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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 6

States the organisation through which contact was obtained with Sergeant John Valentine that their secretary had visited Stalag Luft 6 and seen British prisoner of war John Valentine who asked him to convey his thanks to Grünfeld for books he sent…

David was a navigator in 428 Squadron in Halifax aircraft. He trained in Canada and the UK. He was the only survivor when he baled out of his aircraft over the Netherlands on 28 September 1943. He found a farmhouse and was met with kindness but…

Offers a translation of a letter from Mr Wernekinck in Sweden. Notes that due to help of Swedish "Help the War Sufferers" his son John has been located in Stalag Luft 6. Relates from a man who spoke to his son who had tried to locate him in Stalag…

Belonging to Sergeant Tom Whitehead, B.P.O.W. 1051, Stalag Luft 6. Contains newspaper cutting with news of Tom Whitehead as prisoner of war. Main dates of events and locations from shoot down to liberation. Includes a poem 'Joe', cartoon, diet sheet,…

News-sheet of the Canadian Prisoners of War Relatives Association. This edition covers the danger of rumours, editorial policy on letters, NCOs organise at Stalag IVB, Mrs Ian Campbell's work for POWs, Canadian Red Cross Prisoner of War shipments,…

A magazine produced in a prisoner of war camp. It describes the need for education in the camp, the lecturers, the subjects taught and examinations taken or about to be taken.

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the POW memorial, Recco report -stories of ex-POWs, the Larry Slattery memorial fund, the Second World War experience centre, an article by Vitel Formanek about his visit to the UK, …

News-Sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the memorial to the POWs at RAF Hendon, Recco Report of ex-POWs and their activities, Obituaries for Maurice Butt and others, Book reviews, A time for Reconciliation, the Great Escape 60th…

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers refurbishing the memorial to "The Fifty" and the construction of a replica hut 104 at Zagan., the 65th anniversary of the Great Escape, the Royal Windsor Tattoo, a POW day at High…

Interview in three parts.

Part 1.
Doug Marsh was the son of a Royal Navy officer and moved around quite a bit as a child between Kent and Lincolnshire. When his father retired from the Navy his parents bought a fish and chip shop in Grimsby but…

Writes that this would be last letter from Hendon and that her possible house purchase had been cancelled due to poor results of survey. Mentions that she will have to leave current house as all furniture is going to her parents new house. Writes of…

She writes about moving out of her parents’ home and of searching for a new home for her and Frances, without much success. She is now in Prior Marston for a few weeks and writes about her activities there in house and garden. Reports arrival of…

Starts with financial matters but that there is no sign of a house yet despite much searching. Describes life and activities and suggests he address letters to her parents in Devon, Concludes with stating she will have no hesitation in buying a house…

She writes about her house hunting expeditions, travelling to Chalfont St Giles and Hatfield Peverel but without success in purchasing a house.

Writes she is leaving to spend 3 or 4 weeks with her parents in Devon. Describes a house she will possibly buy in Chalfont St Giles.

She writes about staying with her parents by the sea in Salcombe and her daily activities. She also writes about the purchase of their new home and of the financial situation around that and of their daughter’s activities.

Complains of lack of mail from him and wished they would come more often. Catches up with family news and describes her and daughter's activities. Updates on progress of house purchase and mentions parents settling in to new home.

She writes about the lack of post from him, their house purchase, finances, going fishing in the bay with friends and of their daughter latest activities.

Writes about purchase of their new house and other financial matters. Concludes with news of daughters progress.

Still waiting for news of new camp and writes about her recent activities. Mentions there has been no progress on house purchase and writes of future plans when she moves in. Concludes with news of daughter's latest activities.

Notes little progress on house purchase and mentions arrangements his firm, Touches, has made for his pension fund. Notes shed has had two letters and is sorry change has not been for the better. Looks forward to moving into their new house and…
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