Letter from a friend



Letter from a friend


Part of letter to Mary talking of friendship and acquaintances. Mentions that they are glad that Roy Chadwick is being recognised for his work. Writes that the Lancasters are doing great work.




Two page handwritten letter


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19.Carlton Avenue
Oct: 26th
Mary dear your very sweet letter arrived just after my last to you & I thought I would wait until Mike arrived before answering it. He rang us from the station here at ¼ to 6 on Oct: 13th [two words] to walk in on us but couldn’t get a taxi so rang for Herbert to meet him, that’s the first thing we knew that he had landed safely & you can imagine our joy as we had been waiting for this for so long. He is just the same dear old Mike & it seems too wonderful to have him back safe & sound & we have oh so much to thank God for. I was so delighted to hear he had had been able to see you all & he has told us so much about his visit & how good you all were to him. We are simply thrilled with Roy’s & Margaret’s photos but do so wish there had been one of you too. It is the most perfect photo of Roy & everyone remarks on it &
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what a very clever face he has & then we proudly tell that he is the designer of the Lancaster bomber etc: etc:
We were so very glad too to have him broadcast, it was funny that I had mentioned ‘Madeleine’ having heard this in my last letter to you. It is most interesting. My word what grand work the Lancasters are doing, Roy is getting rewarded at last for his lifes work, & we feel very proud to know him & claim you both as great friends. There are no friends like old friends & we have not made many real friends among New Zealanders. Michael only had one night with us then had to report in Wellington where they kept him hanging around for 6 days for his medical board, he has been definitely grounded owing to his eyes & has been given indefinite leave & at the moment has no idea what job they will give him. It’s just grand to have him but I think he feels like a fish out of water & finds Wanganui pretty dead after all his travels.
He had 10 days at New York & had a marvellous time, spent 5 days with the President of the Bank of N. York in one of his country houses & was treated royally, they are good to the boys



“Letter from a friend,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 18, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/10334.

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