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  • Tags: Lancaster

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for A E Travell, air gunner, covering the period from 4 September 1942 to 28 May 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Dalcross, RAF…

Seven airmen wearing parachute harnesses and Mae West standing and kneeling in front of a Lancaster. Man on left front row holds a stuffed spotted cat. Submitted with caption 'Photo - Lancaster Crew'.

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Lists of Ceylonese in three batches and miscellaneous arrivals who volunteered for and joined the RAF with some details of their service. Includes b/w photograph of Sergeant Rex De Silva in 1943.

Flight Sergeant Walsh’s Navigator’s Flying Log Book detailing operations flown covering the period 01 September 1944 to 30 March 1945. He was stationed at RAF East Kirkby (57 Squadron) and RAF Fulbeck (189 Squadron). Aircraft flown in was…

Five photographs, all in flight, first is of a B 26 Marauder, second is of a 419 Squadron Wellington Z1572, Q-VR, third is of a 35 Squadron Halifax. Fourth is of a 447th BG B-17G, fifth is of a Lancaster ED58?.

Details of operation to Berlin on 15/16 February 1944. Gives numbers of Bomber Command aircraft involved for 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 Groups. Details other targets - spoof to Frankfurt, Mosquitos to Aachen and mine laying. Weather, Enemy raid reaction -…

Detailed operation order from group to 102, 77, 10, 158, 466, 640, 76, 78, 51 and 578 Squadrons with numbers of aircraft required. Target "Whitebait". Gives detailed instructions, routes, bomb loads, wave orders, fuel loads, window carriage, route…

Mentions day operations by two Mosquitos on 15 February. Gives description of night operation to Berlin with total of 891 aircraft dispatched. Lists types and numbers. Gives outline of weather and account of operation, results of bombing, amount of…

J A Dellow’s Air Bomber’s Flying Log Book covering the period 1 August 1942 to 28 May 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as air bomber. He was stationed at RCAF Picton 31 B&GS), RCAF Mount Hope (33 ANS), RAF…

Comments that he did not have operation as second dicky but went straight on ops. Writes about special duties on Stirling with GH. Mentioned doing Lancaster Finishing School and comments on comparison of Stirling and Lancaster. On the reverse some…

First page annotated 'Unpublished writing by Charles Cuthill, publication rights please, Matt Nicol'. Continues with account of icing, flashes round the aircraft and static on the intercom. Difficult flying conditions and weather. Reference to…

Photograph of black cloth dog mascot and note on reverse '"Vicky" maker of Charlie the dog "MASCOT", WAAF (MT driver) 149 Sqd Methwold for Charles Cuthill, Lancaster I NF927 "D" for Dog.149 Sqd, Vicky made dog mascot for Charles Cuthill, because…

Pilots flying log book for C R Cuthill, covering the period from 11 June 1942 to 30 April 1948. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Perth, US NAS Gross ile, US NAS Pensacola, RCAF Charlotte…

List all aircraft flown and hours. Includes United States navy training aircraft as well as Hastings post war.

A booklet commemorating JHP Dwyer (Jack). It contains school football and cricket photographs, his 19 operations, a telegram on his arrival in Gibraltar, the events when he was badly wounded over Kiel, a telegram advising his parents where he was in…

A Lancaster with the name of its crew underneath. It refers to an operation over Genoa on 22/23 October 1942. JHP Dwyer was in the crew.

Some comments on flying and then a list of operations. Most listed with GH and some with target oil, railway and one steelworks.

Eleven airmen, air and ground crew standing and kneeling in two rows in front of a Lancaster on dispersal. Another Lancaster is in the background..

Front quarter view of a Lancaster standing on dispersal with engines running. 'D' on nose and nose art shows Christian cross over swastika with text 'right is might'. Gee-H leader stripe can be seen on the tailplane Two other Lancasters in the…

Ten airmen, air and ground crews standing and squatting in two rows in front of the tail turret of a Lancaster. On the reverse '1 & 2 - Helen send back to me in 1993 I think'.

Two Lancasters, OF-J and OL-J, flying side by side. The poster has VE day and 8th May 1945. At the top is a crest with LIV Bomber Base.

Air-to-air photograph of a Lancaster bearing the identification mark EM-H. Rubber stamped 11 on the reverse.

Four uniformed servicemen leaning against the rear turret of a Lancaster with the two guns in an elevated position. One is a sergeant wearing long trousers, the other three in short trouser uniforms. A C-47 alongside the Lancaster with a third…

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A large group of airmen and ground crew arranged under a Lancaster. Information supplied with the collection states '61 Squadron 1945'.

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