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  • Tags: wireless operator / air gunner

Two rows of pilots in front sitting and two rows of wireless operator / air gunners standing behind. All wearing tunic with peaked or side caps. In the background a building with windows in the roof and two telegraph poles. Stephen Dawson is second…

A newspaper cutting announcing the death of Stanley Norton. There is a brief description of his life before and during the war. There are details of his funeral at Lincoln and floral tributes.

A three quarter length portrait of Donald Cochrane in flying gear complete with Mae West and parachute.

The completed service record of Donald Cochrane 1395422.

Flight Lieutenant Mercer and crew and ground personnel in front of their Lancaster. On the reverse:
'March 1944 X for Xray
Dunholme Lodge
Bomber Command
Left to right
Isot Pratt. (mid upper) F/lt Mercer D.F.C. (pilot) Sgt Fallan (fit.…

Information for candidates including age limits, nationality, education, classes ineligible, residence in UK, serving in other branches, selection and medical, period of engagement, rank, liabilities, service with foreign power, discharge, training,…

Kenneth Angus lived in Hull, and was 12 when war was declared. He discusses life on a farm after being evacuated, the bombing of Hull and his brother Harry Angus, who was killed flying as a wireless operator / air gunner with 44 Squadron from RAF…

Don Crossley was born in South Emsall in 1924. He tells of his time before the war working at Upton Colliery before joining the Royal Air Force. He volunteered and trained, initially, as a wireless operator/air gunner. He tells of his experience at…

Roy Hill joined the RAF wanting to be a pilot but became a wireless operator air gunner. On his eighteenth operation, in a Lancaster flying over the Ruhr he was shot down by a German night fighter. He was captured and incarcerated in Stalag Luft 1…

George was born in Mansfield and was bought up by his Grandparents until he was seven when he moved back to his parents in Leicester where his Father ran a coffee shop. He was a semi-professional musician playing violin, trumpet and mandolin. He…

Bob Hughes joined the RAF as war became likely to avoid repeating his father's First World War experience in the trenches and transferred to the RAF Volunteer Reserve when war was declared. He trained on Ansons and then flew in twin-engine Blenheims…

Reg Payne was born in Kettering, he left school at fourteen and worked for the British Legion. He volunteered for the RAF when he was seventeen and a half and trained as a wireless operator and air gunner. He describes his training learning Morse…

Bill was a wireless operator/air gunner. He joined the Home Guard in 1941 and registered for conscription to the Royal Air Force (RAF) in 1943. He reported to Lord’s Cricket Ground and went to an Initial Training Wing at RAF Bridgnorth. Bill then…

A head and shoulders portrait of Hugh Woodfield wearing a Sidcot suit. On the reverse
'Hugh Woodfield
Dads nephew
Died 2nd W War . Aged 17.'

John Watkins was working in retail in Rotherham and in 1939 he joined 218 Squadron ATC. He joined the RAF in February 1942 at RAF Cardington, and did his initial training at Blackpool. In December 1942 he did his wireless training at RAF Yatesbury.…

1 - Keith Dexter's grave with peaked cap. 2 - two images of Kieth Dexters grave with other headstones alongside. 3- View over cemetery with line of war graves in front and other graves surrounded by hedges and trees in the background. 4 - two images,…

Gordon Atkinson lived in Flixborough, Lincolnshire. As a young boy he recalls seeing aircraft gathering over the River Humber in the evenings, ready to fly out on bombing operations. In the morning he watched them come back, some with bits dropping…

The interview is about Irene’s husband Dennis Bradbury, who died in 2017. In the March 1943 he enlisted in the Royal Air Force volunteer reserve, and became a wireless operator / air gunner, training on Proctors. After crewing up he ended up with…

A brief memoir of Geoffrey Whittle's wartime service. His training started in March 1942 in Scotland. One year later he converted to Wellingtons, then Lancasters at RAF Lindholme. He was then posted to RAF Ludford Magna. On his 15th operation over…

A detailed account of Reg Payne's service in the RAF. He starts with a list of 18 RAF bases where he served in his 5 years of service. He was 16 when war was declared but volunteered for the RAF at 17. After tests he was selected for training as a…

Henry grew up in Bradford and left school just before the outbreak of war. He had various jobs like working in the mill, a greengrocer’s shop, the dye works and then garment cutting for the army. At 17 and a half was called up in London where he…

A group of 12 airmen, all in fatigues except one man wearing a shirt and tie. On their left is an air raid shelter. Reg Payne is third from the right, back row.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

A group of six airmen arranged in two rows. Reg Payne is top left.
On the reverse
'W/Op training RAF Yatesbury
Reg Payne
Keith Kenway
Robbie Robertson
Ron Boydon
George Plank
Eric "Tubby" Melhuish'.
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