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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 6

News-sheet of the Canadian Prisoners of War Relatives Association. This edition covers the danger of rumours, editorial policy on letters, NCOs organise at Stalag IVB, Mrs Ian Campbell's work for POWs, Canadian Red Cross Prisoner of War shipments,…

Writes of his last operation in a Halifax when his aircraft was shot down and exploded killing all the other members of the crew. Describes journey to camp and being in Frankfurt while it is under bombing attack. Continues with description of life as…

Recounts details of operation and being attacked by Me 109s which were driven off and then by a Ju 88 which set them on fire. Bombs jettisoned and he baled out. Continues with account of evading and attempt to reach Switzerland. Describes capture and…

Gives itinerary of journey from being shot down, captured, and various prisoner of war camps (Dulag Luft, Stalag Luft 6, Stalag 357 and 355) and eventual repatriation.

Number 52 (109). Comments on lack of mail from her and his violin practice. Mentions he saw German doctor about his loss of loss of taste sense. Medical equipment is in short supply but doctor sympathetic.

Number 53 110. Writes that final party from Stalag Luft 3 arrived along with some mail and photographs. Welcomes his parents in law home and mentions seeing German medical officer who could not find cause of his trouble over sense of taste and smell.…

Number 55 (112). Writes that only one letter from her in the month has arrived but some parcels have come. Asks her to thank senders as his letter allowance would not allow him to send thanks. Mention weather in new camp is shocking. Still has no…

Number 57-1145. Cheered to have recent letter. Thanked her for the music but says short of strings. Loved her description of Frances’ progress but much of this letter had been censored.

Number 59-116. Writes that life is monotonous but encouraged by news. Getting in practice on violin but lacks strings. Mail is still not regular.

Number 61-118. Mentions no mail and no news. Recent good weather but now unpleasant again. Still practising violin but hampered by lack of music and strings. Discusses future clothing requirements.

Number 62-119. Writes that he has increased his pay allotment and transferred all his available credit to her. Also gives sanction for her to access joint accounts. Reports weather atrocious.

Number 64-121. Reports her letter with photograph arrived. Tells her not to worry about a house but suggest she stays with her parents until his liberation. Details scheme for numbering and dates for sending letters so she will know if any missing.

Number 66-123. Writes that he is still awaiting update on house purchase and about problems with his violin.

Number 68-115. Will continue to write top previous address until new one available. Writes of disappointment over house and problems with violin.

Number 69-125. Reports arrival of letter and thrilled to hear of her efforts. Mentions receiving music and condition of violin. Unsure why she is not getting all his letters.

Number 72-129. Details addresses for mail and parcels. Thanks for recent parcel with music and violin strings. Writes of other items needed. Still awaiting news of house hunting.

Number 74-131. Sympathises over house hunting issues and comments on sporadic mail. Discusses financial matters and send thanks for books parcel. Comments on weather.

Number 75-132. Writes he is managing to practise violin but still having problem with instrument. Sense of taste now back for two months and awaits letters and news of house purchase.

Number 76-133. Writes of his dislike for his prisoner of war camp but that he keeps busy with an increase in his fiddling hours, classes in book keeping, music, history and Dutch. He also mentions the daily routine of clothes washing and housekeeping…

Number 77-134. John tells her of his pension situation and that his father is not sending more tobacco until contact resumed. He also tells Ursula that he gets tired and longs passionately for her.

Number 79-136. Writes that mail is falling off and comments on weather, allotment of hut for theatre and four rooms for classes. No hope of place to practise violin. Looking forward to more photographs of her and daughter. Asks will 1944 see then…

Number 80-137. Complains about lack of mail and parcel that had arrived at previous camp but not yet with him. Comments that has lost sense of taste again and has glued violin back together,

Number 82-139. Writes wishing her a happy birthday and thanking her parents for lending them money for a house.
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