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  • Tags: recruitment

RAF Form 2150 postponing John's calling up.

RAF Form 2168 notice paper issued to John Mansell.

Form 1018 sent to Jim Hardy.

Starts with discussion of Hampden and then getting Manchester and subsequently Lancaster. Relates some Manchester operations including 1000 bomber raid. Provides anecdotes about Manchester operations. Continues with account of joining up and…

Ron Bedford volunteered for the Royal Air Force and was told he had the aptitude to be a pilot but re-mustered as an air gunner, to avoid waiting for call up. He reads the "Message of Welcome" letter he received in July 1942 from the Secretary of…

Notice for Kenneth Smith. Would be called forward when instructed. In the meantime he would remain on reserve with no pay or allowances. Important that he should not leave civil employment.

Harry joined the Royal Australian Air Force on 25 June 1942 as a wireless operator/air gunner, receiving his initial training in Australia before going to Canada for trade training. He sailed on the SS Johan Van Barneve to San Francisco and recalls a…

RAF Form 2150 issued to Dick Rooke.

RAF Form 2168 issued to volunteers.

A notice sent to Bob Butler requiring him to join the 'Volunteer Reserve Town Centre at Nottingham' on '1 Sep 1939' and listing the documents he should take with him.

Dick's part completed attestation form.

A letter sent to Dick requesting him to attend a Recruits' Centre for attestation.

The letter tells him to report to the Recruiting Centre,

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

SSmithRW425992v10001-0001 copy.pdf
Contents list - Book 1. A list of four significant events in Bob's service.

Richard 'Dick' Yates was a wireless operator/air gunner on 35 Squadron flying Halifaxes. He did his basic training at RAF Blackpool. While at RAF Cranwell for wireless traiing, he flew in DH 86 and Valentia. He was shot down and became a prisoner of…

It requires Hubert to report to the Blackpool Recruitment Centre. The notice records Hubert's, the Ministry of Labours local office and the Blackpool centre's addresses as well as the nearest railway station to the Blackpool Centre.

Bill Parry's notice to join the RAF Volunteer Reserve and Certified Copy of Attestation.

A letter requesting WF Martin to attend a medical.

The letter asks him to attend an interview at the Selection Board.
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