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  • Tags: flight engineer; 617 Squadron

Flight Lieutenant Knights and crew. Ernie Twells is third from right, standing in front of a Lancaster. Flight Lieutenant Knights is third from the left.

The two starboard engines of a Lancaster viewed from inside the aircraft. In the background…

A group of six airmen, Ernie Twells is third from right, standing in front of a Lancaster. Flight Lieutenant Knights is third from the left. All have their hands behind their backs except one man who has his right hand in his pocket.

Ernie Twells is climbing on the starboard outer engine of Lancaster PB414. The view is from the inside the aircraft. On the reverse is 'PB414 Yagodnik'.

Ernie Twells and five airmen colleagues before he became aircrew. Captioned 'Ernie Twells 2nd from right'. On the reverse the names and addresses of four of the other men.

Bob Knights and seven crew wearing flying gear standing in front of…

Five Group Newsletter, number 26, September 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about operations, gardening, war effort, tactics, signals, air bombing, navigation, radar navigation, engineering, air sea rescue,…

Five Group Newsletter, number 27, October 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about operations, gardening, signals, tactics, air bombing, navigation, this month's bouquets, radar navigation, training, second thoughts…

Damaged photograph of four aircrew wearing battledress with brevet standing in front to a brick wall. Dustbin visible lower left. Submitted with description 'Copy of a damaged, undated, original photograph showing four members of F/Sgt L J Burpee's…

Made out for Flight Lieutenant Wakefield for refuelling, daily inspection (airframe and engines). Stamped 617 Squadron.

Six airmen standing behind a Lancaster. Captioned '1944, Left to right, all shorties well nearly all, Sid Grimes (Wireless Op), yours truly, Charlie Randon (Bomb dropper of), Jack Penswick (Gunner), Eddy Barnett (Engineer), Barney Gumbley…

Six airmen wearing flying clothes or battledress standing in line behind a Lancaster. Captioned at top 'Crew from left to right, Sid Grimes wireless operator, Ken Gill navigator, Charlie Randon bomb aimer, Jack Penswick gunner, Eddy Barnett engineer,…

List crew and weapon (Tallboy) and target location. Notes 'shot down by enemy ground defences approx. 1000 today (This a/c was hit by H/7 in the T/A and seen to go down in flames and exploded as it hit the ground near Syke)'.

Description of three (one aborted due to weather) operations against Tirpitz, photograph of crew on return from sinking Tirpitz, poor photocopy of target photograph of attach on Tirpitz. Account of operation on E & R boat pens at Ijmuiden along with…

617 Squadron flying programme, 11 December 1944. It lists personnel and their assigned aircraft.

Six airmen standing at the tail of their Lancaster after the Tirpitz operation.
On the reverse the six have signed their name and handwritten is 'Nov 44 On return from the "Tirpitz" raid'.

A memoir of an operation involving Len Curtis and his crew members. During the operation his aircraft was shot down and Len was captured. However, he was liberated by American soldiers and returned to London six weeks later.

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