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  • Tags: flight engineer

Gives qualifications as aeronautical engineer. Education and employment history including service in the RAF from 1943 to 1947. Management experience and family background.

Letter written to Mr B Luke at Air Service Training from Norman Powell's wartime skipper. Gives Powell's wartime service background and states he was one of the best flight engineers on the squadron. Recommends Powell for aircraft engineering…

N I Powell’s Flight Engineer’s Flying Log Book covering the period from 9 August 1944 to 25 April 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as flight engineer. He was stationed at RAF St Athan (4 School of Technical Training, RAF…

Covers all aircraft systems with diagrams. Includes aircraft layout, fire extinguishers, fuel system, flight controls, hydraulics, bomb door operations, flaps, undercarriage including emergency lowering, brakes, oxygen system, booster pumps, fuel…

Document for passengers in B-24 aircraft. Passenger on their way home. Lists crew members including i/c passengers. Provides information and rules for passengers.

Seven airmen wearing battledress with brevet, three sitting on a bench and four standing behind. Pilot is sitting centre. Three of the airmen standing have significant medal ribbons displayed, particularly the AG second from right. In the background…

First is of a crew, posed in two rows on grass in front of a wall. Given names and crew position recorded.
Second and third are the crew posed in front of Halifax 'Jane' on dispersal, servicing equipment in the background.
Fourth is of a Halifax…

Seven airmen standing in front of a Stirling. On the reverse their names and trades.

Seven airmen wearing tunics with brevet standing in line. On the reverse 'The crew, left to right, Rowley (mid upper), Roy (W/Op), Bill (navigator), Wally (skipper), only me (B/A), Jack (engineer), Dave (rear gunner - Canada), taken at Riccal Yorks…

He has moved to RAF Winthorpe. He is hoping to finish the course early and get some days leave. He has found beer in Lincoln. His PS expresses love for Jean.

Three photographs of Jack.
#1 is two men in a sandbag bunker with a gun. It is captioned 'CAH Darby Ground Defence at ?Tiitchfield'
#2 is seven airmen standing in front of their Lancaster. It is captioned 'F/O Darby Bomb Aimer P/O Jack Hart Pilot …

A biography of Reg by his son. He started the war as a 17 year old ambulance driver in Coventry. Later, in the RAF, his Halifax was shot down and he spent the rest of his war as a prisoner of war. He was married for 64 years. His father was an…

Batchelder was the pilot of this operation. They bombed inside flares but the navigator insisted it was not Mannheim. Damage to one engine from flak, later they were attacked by a Me 110. They successfully landed at RAF Horsham St Faith, Norwich.

An operation to Essen with HE Batchelder pilot. Main force bombed Bonn but three aircraft from 102 Squadron were diverted to Essen to bomb using Gee. The aircraft was damaged and everyone baled out successfully. All were taken prisoner.

The story of John Martin's last operation, how he was shot down, escaped the aircraft and was captured. He was interrogated at Dulag Luft in Frankfurt then transferred to various Stalg Luft camps. His story covers in his life until he was repatriated…

Observer's and air gunners flying log book for Warrant Officer HVT Ward, flight engineer, from 15 September 1942 to 9 September 1945. Detailing his training schedule, operations flown and instructional duties.He was stationed at: RAF St. Athan, RAF…

Contains dates of Ward's service in the RAFVR, his transfer to and date of release from the Reserve. Also gives his rank and trade and assessmentsof his character and proficiency and his date of birth.
There is also a handwritten note that he…

Full length photograph of a bride and groom. The bride is wearing a wedding gown with headdress and holding a bouquet. She is holding the arm of the groom who is in RAF uniform with a sergeant's stripes and a flight engineer's brevet. He is without…

A brief biography of Sergeant Charlie Warner (1801861 Royal Air Force)

Charlie, in uniform, standing in a garden with a dog. It is captioned July 1943.
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