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  • Tags: 617 Squadron

Shows one bomb load. Includes preselection zero hour and method including target marking. Mentions Pathfinder Mosquito will mark target and then 15 aircraft of 617 Squadron will illuminate. 'Scrubbed' in large letters across the page. On the reverse…

Bombing details of operation on Berchtesgaden. Includes preselection settings, effort, marking details and other instructions.

Top - seven aircrew wearing various uniform or flying clothing standing in line under the engine of a bomber. Mick Martin is third from the right. Bertie Foxlee is on the left. Bottom - 22nd June 1943 Hungaria restaurant in London following the…

Top - Five air force officers standing in line wearing tunic and 3 with peaked cap and two with side caps, Mick Martin is second from left with arms crossed. Bertie Foxlee is second from right. Bottom - six aircrew in various flying clothing or…

A list of names with five numbers underneath. Handwritten above is a single letter.
Below is a list of heights of each of the five lines of aircraft.

Signal provides weapons settings for tonight. Details distributor, delay and TV settings for bomb sight. Details photo flash and camera settings. Provides specific settings for 52 Base, East Kirby Base and 617 Squadron. Concludes with instructions on…

In the middle distance a bridge with several piers and one section collapsed just to the left of centre. Shows damage and repairs to railway bridge at Etaples, France, following attack by 617 squadron on 4 August 1944. On the reverse 'Bridge at…

A bridge runs left to right with section collapsed in the centre. Three power line poles left, centre and right. Shows damage to railway bridge at Etaples, France, following attack by 617 squadron on 4 August 1944. On the reverse 'Bridge at Etaples,…

Shows bridge with collapsed section. One power line tower on the right. Shows damage and repairs to railway bridge at Etaples, France, following attack by 617 squadron on 4 August 1944. On the reverse 'Bridge at Etaples, 1-11-44, CB235, 51:59'.…

Shows a bridge with several piers and one section collapsed in the centre. Power line pole on the left side. Shows damage and repairs to railway bridge at Etaples, France, following attack by 617 squadron on 4 August 1944. On the reverse 'Bridge at…

Shows close up of one arch of a railway bridge with a hole just right of centre. Shows damage to railway bridge at Etaples, France, following attack by 617 squadron on 4 August 1944. On the reverse Bridge at Etaples, '1-11.44, CB235, 51:62'.…

Looking along a railway bridge on the left of the image with a large section collapsed on the right of the bridge. River to the right and far bank left to right just above the middle. Shows damage to railway bridge at Etaples, France, following…

Seven aircrew dressed in uniform, standing in front of a Lancaster. A lorry is visible in the background. Captioned 'Woodhall Spa, Sept 1944 Mid-Upper Gunner, Flight Eng. Bomb Aimer, Skipper, Nav, w/op 'Me' Rear Gunner' On the reverse 'Colin Cole L…

An envelope with a 15c Canadian stamp commemorating the first non-stop transatlantic flight. There is a 617 squadron badge and on the left a Lancaster. Underneath is a Vulcan and under that 'Commemorating 617 Squadron Association Reunion Toronto…

Explains that the enemy had brought much vaunted secret weapons into action including V2 missile. Five launching platforms were known to exits and 617 as a precision bombing squadron to destroy these sites. First target allotted was at Watten to the…

Top - course photograph of thirty officers wearing tunics or battledress sitting and standing in four rows. Captioned 'No 25 Elementary Course. Syndicate "V", 28/3/45 to 23/5/45', lists name of those on photograph, F/O Baker front row second from…

States date 15/16 June 1944, target, zero hour 2235. Shows Wing Commander Cheshire leader and marker in Mosquito and 22 crews flying Lancaster all armed with Tallboy bombs.

Date: 4/5 July 1944, target, zero hour 0130 hours. Lists leader and marker 1, Wing Commander Cheshire flying P-51. Marker 2 in Mosquito and 17 Lancaster carrying one tallboy bomb each.

Specifies date - 14/15 June 1944, target and zero hour 2235 hours. Lists crews with Wing Commander Cheshire leading along with two other markers flying Mosquito and 22 crews flying Lancaster all armed with one Tallboy bomb.

Provides date - night 8/9 June 1944, target- railway tunnel and bridge, Saumur, zero hour - 0200. Leader and marker no 1 - Wing Commander Cheshire flying Mosquito. Lists pilot and navigator of two other markers flying Mosquito. Lists 25 other crews…

Date 25 June 1944, target, zero hour 0905 hours.Lists leader and marker 1 in P51, two more markers in Mosquito and 17 crews in Lancaster carrying tallboy bombs.

States date 19 June 1944, Target constructional works Watten, zero hour 1915/1931. Lists leader/marker Wing Commander Cheshire and marker 2, Squadron Leader Shannon in Mosquito with 18 crews flying Lancaster all armed with Tallboy bombs.
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