Browse Items (418 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1943-10"

He writes of moving into a new billet, his colleagues, the weather and the lack of flying due to the bad weather.

He writes from Farnworth and writes of his social activities and of a house for rent.

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He writes of their finances, moving to a new billet, flying duties and domestic details.

He writes of flying duties, his colleagues, domestic details, the weather and issues with his electric fire.

He writes about flying duties and social activities.

He writes about his social life.

He writes of the loss of 60 B-17s, the new chief flying instructor and about returning to operations.

He writes about his law exams, night flying, returning to operational flying and of social activities and domestic details.

He writes of night flying duties, returning to operations, social activities and domestic arrangements.

He writes of night flying, social activities and arrangements for leave.

He writes of his night flying duties and a taxiing accident.

He writes of night flying, travel arrangements for his next leave and domestic details.

Doug Begbie was an apprentice chef before he volunteered for the RAF. He trained as a rear gunner and was posted to 76 Squadron. He shot down what sounds like an Me 163.

Navigator's, air bomber's and air gunner's flying log book for Jack Warner, flight engineer. Covering the period from 2 July 1943 to 28 January 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Topcliffe, RAF Leeming,…

At the start of the war, Doug Beasley left school at 16 to start work. Initially a member of the Air Training Corps, he was sent for aircrew selection when he became 18. There was a 12-month wait to enlist as a pilot, so he opted to become a flight…

Writes that she will be pleased to see him in two weeks. Catches up with news of school and illness. Says she went to the Lacarno with aunt and mentions that air raid warning and all clear have gone off.

Observers and air gunners flying log book for Frank Hobbs, wireless operator, covering the period from 15 March 1941 to 16 March 1943 when he was killed in action. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Pembrey,…

Addressed to Rosemary Chadwick from Roy Chadwick. Writes he has arrived and had an interesting day. Postcard is of hotel where he is staying. On the front a painting of a large multi-story building with American Flags on top and trees in the…

Postcard to Rosemary Chadwick from Roy Chadwick written while airborne between Los Angeles to San Francisco. Sends love to all. Postmarked Seattle, Washington State. On the front a photograph of a United Airlines DC 3.

Western Union cablegram from Toronto announcing ' Arrived Tuesday am well love, Roy Chadwick'.

A photograph of the crew and an account of the night (27/28 September 1943) they were nearly shot down over Hanover. Crew names and positions are detailed as are the events of the night. One engine was on fire and this was extinguished by diving and…

First operation to Montluçon 15 September 1943. Briefed as easy trip with little opposition. Arrived early and waited for Pathfinders, bombed from 8000 ft. Wing Commander Smith missing from operation reported hit by bombs. Operation 2, Mondane 16…

Letter 1. dated 16 October 1943 informs Mr A V Ansell that his son Sergeant A Ansell is officially presumed to have lost his life. Letter 2. Dated 19 June 1946. Informs recipient that a war gratuity is payable and enclosing form for application.
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