Browse Items (404 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Hampshire"

Eddie Edmunds was born in Walthamstow and was educated at a grammar school, then joined an oil company. He eventually moved to the Electric Supply Company and became an accountant. Eddie had always wanted to fly so he initially joined the reserve and…

Nora Hailey was born in Portsmouth, and then the family moved to Eastney. Before the German bombing she was evacuated to her Auntie’s in Worthing. After a few weeks nothing happened so they went back to Portsmouth. When the bombing began she and…

Letter to parents saying they are ready to depart but do not know where and when. Shows concern over uncertainty and writes of regard for parents and they should not worry about him. Telegram announces that he has arrived at Emsworth near Portsmouth…

Pauline Holloway grew up in Harrow and turned eighteen one month before the end of the Second World War. She recollects listening to Churchill’s speeches on the radio, sheltering during air attacks in a purpose-built extension to her house, and…

Norman Neilson was an apprentice engineer at St Rollox Locomotive Works when he volunteered. He had originally wanted to join the Navy but joined the RAF because the only way he could be released from his position was to volunteer for aircrew. His…

He writes about his shock that Ian is missing. Hopes that he is a prisoner.

Writes that he was pleased to receive her letter and glad she feels husband is safe. States he has no intention of joining commandos. Catches up with family and friends news and tells a little about his army life.

John Plenderleith was in the Air Training Corps before he volunteered to join the RAF. He was posted to 626 Squadron at Wickenby and when the crew were allocated their hut they were surprised to find it was still occupied with another crew’s…

Leslie Valentine was a second year student at the University of Scotland when he volunteered for the Army. After serving with the BEF and returning to the UK after Dunkirk he saw an advertisement for aircrew with the RAF and decided he would…

Pilots flying log book for Michael James Beetham, covering the period from 5 December 1945 to 18 July 1952. Detailing his post war squadron duties, staff duties, flying training and instructor duties and flew the victory day fly past and good will…

Birthday letter to David Donaldson from his aunt Nettie telling him of her coming lecture tour and wishing him 'good luck'. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Letter to David Donaldson from his aunt Nettie at the end of the war. She encloses a gift (cheque) from her brother in Canada to David. Nettie describes how she and her sister (David's mother) are restablishing the home in Southampton after having…

Letter to David Donaldson from his aunt Nettie congratulating him on the Bar to his D.S.O and talking briefly about her publishing – royalties and printing shortages.

Aunt Dorothy wishes David a happy birthday and good luck. Catches up with family news.

Letter to David Donaldson from his maternal aunt, Dorothy Clark, congratulating him on his Distinguished Service Order and catching up with family news. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Christmas letter to David Donaldson from his aunt Dorothy. She has not managed any presents this year and is bemoaning the fog and not being able to get to her sister's home in Southampton for Christmas Day. Additional information about this item…

Letter to David Donaldson from his aunt Dorothy congratulating him on his second Distinguished Service Order. She comments on news about David's brothers, Ian and Norman, who were both independently in Calcutta. Additional information about this item…

Note to an unknown recipient from David Donaldson. Written from his home: 'The Elms'.

Letter to David Donaldson from his mother who is in Lisbon with his father who is there on business. She sympathises with David who has measles. She is rather bored having to follow his father around. and writes of playing golf and fathers business…

David Donaldson's mother writes of family and acquaintance affairs. Regrets the fact that fuel shortages in future will make trips out less likely.

Catches up with family news and mentions health issue. Congratulates him on squadron leader.

Writes of being settled in new accommodation and how she is managing. Catches up with new of family and acquaintances. Welcomes prospect of being a grandmother.

Catches up with family news, activities and her beliefs, giving him her thoughts on some spiritual matters prior to his confirmation and telling him confirmaton presents (books) she will give him.


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