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Vertical aerial photograph of Mailly-le-Camp. Most of the image is obscured by anti-aircraft fire. Some roads and fields can be seen. Captioned at top right ‘4B 4B’. Captioned along the bottom ‘‘848 WKY 3/4.5.44 // NT 8” 8000’ [arrow]…

Vertical aerial photograph of Friedrichshafen. Most of the image is obscured by smoke, clouds and anti-aircraft fire. Near the centre a regular street pattern is visible. Captioned ‘4B 4B’ and '797 WKY 27/28-4-44 // NT 8” 18000’ [arrow]…

Vertical aerial photograph of Mailly-le-Camp. Nothing on the image is very clear, on the left cloud or smoke. Fields and bomb burst elsewhere. Captioned ‘4B 4B’ and '840 WKY 3/4.5.44 // NT 8” 6000’ [arrow] 195° 0036 Mailly-le-Camp X…

Vertical aerial photograph of Friedrichshafen. All of the image is obscured by smoke, clouds and anti-aircraft fire. Captioned ‘4B 4B’ and '777 WKY 27/28-4-44 // NT 8” 20000’ [arrow] 170° 02.09 Friedrichshaven S 1 x 4000 6 x 30 6 x 4…

Vertical aerial photograph of an urban area at the top and right hand side. Street patterns and parks are clearly visible. At the bottom it is captioned ‘1. R(X5) 12 NT 28/29/4/42 F/8” [arrow] TX’.

Vertical aerial photograph of unnamed location. A Lancaster is silhouetted under the photo aircraft. It has dropped bombs and is now under attack from ant-aircraft fire which can be seen heading towards the aircraft.

Details of nine operations carried out between February and May 1943 from RAF Elvington on 77 Squadron flying Halifax. Targets include Cologne, Berlin and several in the Ruhr.

Wolfgang Jähnichen recollects being a five-year-old boy in Dresden at the time of the 13 February 1945 bombing. Gives a vivid account of the attack and recounts various episodes: the time spent with his mother in the cellar used as air raid shelter,…

The log book covers the operational career of flight engineer David Sanders from 5 July 1944 to 29 May 1945. He joined 619 Squadron at RAF Strubby on 28 September 1944, from where he flew Lancasters on two daylight and three night time operations…

The log book covers the training an operational career of Flight Engineer Syd Marshall from 28 July 1944 to March 1945, with occasional notes added through 2008. He joined 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds on 27 September 1944, from where he flew in…

Aerial photograph of large military camp, showing it before and after bombing. A railway line runs in from the right centre of the photograph and terminates in upper centre, having split into three lines. There is a train in situ on the main line.…

Painting of two Lancasters in flight, in the bottom left of the image is a fire with green target indicators bursting above it. Captioned 'Aulnoye' and signed 'HOH'.

Lancaster with a German Dornier 217 night fighter in the foreground. Another Lancaster caught in searchlights at the top right with other Lancasters and flames in the background. Captioned 'Augsburg 44', and signed by 'HOH'.

Lancaster and a Ju 88 night fighter in flight over a meandering river with tracer fire between them. In the background on the left of the image are a set of searchlights and a large fire in the distance. Captioned 'Return from Stuttgart' and is…

Tito Samorè recalls wartime memories in Milan, when he was a member of the Balilla youth organisation. He remembers the outbreak of war and its announcement on the radio. Tito describes the first bombing of Milan in 1940, stressing how easy it was…

Giuseppe Pirovano describes wartime memories as schoolboy at Affori, a Milan neighbourhood, and daily life in fascist youth organisations, with regimented schooling and political rallies. He talks about children’s games and pastimes, such as…

Carla Baietti recalls her life as a young labourer in Olgiate Comasco. She tells of the hardships her family suffered during the war: fascist indoctrination; food shortage; her uncle's desertion and her brother's death, while serving in Russia. Carla…

Edvige Colombo recalls her life in wartime Milan and describes an occasion when the alarm sounded and she and her family went to the basement, used as a shelter. She recollects moments inside, re-emphasizing how there was nothing to do, just standing…

Memoir of the life of Arthur Spencer. Includes details of childhood and growing up. Continues with his joining the Royal Air Force and his training in the United States as a pilot and then navigator. Followed by training in England and then posting…

Thomas Waller volunteered for the Royal Air Force and hoped to be a driver. However, he undertook training as an armourer and was based initially at the Special Operations Executive 138 Squadron. He was posted to RAF Stradishall, RAF Wyton and RAF…

Oblique aerial photograph of an Gilze Rijen airfield. Runways going from bottom middle to top and left to middle. A large number of bomb explosion visible in the centre of the airfield with one string of bombs offset to the left running bottom to…

Pilots flying log book for Tom Sayer, covering the period from 2 January 1945 to 7 January 1946. Detailing his instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Sleap and RAF Tilstock. Aircraft flow were, Whitley, Wellington and Anson. In the log book are…

Tom Sayer was accepted in to the Royal Air Force as an apprentice and began training as a pilot as soon as he was old enough. He trained in the United States and on his return he was detached to Coastal Command. He completed eight operations…
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