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Map of east England to Western European mainland (Belgium, Netherlands, Germany. Route in pencil from Lincolns area to West Germany, Aachen. Annotated top left 'Op No 4, 27/5/44'.

Details of aircraft, captain, navigator, date, orders, route and page and half en-route navigation observations. Annotated in red pen. Note at top of first page 'Op No 3, Aachen'.

Map of east England to Western European mainland (Belgium, Netherlands, Germany. Route in pencil from Lincolns area to West Germany, Aachen. Annotated top left 'Op No 3, 24/5/44, Aachen'.

Details of aircraft, captain, navigator, date, orders, route and page and half en-route navigation observations. Annotated in red pen. Note at top of first page 'Op No 2'.

Navigation map showing east England and Western European mainland (Netherlands, Belgium, Germany. Pencilled route from near Lincoln to East Belgium. Annotated '11/5/44, Hasselt'.

Details of aircraft, captain, navigator, date, orders, route and page and half en-route navigation observations. Annotated in red pen with comments including 'Good effort for 1st trip'. Note at top on first page 'Op No 1, Bruz N Rennes'.

Map of southern England and northern France showing pencilled route from just north-east of Lincoln to target near Rennes France. Annotated 'Op No 1, 7-5-44 Bruz, N Rennes'.

Ben May's life and service as a flight engineer on 420 Squadron flying Halifax from January 1945. Relate life before volunteering for aircrew and being called up for the RAF in February 1944. Provides short description of training and joining 420…

Relates how they met and courted and continues with description of work and life in wartime while in Deptford in London. Mentions being bombed out and going to shelters. Continues with their marriage in Sidcup and details of life and family after the…

Notes arrived at POW Camp Luckenvalde IIIA February 8th. Escaped form there in May. Lists some of his operations and result of combat against enemy aircraft and damage by anti-aircraft fire. Includes forced landing at Pershore and eventually shot…

Reminisces about pre-war and early war days as a schoolboy in Lewisham. Recalls events at the beginning of the war. Includes photographs of aircraft and naval ships. Continues with history of events through the war's early years including…

Reg is sitting under the aircraft before the bombs have been loaded. From information kindly supplied by the donor. 'Harrison sitting on the bomb trolley, on a bomb canister. This was a mixed load of bombs consisting of 4000lb Cookie, several 500lb…

Pat Hogan's account of being shot down and baling out when his aircraft was attacked by an intruder while back in United Kingdom. Aircraft was diverted due to intruder and was nearly out of fuel. After order to bale out Hogan had to go back to get…

Gives excuses for poor correspondence. Mentions he has now been on squadron for a month and still likes it. Catches up with her recent news and activities. Sends late birthday greetings. Mentions he has just had leave after completing five trips in a…


Writes that he is on leave and they were having beautiful weather. Relates his journey on leave via Hull and Leeds and tells of his activities. Mentions a day in London and catches up with news of friend who had transferred to Mosquito and had many…

From birth in 1920 until operational pilot in 1944. Covers early life in Battersea and Morden in London, family life, school and first jobs after leaving school at 14 years old. Describes family experiences at beginning of the war volunteering for…

Warning to civilian population of German industrial areas, outlining Churchill’s designation of cities with armaments factories as war zones (10th May 1942). Call to evacuate is said to have been kept from civilians by the German…

Reconnaissance photograph showing concentration of bomb craters in the target area where canal crossed a small river.

Details of fourteen operations between 1 November 1944 and 7 January 1945.


Target photograph of Cologne orientated with North to the bottom left. The railway complex Koln-Neustadt-Nord is in the bottom left corner and the square outline of the lake known as Aachener Weiher is in the bottom right. The River Rhine and…
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