesture of her father who…

Mirco Marelli describes a bombing raid on the factory where he used to work in 1941: when the alarm sounded, bombs started falling but he was too far from any of the shelters so he took cover under a staircase with a friend. He highlights how…

After leaving school, Carla Fantini started working as telegraph operator, which she found a gratifying and thoroughly enjoyable occupation. She describes the bombing war in Milan, stressing widespread destruction and ravaging fires. Reminisces…

Tito Samorè recalls wartime memories in Milan, when he was a member of the Balilla youth organisation. He remembers the outbreak of war and its announcement on the radio. Tito describes the first bombing of Milan in 1940, stressing how easy it was…

An article describing daylight and night time operations on Duisburg. There is a photograph of a Lancaster dropping a 4000 pound bomb and incendiaries and a photograph of an aircrew. The crew is Flying Officer J Whitwood, pilot and Ken Thomas…
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