Browse Items (2016 total)

  • Tags: navigator

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the POW memorial, Recco report -stories of ex-POWs, the Larry Slattery memorial fund, the Second World War experience centre, an article by Vitel Formanek about his visit to the UK, …

News-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the large Canadian reunion of 1985 at Calgary, the Annual Dinner at Lords, Recco report of ex-POW activities, requests for help, Alan Bryett's lectures, the Association's AGM and annual…

News-Sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the memorial to the POWs at RAF Hendon, Recco Report of ex-POWs and their activities, Obituaries for Maurice Butt and others, Book reviews, A time for Reconciliation, the Great Escape 60th…

Seven airmen in flying gear standing at the rear of a Lancaster. On the reverse are signatures of the seven airmen.

Seven airmen standing at the rear of their Lancaster. They are wearing their flying gear. On the reverse -
'W Hough M.U.G.
R Bridge R/G
P. Rahill F/E
S Highfield WOP
B Vineberg B.A.
J.F. Ness Pilot
all the best
M.A. Catty Nav'

Records that Jack Meek a Canadian navigator was going back on operations after having been wounded on an operation to Berlin the previous January. Describes his crew and relates the story of the January operation where they were attacked by fighters…

Ordnance Survey air chart of the Forth and Tay, scale 1/4 inch to one mile, sheet 3.

A biography of Arthur Pritchard written by his daughter. It covers his training, operations and the night he was shot down. Despite speaking no French he was assisted to a hideout in Paris where he remained until Paris was liberated in August 1944.

Ordnance Survey air chart of the Eastern Highlands of Scotland, scale 1/4 inch to one mile.

Seven aircrew in uniform in front of Lancaster rear turret. Page captioned 'Crew of Y for Yoke'. Handwritten note gives nationality, crew position and given names.

The crew of the Lancaster are named with their date of birth and next of kin. The aircraft was missing on the night of 3/4 May 1944.

A section with a header page, seven photographs and two letters.
The first page is the header which states 'The Crew'.
Photo 1 is a head and shoulders portrait of Hugh Jones, captioned 'Hugh Brenton Jones - Air Gunner'.
Photo 2 is a head and…

Kenneth Pope's crew with three members of their ground crew. The given names of the air crew are hand written above the photograph: 'Ken Darcy Jack Bill Jim Bill Vic'. Lancaster PO-Y in the background. A ground crew member walks along the port wing,…

Kenneth Pope's crew in uniform standing in front of Lancaster PO-Y. Captioned 'The Crew', and 'Darcy, Ken, Tom, Vic, Bill, Bill, Jack'.

Three-quarter-length portrait of seven RAF aircrew in uniform with with aircrew brevet. Each individual identified “JR ‘Buck’ Bennett, mid upper gunner-NSW, WA ‘Bill’ Stanley, Wireless operator-Victoria, HR ‘Shorty’ Connochie, rear…

Squadron Leader Bill Williams's crew with 106 Squadron May 1944 to 3 September 1944 and with 9 Squadron September 1944 to March 1945.
'Vic' Prettejohns replaced original Flight engineer. Underneath is annotated the crew's names and positions.…

A section of six pages referring to the crash of the Halifax.
Page 1 simply states 'The Crash'.
Page 2 is a report of the crash in French and an eye witness report in English by Jean Bodart.
Page 3 is a copy of a photograph which appears on page…
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