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  • Tags: military living conditions

Clarence Keith Bruhn's parents were of German descent. He grew up in Australia and joined the Royal Australian Air Force. After training, he flew operations as a navigator with 463 Squadron. On one operation his aircraft was hit by friendly fire from…

Philip Blackham became an apprentice engineer at diesel engine company, Mirrlees, Bickerton & Day, where he became a sales manager post war. He served in the Home Guard where he became a driver. In the summer of 1940, he enrolled for engineering with…

Joyce Bell grew up in Hertfordshire and joined the Women's Auxiliary Air Force in 1940. She served as a clerk in 1 Group Bomber Command where she met her husband and she travelled with him to Canada where he was posted.

Herbert Adams grew up in New South Wales, Australia and joined the Air Training Corps as soon as it was established. He later joined the Royal Australian Air Force and, after training, he completed a tour of operations as a navigator with 467…

Three quarters length portrait of four airmen standing in front of two Nissen huts.

Two airmen, one in uniform and one topless standing by a Nissen hut. On the reverse 'Lou Morgan & John Round in Nissen hut'. On the reverse of another copy of the same photograph
'Jack and Lou
[underlined] NOTE [underlined] this was not taken…

Harold Beech could see the activity of several airfields and witnessed stricken aircraft flying back to stations near his home. He also witnessed a crash and describes how he hid in a Lancaster, with the help of the engineer who was billeted with his…

Harry shares several memories of his time as a flight engineer in the Royal Air Force. He describes their initial accommodation in luxury London flats, and dinghy training at the local swimming pool. He recounts how, in June 1944, their aircraft was…

David Sanders flew operations as a flight engineer with 189 and 619 Squadrons. He joined the Royal Air Force as a flight engineer and tells of an operation when they arrived too early over the target; being followed by a night fighter; and having a…

Philip Batty grew up in Walsall. He discusses the death of his older brother Dennis, a wireless operator with 226 Squadron, early in the Second World War. Philip volunteered for aircrew. After training, he was posted to 50 Squadron at RAF Sturgate as…

Letter to brother Henry, Lil and Barbara from 75 Air School in South Africa from Arthur Wright. He describes sailing to Durban. He is impressed with the food, the city and the people. Then a 23 hour train journey to the camp. He discusses his social…

Two men sunbathing whilst an airman is hiding with his head under a tent made from a chair and a towel. They are seated outside a wooden building. On the reverse 'Humewood Port Elizabeth August 1942'.

Photograph 1 is the married quarters.
Photograph 2 is three women and Peter in the garden.
Photograph 3 is a man pushing a bike up a path.
Photograph 4 is the married quarters.
Photograph 5 is a man on a path.
Photograph 6 is a woman in the…

Photograph 1 is of the outside of married quarters. Captioned 'No 96 The Crescent, Seletar. Married quarters 1946'.
Photographs 2,3 and 4 are of the inside of a room with table and rattan furniture. Captioned 'Rattan furniture purchased in…

Photo 1 is of an airman sitting on a bed. Captioned 'F/Sgt Bishop 'Bunkmate''.
Photograph 2 is of two men lying on their beds.
Photograph 3 is of an airman sitting on his bed.
Photographs 4 and 5 are of views in the quarters.
Captioned ' No. 2…

The inside of the SNCO's mess. In the foreground are easy chairs, against the walls tables and chairs and in the background is the horseshoe bar.. It is inside a Nissen hut.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the…

The inside of the Senior NCO's mess, a horseshoe shaped bar with glasses and decanters of water. It is in a nissen hut. Captioned '1944 S.N.C.O's Mess (Nissen Hut) Feltwell'.

Gladys Gildersleve was working for a laboratory when she decided to join the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force. She began her training at RAF Bridgenorth and at RAF Morecambe. Her first posting was to barrage balloons at Swansea Docks. She eventually…

Peter Bellingham worked as a post office engineer before volunteering for the Royal Air Force. He trained in Rhodesia and South Africa and completed a tour of operations as a bomb aimer, dropping supplies with 138 Squadron from RAF Tempsford. He…

A poem sent to Betty Turner's friend Billy to celebrate their 80th. Betty describes the wartime hardships she endured, hint at the bereavement after the loss of the men she loved, stresses the sense of duty toward her country, friendship and…

John Baggs is sitting on a bench type bed, in a brick built room, smoking a cigarette in front of a wood burning stove. He is wearing gumboots. Posters, including a pin-up, are on the walls.

Additional information about this item has been kindly…

Letter from George Wilson to his wife telling her he has arrived at RAF Elsham Wolds with other people who were late. Discuss details of their recent marriage, asks for certain items of clothing to be sent to him and states he has his wife’s…
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