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  • Tags: RAF Little Staughton

Sidney Knott was from Leigh on Sea and recalls the day, with invasion apparently imminent, that signs were put up on the local shops advising people that they had to be ready to move within an hour and taking only one suitcase with them. Sidney’s…

Bomb Aimers flying log book for J Leadbetter covering the period from 25 October 1943 to 14 May 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. Also details of targets and bomb loads. He was stationed at RCAF Picton (31 B&GS), RCAF Portage…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Julich. The top right quarter is obscured by smoke and explosions. In the bottom right is a Halifax. The image is captioned ' 2792 L.SGN 16-11-44 // 8" 15000' 1536.36 Julich R .1 HC4000 IN…

From Adjutant of No. 582 Squadron to Mrs Joan Wareing, He writes that he wanted to send a few lines of appreciation for Robert and his work and says that he also knew Robert’s brother Stanley. He says that they were both charming and had a keen…

Advises her that her husband’s Austin car has been authorised to be released by the Air Ministry. However, the car is not on the station and therefore Mrs Wareing needs to collect it from a garage in Market Harborough.

Acknowledges her letter and returning her husband’s car Registration Book. He regrets that they can’t issue petrol coupons and the car is not at the Station but suggests she write to her local Petroleum Board and make an application through them.

Writes thanking her for her letter and informing her that she is still entitled to a travelling pass.

He writes that he has managed to take his car in to get fixed, and that he is looking forward to his leave with her. He says that she seems to put in a lot of time at her work and that she must be appreciated as she has just received a pay rise.…

Enquires on behalf of the Standing Committee of Adjustment as to how she wishes to dispose of her husband’s Austin motorcar.

He thanks her for her telegram and letters and is delighted at the good news and sends her good wishes and a speedy reunion. He mentions two of her husband’s crew and the unofficial reports that they are back in England.

Writes thanking her for her letter and also the letter from Flying Officer Walkden about her husband. He also advises that he has been officially informed that two of her husband’s crew have arrived safely back in England but that there is no news…

From officer commanding 582 Squadron, informing her that her husband has failed to return from an operation over enemy territory on the night of 7/8 August 1944. Mentions that he was captain of experienced crew and comments on character. No further…

The letter advises than John has failed to return from an operation over enemy territory.

The letter is described as coming from Ken's archives held by Reg Saville, a historian at Langton Matravers.
In the letter Tom writes about losing their pilot due to illness. They have moved from Upwood to a more basic station where they live in…

He writes thanking her for her letter and regretting that there is no further news of her husband and is unable to provide any information on the target of his operations. He hopes that good news will come soon.

He writes that he was delighted to receive the good news regarding her husband and that the Group Captain also sends his good wishes. He regrets that he is unable to provide her with her husband’s log book as that is the property of the Air…

Writes thanking her for her letter and enclosing a copy of a letter which he had written to the Air Ministry.

Letter of condolence to Joan Wareing from the Padre of the RAF station at Little Staughton. Also mentions he has acted as effects officer and her husbands effects have been sent to the central depository.

Chapter 8 - Overture and Beginners. Gives account of time on OTU at RAF Lossiemouth. Includes ground instruction, crewing up and description of station and training on Wellington. Writes about a fatal crash he sees and about some of his sorties.…

He writes that he has received a complaint from Mrs Joan Wareing regarding her request for documents pertaining to her husband’s car and the subsequent delay. He asked that the Air Ministry expedite the matter.
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