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  • Tags: pilot

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Kleve.

Calculations and observations used for an operation to the Kattegat

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Cap Gris Nez.

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Calais.

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Neuss.

Calculations, observations and a chart used for an operation to Le Havre.

Calculations, observations and a chart used for an operation to Bordeaux

Calculations, observations and chart for an operation to Le Havre.

Calculations, observations and a chart used for an operation to Eindhoven.

Calculations, observations and chart for an operation to Foret de Rocheau.

Calculations, observations and chart used on an operation to Kiel.

Calculations, observations and a chart used for an operation to Chalons-sur-Marne Railway Yards.

Navigation calculation sheets and chart for an operation to a V-1 site at Beauvoir.

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A pilot at the controls of his aircraft.

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47 airmen and naval officers arranged in four rows outside the hotel. They are a mixture of pilots and other airmen from both forces.

The two men are looking out of a curtained window.

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Four men standing on the pavement at the side of the road in front of the 'Voisin' hangar. On the reverse 'F/O Chris Taylor F/O Stan Edwards Ft/Lt "Willy"Williams Ft/Lt Me'.

The three men are sitting at around table with wine and a wine cooler.
On the reverse ' "An Evening in the Taverna" Pallazo Cristalla Cortina Italy'.

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Top left, annotated 'The crashed Lancaster 29 August 1944';
Centre, a group of seven airmen standing under the fuselage of a Lancaster, wearing Mae Wests, annotated from left 'Jack Crawford, Doug Looms, Dave Cook, Tom Dykins, Bert Jackson, Paul…

Top row, from left;
A group of 13 uniformed airmen arranged in two rows outside an open window in a tile fronted building. Seven are standing all with half caps with six seated in front, including two officers. The individuals are annotated, from…

From top left,
A group of 13 uniformed airmen arranged in two rows outside an open window in a tile fronted building. Seven standing all with half caps and six seated in front, including two officers. The individuals are annotated, from the top…
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