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  • Contributor is exactly "Trevor Hardcastle"

Handwritten engineering notes recorded during training.

Ernie Twells' engineering notebook covering the theory of aircraft engines


Ernie Twells' engineering notebook covering metallurgy, carburettors, air screws and aircraft engines..


Part of letter to Mary talking of friendship and acquaintances. Mentions that they are glad that Roy Chadwick is being recognised for his work. Writes that the Lancasters are doing great work.

The letter praises Fred for his treasured visit to their house. He complains, gently, about the lack of letters from Fred, contrary to what he had promised.

Sends thanks for photographs and comments on poor weather and Red Cross event. Catches up with family news.

Letter from the father of Jim Ferrier, the Canadian bomb aimer in the crew to Mrs Wilson, the wife of the captain. He thanks her for contacting him as he was not informed of addresses of next of kin of other crew. He holds out hope of news and says…

Written by the father of the wireless operator Sgt Kenneth Francis to the captains wife. Continue to hope for crews survival and writes that they felt honoured that their son was flying with such a courageous pilot as Squadron Leader Wilson.

Letter to Mrs Wilson, wife of captain, from mother of Frank Fuller, rear gunner on the crew. Crew did not return from operations on 30/31 March Hoping for news. Will write if they hear anything.

Letter from mother of flight engineer, written to the captains wife expressing sympathy, thanks and hope that the crew are safe somewhere.

Form 407, RAF Large Note Book, belonging to Harold Warren, and consisting of 90 pages of notes and drawings relative to his training.

The Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book for Andrew Bain <br />
Covers the period from 26 June 1942 until August 1943. In June 1946 stamped by the RAF Central Depository ‘Death Presumed’. He qualified as an air gunner on the 31 October 1942 and as an observer on the 9 October 1942. He identifies his flying…

Keith Thompson and two fellow Yorkshiremen as newly qualified LAC observers, with aircrew training flashes and observer brevet, standing in front of left engine of an Anson.
Colour post card is captioned 'Chateau Frontenac Quebec City's landmark'.…

Three press clippings showing the liners Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth in their wartime roles, front cover of 'Souvenir Calendar 1943'.

Lancaster, B-SR, dropping a cloud of incendiaries, and showing the ABC aerials on the fuselage. Hand written caption pointing to the masts 'The A.B.C. masts a third one was under the nose'.

206 Sqdn badge and small photographs of two Shackletons. Captioned ‘No. 206 Squadron St. Eval Feb’ 56 - Jan’58 St. Mawgan Jan – May ’58 Flying – Shackleton Mk.1 (Maritime Recce)’.
Three b/w photographs captioned 'Idris, Libya, Cooling…


Bill writes before having to take part in an inter-squadron run that afternoon, which he is not looking forward to. They are all getting excited about the prospect of leave, but if they fail exams this will be cancelled for them.

He describes the…

A notebook used by Peter Webb to record lecture notes regarding engine systems, instruments and electrics.

First letter as a prisoner of war. Asks her to let him know how long she was in suspense with him missing before he was reported as prisoner. Writes of conditions in camp. Describes how pilot stayed with aircraft and allowed the rest of the crew to…

Number 18. Thanks her for efforts to organise food parcels but disappointed with one rich acquaintance. Thrilled to get old photographs of her. Continuing effort with his now own violin. Red Cross food parcel arriving regularly and well as some…

Number [censored]. List letters that have arrived and mentions one from Swiss friend promising parcel soon. Food situation now better than it was in first month when there were no Red Cross parcels. [censured lines]. More about food and sport. Time…

Number 20. Notes that letter ration has been reduced to one letter and one card outbound and 4 letter inbound in per month. List letters arrived including some from friends. Not able to reply to them due to limits on letters out. Writes of domestic…

Number 21. Lists letters arrived. Still allowed only one letter and one card out a month. Limits ability to write to anyone else as saving allowance for her. Red Cross has issued some clothes but mentions he still need some article s to avoid having…
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