Browse Items (114 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Derbyshire"

Account of Pilot Officer Harold Ernest Wakefield having been awarded the DFC in recognition of numerous operations against the enemy. Gives some personal local and family details.

Planned navigation points, distance and times. On the reverse a handwritten list of British and German aircraft as answers to a quiz.


Ron Bedford volunteered for the Royal Air Force and was told he had the aptitude to be a pilot but re-mustered as an air gunner, to avoid waiting for call up. He reads the "Message of Welcome" letter he received in July 1942 from the Secretary of…

A document issued to RJ Prescott accompanying his medals.

Five aircrew wearing battledress and side caps in front of a corrugated iron hut. three have visible brevet (one pilot and two half brevet). Captioned 'Max Barry's Wellington Crew, 1,2,3,4,5, Church Broughton 27 OTU, November 1943, 1 Max Barry, air…

Certified copy of an entry of marriage on 21 March 1942 between George William Wilson, 23, Batchelor of 181 Heage Road, Ripley and Constance Irene Wright, 21, Spinster of The Croft, Dimple Head, Crich at The Parish Church, Parish of Crich, County of…

13 handwritten pages; Margaret describes, in detail, her early life and service as a nurse in the WAAF.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Cab on the left and trailer to the right with wing sections loaded vertically. Derby Works in the background. Submitted with caption ' Repair of Lancaster bombers. Completed main plane loaded for despatch'.

Identification kindly provided by Nigel…

Flying log book for air gunner for M R Barry, covering the period from February 1943 to 10 June 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Ballarat, RAF West Sale, RAF Lichfield, RAF Church Broughton, RAF…

List of places and dates where Frank Nolan studied or worked. Of note were placements at Vickers Armstrong at Squires Gate, A V Roe at Chadderton and various ministry of aircraft production aeronautical inspection directorate locations.

Letter to Mrs J. H. Wilson from 7 Squadron enclosing a list of next of kin for her husband’s crew and requesting confirmation of her address.

Writes about articles that he left behind after visit.

On Gee, Walker & Slater Ltd headed notepaper congratulating him on behalf of the company's directors on being awarded a decoration and his recent marriage.

Sates that J F Nolan has been accorded household status and asks that he instructs Nolan to claim lodging allowance with effect from 7th September 1942.

Notifying him that he was to move on long term detachment to Vickers Armstrong Blackpool with effect from 18 August 1944.

Notifies him of temporary attachment for further training to the L.M.S Railway Company in Derby.

Notifies him of upgrading to examiner and that he will be stationed at L.M.S Rly Co Derby. Covers some financial and domestic issues.

The letter asks Charles where he would like his Distinguished Flying Medal to be sent.

The letter accompanies Charles Distinguished Flying Medal and a letter from the King.

Written as civil defence duties finished. Thanks for loyal support. Notes final parade on 10 June 1945.

Note to go with identity card. Mentions he was at Air Ministry until late and had to drive home. Hope she will not get German Measles. Talks of visits and meetings and flying in the turbine driven Lincoln.

Mentions thaw has set in but blizzard reported raging in Yorkshire. Wonders what conditions were like in Derbyshire. Catches up with family and enquires after school activities. Parcel with apples and oranges on the way and congratulates on…

Thanks for letters and glad settled at school. Talks of clothes and food sent. Enquires about life at school and mentions hard work required for exams. Talks of weather and family activities and successes with laying chickens.

Writes that new accommodation will be good and provide privacy during her school certificate term. Catches up with news. He will send application form for summer camp to school and enclosed booking fee. Provides data on eggs laid by chickens.…
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