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  • Tags: bombing

A list of the crew of three aircraft with results of a bombing exercise.
On the reverse is a quotation from Madame Bovary.

A colourised head and shoulders image of Bob's wife.
On the reverse 'Nana. German plane shot this photo by Grandad's bunk. Mildenhall.149 Squ 1939. Photo taken at Beales Bournemouth'.
Information supplied with the collection states 'this stood on…

Gives account of daylight operation with mention of bombload and instrument problem on take off and subsequent trip with no air speed indicator. Formatted on another aircraft in order to bomb. Continues with comment on return trip and landing without…

Top - oblique aerial photograph of an airfield with many bomb craters. Two wide grass runways forming a “V” at bottom left, with taxi-track running left to right across centre of photograph. Hardstanding leads off at top right with two or more…

A target map used for an operation at Munich.

Tags: ;

Navigational computation and a chart for an operation to Munchen-Gladbach.

Target photograph showing city with river/canal middle left to top right. Caption '3936, CON 7/8.1.45//NT 8", 18000, 075 20.27.8 32 SECS, F/L WOOLNOUGH R97, MUNICH R'.

Photo is upside down; north is at the bottom. The river top left is the Isar,…

Details of research into air attacks on Munich including contact with Philip Jenkinson whose aircraft was shot down on the operation and German amateur historian. Noted number of aircraft lost, casualties RAF and German, prisoners of war. Both for…

A vertical aerial photograph of Munich, taken during an operation. There is no detail visible but the aiming point is marked, 'A/P'.
The image is captioned '7132 WAD 26/27.11.44//NT 7" 18000 081. 0500 Munich B 18x106x4 inc (c 6/27) 30 sec F/O…

Target photograph of Munich. Obscured by haze, light streaks and balls of light. Captioned '7B', '1952 SKELL.17/18.12.44//NT/(C).8".13100' 043° 2205 MUNICH.T. 1HC4000IN.15X4. 23SEC.S/L.FADDEN.T.61.'. On the reverse ' S/L. FADDEN. MUNICH…

A vertical target photograph of Munich being bombed. Much of the detail is obscured by anti-aircraft fire. Captioned '66 WS. 24/25.4.44 // NT8” 18500 [arrow] 026 0145 Munich.RD. A 6RS. 6JCL 29 SECS F/O KNIGHTS A 617.'

A target photograph of the…

A newspaper article about an attack on Munich. It is annotated 'No 14 2/10/43'.

Reconnaissance photograph showing the Munich Residenz gutted. Captioned between pages 66-67 of 1956 Memoir '[underlined] Munich [/underlined] after 5 Group of Bomber Command raid 24th April 1944 [written vertically down left hand side of page]'. On…

Photo 1 is a street scene of a damaged church and a man with a bicycle. All the buildings are reduced to rubble.
Photo 2 is a locomotive and tender angled into the air after bombing.


Target photograph of Münster. Totally obscured by smoke and dust. Captioned '5°F', '7B', '2979 SKELL.23/24.9.44.//NT(C)8" 14500 [arrow] 2153 MUNSTER RD.F.14X1000.26secs.F/O NISBET.F.50'. 'On the reverse 'F/O NISBET 23/24.9.44 DORTMUND-EMS.'.

A vertical aerial photograph of Munster captioned 'Following photographs taken whilst on a Cook's tour of Bomb damaged Germany'.
The photo is captioned '(T) Ched 23.5.45//7" J 218'.
On the reverse 'Crown Copyright Reserved' and 'Munster'.

A document written as a Summer Project whilst Aidan was at school. She discusses their early years after her grandparents got married in London. During the war the family moved to Wales for safety.
After the war John, possibly her brother, became a…

Reg's account starting when he was shot down on an operation to Berlin. After Berlin he was transferred to Frankfurt for interrogation then by train to his camp. Camp life involved food, the preparation and acquisition of extra food by theft, trading…

Reminisces about pre-war and early war days as a schoolboy in Lewisham. Recalls events at the beginning of the war. Includes photographs of aircraft and naval ships. Continues with history of events through the war's early years including…
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