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  • Tags: RAF Bardney

Starts by encouraging her not to worry. Complains about the weather. Mentions he went to camp cinema and that their errant colleague had returned at last but having missed an operation was likely for court martial.

Writes that he has been unable to write or phone as has been due to fly but it had been scrubbed. Says that he went on operation to Poitiers where they lost two engines and his turret was damaged. Writes they are off on tenth operation that night.

Writes he is sorry he cannot see her tonight as he is very tired. Mentions the trip last night was fairly quiet but they had been engaged by friendly anti-aircraft artillery on return. Says today is stand down.

Writes with frustration over on/off operations and that on a very long operation the night before last was a murder trip when they lost 22 pals. Writes that he is not getting tired of her and he will see her a soon as he can.

Starts by complaining about weather. Writes about possible places to stay during trip with her and states the one he would prefer and plans for his upcoming leave, including talking to her mother. Mentions that he is going to the adjutant to fill in…

Thanks her for her letters. Today's operations were eventually scrubbed. States they are reserve crew tonight. Catches up on family news.

Writes of frustrating day with flying on and off. Mentions going to the pictures and writing letters concerning upcoming trip to the Lakes.

Writes that he got back from Lincoln OK but was disappointed not to see her. Mentions they are standby crew but operations were scrubbed.

Starts by mentioning he has many letters to write. Has had reply from Ambleside that no rooms available. Hoping for other replies soon. Commiserates over accident. No other news.

Thanks for letter and comb. No operations last night . No replies on accommodation for trip up north. Continues with love talk.

Copy of a day by day diary kept by Malcolm Staves from 26th April 1943 to 6th January 1945. Covers training, lectures, gardening and cleaning tasks. Also covers his social life and home leave.

A brief memoir of Frank and Freddie Horry written by Freddie's wife.
There is a short memoir about Frank and a longer memoir about Freddie.
There are three stories about different operations.

Kenneth Alfred Johnson joined the Royal Air Force at the age of 19, after being in a reserved occupation making barrage balloon cables. He trained as an air gunner, serving as a mid-upper gunner.
He had a spell at the Operational Training Unit,…

Wing Commander Kenneth Cook was born in Randwick, Gloucestershire. Whist at Marlings Grammar School, he joined the Air Training Corps. On the outbreak of war, he joined the Royal Air Force and went to America under the Arnold Scheme for pilot…

Margaret Horry was born in Spalding. She remembers aircraft taking off going on operations, and retells wartime stories of her relatives. Arthur served in Bomber Command as a bomb aimer. Frank was also in Bomber Command. He joined the Royal Air Force…

Hilary’s uncle, William Frederick Burkitt (known as John), was born in North London. He joined up in October 1943 and after training as a flight engineer, was sent to RAF Bardney. During their first operation they were badly hit and the rear…

Sydney Grimes grew up near Southend and joined the RAF as a wireless operator in 1940. He flew a total of 41 operations - 24 with 106 Squadron and 17 with 617 Squadron. He then served on 9 Squadron at RAF Bardney for 2 months and, subsequently, with…

A battle order prepared for the squadron listing aircraft, code, crew, and operations,

Lists 11 crews and aircraft with standby for special duty on 6 May 1945.

Three photographs arranged in an album.

On the left page is a formal photograph of of 47 trainee airmen and one officer, arranged in 4 rows.
The righthand page is entitled '3rd DEC 1943 "9" SQUADRON 22ND MAY 1944'. It holds two…

Photograph 1 is the nose of a Lancaster. Two airmen are on a platform working on the port engine. it is captioned 'The Aircraft by Night (WS-R) EE136 The boys get "R" Roger ready for a trip'.
Photograph 2 is partly obscured. A group of airmen…

Joined Royal Air Force in 1936 as a Halton apprentice armourer. Promoted to flight sergeant at the beginning of the war he began a long association with 57 Squadron then flying Blenheims as part of British Expeditionary Force in France followed by…

23 photographs from an album.
#1 is 617 squadron memorial at RAF Woodhall Spa.
#2 is 44 squadron memorial at RAF Waddington.
#3 and 4 is a plaque at 'The Wild Life' pub at Skellingthorpe.
#5 is a memorial at East Kirkby.
#6 is a close up of the…
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