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  • Tags: bombing

Navigational computation and a chart for an operation to the Homberg synthetic oil plant.

A brief description of the op to a synthetic oil plant, reports being attacked by Me 109 and two Ju 88's, his navigation plot, a print of what the H2S return of the target should look like and a page, partly newspaper cuttings and partly a report of…

Details of the award of Distinguished Flying Medal to Sergeant Spencer Lewis Belton

Target photograph of Hopsten airfield. The lower right side is obscured by cloud or explosions. The left side of the image has been damaged. Captioned '5B.5B 66 WKY 16/17.9.44//NT 8" C 15000 [arrow] 120° 23.25 1/2 Hobsten [sic] Airfield J 20x500 27…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Houffalize. No detail is visible on the image due to light and explosions.
It is captioned '4079 Skell 30/31.12.44 // NT (C) 8" 10500' 005° 0503 Houffalize. T. 11ANM 65DT. 4GP 00. 21 secs.…

A brief newspaper report on one night's operations against Germany.


Pilots flying log book one for H O Forth, covering the period from 7 March 1938 to 15 September 1940. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Desford, RAF Shawbury, RAF Manston, RAF Boscombe Down, Auberive France,…

Pilots flying log book three for H O Forth, covering the period from 2 January 1943 to 16 March 1946 and from 3 January 1950 to 20 May 1953. Detailing his flying training, instructor duties, operations flown, and post war flying with 77 Squadron. He…

Pilots flying log book two, for H O Forth, covering the period from 2 September 1940 to 31 December 1942. Detailing his operations flown, flying training and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Linton-on-Ouse, RAF Upavon, RAF Brough and RAF…

Flying log book for navigators, air bombers, air gunners, flight engineers for Hugh Parry, air gunner, covering the period from 27 May 1944 to 16 October 1945. Details his flying training, operations flown and post war flying. He was stationed at RAF…

Observer's and air gunners flying log book for Warrant Officer HVT Ward, flight engineer, from 15 September 1942 to 9 September 1945. Detailing his training schedule, operations flown and instructional duties.He was stationed at: RAF St. Athan, RAF…

City map of Hull showing blue black and red marks. Post-it label reads 'Red circle indicates Ron Harrison's grandmother's house featured in his interview'.


An article describing daylight and night time operations on Duisburg. There is a photograph of a Lancaster dropping a 4000 pound bomb and incendiaries and a photograph of an aircrew. The crew is Flying Officer J Whitwood, pilot and Ken Thomas…

Ian Grant Henderson’s navigator’s log book covering the period from 28 June 1943 to 9 Aug 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as navigator. He was stationed at RCAF Edmonton (2 AOS), RAF Bishops Court (7 OAFU), RAF Peplow (83…

Gives accounts of operations including target, opposition, anti-aircraft fire, success of bombing, day or night, weather conditions. From September 1944 through to April 1945. Last page has list of losses.

Vertical aerial photograph of a bombed harbour area near the the Visserhaven. The majority is damaged buildings.

On the left an aerial vertical photograph of canals and locks. Multiple canal channels go from top left to bottom centre which are at the North Sea end of the Noordzeekanaal at Ijmuiden. There are various lock gates on each canal. There is a possible…

Top - description of ijmiden operations by 617 Squadron 15 and 30 December 1944.
Middle - reconnaissance photograph showing coast and port with harbour wall and basins in built up area.
Bottom left - b/w photograph of boat pens before…

The board game has 78 spaces, numbered from one to 78, and arranged in spiral fashion. Players’ pieces are moved according to throws of one or two dice. Each square contains simple figures and a brief text about anti-aircraft precautions. Players…

On the left two aerial vertical photographs showing night anti-aircraft tracer tracks. Top photograph caption 'P Z/7 75 8/9-3-42 NT f/8 TX'. Bottom photograph caption ' A F 75 NT 30/1.10.41 F/8' Page caption 'Night x Flash 70xM candle power'.


Details effect of bombing war on the Netherlands. While many overflights on the way to Germany some Netherlands targets were hit. This included the Phiips factory in Eindhoven. Includes account of events in Boxtel while the Eindhoven attack in…

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Mentions photographs taken the day after the attack by bomber command on 8/9 February 1944 do not permit detailed assessment. Damage is seen to south west half of the works and more than half the main machine shops have been destroyed. States that…

Writes of training and briefly about operations on 467 Squadron. Continues to describe events after finishing his tour when he was training crews destined for Tiger Force as well as other training tasks. Writes of a training crash of a Lancaster…
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