Browse Items (24 total)

  • Tags: RAF Defford

Covers joining the RAF, training as an engineer and first posting to RAF Christchurch which undertook radar research. Writes of life and flying as observer in Fairey Battle on radar measurement flights. The unit then moved to RAF Defford. Goes on to…

Neil Ramsey's account of his time at the Telecommunications Flying Unit, Defford, Worcester. The unit was divided into a defensive and an offensive section and because of his experience he was posted to the bomber section.
Various aircraft were…

An RAF crest for the Telecommunication Flying Unit.

A newspaper cutting with a photograph of a rugby match. Captioned 'EL Horsfall (RAF) getting rid of the ball when tackled in the match with the Navy at Twickenham'.

An article written by Neil Ramsey referring to a cartoon drawn by 'Budd'. He details the social life and personalities on the base including Ronnie Smith who flew a Lancaster under a Severn railway bridge. Reference is made of an Oboe reunion in…

A slip enclosed with medals awarded to Alan - Aircrew Europe Star and Defence medal.

He enjoyed Christmas but there has been a lot of snow.

Frank was an aircraft spotter for the Local Defence Volunteers and volunteered to join the Royal Air Force as a pilot. He went to Calgary in Canada on the Empire Air Training Scheme, where he few Tiger Moths at the Elementary Training School. He…

Flying log book for D Moore, navigator, covering the period from 28 June 1951 to 4 June 1959. Detailing his instructor duties and navigator duties with Flying Training Command, telecommunications flying Unit and Radar Reconnaissance Flying Unit. He…

A group of 21 uniformed men all wearing side caps. They are arranged in three rows, of nine, eight and four in front of an Anson. A Lincoln is behind with hangars in the background. The group is arranged around a sign reading 'D.$. Flight. Defford'.…

Alan Holman’s Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 14th October 1941 until 29th April 1947. Posted to No. 6 Air Observer and Navigation School trained as navigator, wireless operator and air gunner. Further postings to 54…

FAF Form 2520C issued to Alan with brief details of his service history.

A group of airmen outside their hut.
On the reverse ' 'A' Flight dispersal hut. RAF Defford Worcs.
L to R 'Joc' Conway, 'Silk' Turner, 'Wilbur' Wright, Taffy Davies, John Harvey, Ken Letford, 'Robbie' Robertson, F.Sgt Smith, Alan Rowe digging…

Seven photographs from an album.
#1 is four airmen at the ruined Konigstein castle.
#2 is a view from the castle over the town.
#3 is a Horsh car with an airman standing on the door step.
#4 is an oxen cart with the driver asleep.
#5 and 7 are…

Six airmen standing at a bar. On the reverse 'Bar before one of 'A' Flight dances at Defford. Five airmen & F/Lt Hopkins 2nd from left'.

Temporary orders and notices. It includes a New Year's message to all ranks, awards to airmen, award of explosive course, flight engineer leader's school, flying instructor courses, sport, Auster, Halifax and Lancaster notes and other equipment.

Eight aircrew officers by A Flight hut. Most are outside, one is leaning out of the window.
On the reverse -
'L to R
F/Lt "Joe" Collyer
F/O Wally Gibson
S/L John Beale
F/L 'Silk' Turner
W/O Jonny Harvey
S/L Ken Letford
F/L 'Wilbur'…

Seven airmen and five women arranged in two rows. On the reverse ' "A" Flight dance on 1st Feb 1946.' and also -
'L to R 'Si' Turner, Gibson, Stephenson 'Diane' Jobling
GC MacDonald 'CBE' John Harvey'.
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