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Hand written details of nine operations to Germany, titled 'Re:- Campaign Medals'. Notes on some other operations are also given. There is a file reference in the upper left corner and a private address in the upper right.

List of 33 operations between 7 December 1941 and 16 November 1942. For each operation states target, crew, and some detailed comments.

List of operations between 11 February 1945 and VE day while Hugh Parry was serving with 75 New Zealand Squadron at RAF Mepal, Cambridgeshire. Operations are listed in chronological order with aircraft identification and losses.

List of thirty-three operations with record of aircraft, take off and landing times and pilot.

Notes arrived at POW Camp Luckenvalde IIIA February 8th. Escaped form there in May. Lists some of his operations and result of combat against enemy aircraft and damage by anti-aircraft fire. Includes forced landing at Pershore and eventually shot…

List captains and take off and landing times from 23 July 1943 to 3 December 1942.


Showing the last operational sorties of the war in Europe by the main force. His pilots on operations were Flight Lieutenant Briant and Flight Lieutenant Sommers.

Announcement of award of Victoria cross to Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer DFC (115772) RAFVR (missing). Gives some of his operational history and describes actions leading to award.

Reports of the bombing of London, raids to the Black Forest and the sinking of two German supply ships, a cartoon strip and advertisements for local businesses.

Reports of air raids on London and Berlin, the exchange of British internees with German airmen, film reviews, preparations in America, a royal visit, the study of Islandic, reader letters and advertisements accompanied by photographs.

Geoffrey Robinson's recollection of an operation to bomb Bonn in December 1944.

Starts with a poem and then a series of stories which together form the memoirs of Harold Yeoman, an officer who served in Bomber Command during the war, initially as a pilot on Wellingtons and then as an Intelligence Officer. He relates his…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing of a dockyard. An aircraft is visible as a silhouette below. The dock is identified in the inventory as Lorient.

Certificate with handwritten note 'we score a hit at Lorient'. Picture of Lancaster in the middle, captioned 'Lorient 16/17 February 1943' followed by list of crew. 'F/Sgt Morris, Sgt McKenna, Sgt Kilby, Sgt Pearce, Sgt Somerville, P/O Dudley, Sgt…

The loss of Lancaster Mk 3 of 49 Squadron over Pilsen the 17th April 1943

Lotte G's account of the events at Friedrichstraße 20, Weinberg bunker.

Three items, Edward's description of the operation against the marshalling yards, he describes the events, flak and conditions over the target. Edwards navigation plot, a newspaper clipping describes the allied air activity including against Louvain.

Photograph 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of a transformer and switching station at Orleans. Most of it is obscured by bomb explosions and smoke. A wide road runs diagonally across the image. Captioned 'R1.342F 3 OCT 43//…

Propaganda leaflet aimed at the German population. The leaflet compares the Luftwaffe attack on Coventry in 1940 with the RAF attack on Lubeck in 1942. It contrasts the growing destructive capacity of the RAF over that period with the relative…

Ludwig B's account of the events at Wolfhager Straße 176 (rescue centre), Hohentor-straße 19.

Ludwig Heinemann and Karl M's account of the events at Frankfurter Straße 26/28 (City Tax Offices, public air raid shelter), Hartwigstraße, Wolfsschlucht 22.

A vertical target photograph of Ludwigshafen, orientated with the south west at the top. In the lower left corner is a bend in the River Rhine and the entrance to Kaiserworthhafen docks. Just visible at the bottom edge is the end of Luitpoldhafen…

An oblique aerial photograph of Ludwigshafen. The foreground appears residential but in the middle distance are large factories. Damage has been inflicted on the buildings.

Identification kindly provided by Andrew Gordon and Stéphane Van de Putte…
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