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Pat Rumfitt was born in 1927 and experienced a privileged upbringing living in Kent as an only child before the war. She describes the resilient attitude to bombing in Bromley, walking to their flooded Anderson Shelter in her dressing gown and…

Seven airmen in two rows.
Back row, left to right: Frank Benger, mid-upper gunner; Jim Neal, flight engineer; Jack Pollard, wireless operator; Arthur Long, navigator. Front, left to right: Alec Bishop, rear gunner; Harry Tweed, pilot; Alan Johns,…

Six airmen wearing uniform below the nose of a Lancaster. Harry Fearns is in the back row, second from the left.

Bride and groom, one woman in British Army uniform, one Royal Air Force sergeant with observer brevet, church minister and five civilians. The groom has pilot wings.

Captioned: 'Robert M'Clean's wedding in 1944, the other RAF personell is Fred…

Disappointed to tell his mother that he has failed the flying test. Bill described the final test with the Chief Flying Instructor, which went badly, despite having completed a successful test beforehand with his own instructor. Has now been…

Writes he is not going with grading course but staying at Theale for Elementary Flying Training School. Mentions he had a test with Chief Flying Instructor which didn't go too badly. Writes he will now have to get down to work and there will be no…

Describes journey back to Theale and snowy weather. Still unclear about his future. Says he enjoyed his brief visit home.

Bill still does not know what is happening to him. Weather has been terrible for flying but he had to go up with the Commanding Officer and it went badly (page missing from letter, so no end to story).

Complains again about the lack of food and…

Letter written over several days. Initially expecting to have his flying test the next day and be able to return for leave soon after, but this is changed following snow. He and six others are unable to take their tests in time and remain at the…

Describes how flying training, although fun, is becoming harder. He seems to be struggling with navigation and landings. He remains happy but accepts he may not have the aptitude to pass this phase of pilot training. Will have to do a test with chief…

Bill describes the set up at the Elementary Flying Training School, Theale where there were two flying courses and some Turkish students. He describes his first flight as a passenger which he found 'great'. Goes on to describe flying the next…

Writes of importance of getting their letters, especially in a new place and catches up with news. Describes journey to Theale and new location. Writes about his how his flying training is going as well as time in a link trainer and how poor the…

Seven aircrew standing and sitting in two rows. All wear battledress with brevet and side caps. From left to right, rear row: Sergeant Cyril Marjoram, gunner; Sergeant Douglas Richard Bacon, gunner; Flight Sergeant Tom Smith, wireless operator and…

Royal Canadian Air Force pilots flying log book for W C Holmes, covering the period from 18 August 1942 to 18 May 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying with 512 squadron and transport command. He was stationed at…

Seven aircrew standing and kneeling in two rows in front of a Lancaster. All are wearing battledress. Captioned 'Back row L to R, John Kirk navigator, Colin Branch engineer, Jimmy Chancellor pilot, Front row L to R, Jack Wilkinson mid upper gunner,…

Three-quarter-length portrait of seven RAF aircrew in uniform with with aircrew brevet. Each individual identified “JR ‘Buck’ Bennett, mid upper gunner-NSW, WA ‘Bill’ Stanley, Wireless operator-Victoria, HR ‘Shorty’ Connochie, rear…

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Four airmen standing in line wearing a variety of uniform. The man on the left has pilots brevet and the man on the right a navigators brevet. Both aircrew have medal ribbons. They are standing behind the wing of a Mosquito. Noted as being '109…

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Five airmen standing in a row. The second from the left has navigator's brevet and the second from the right a pilot's brevet. In the background a Mosquito with clover leaf nose art and five double rows of bomb symbols. Noted as being '109 squadron…

Seven aircrew wearing Mae Wests standing arm in arm in front of a Halifax. Annotated at bottom 'MU, WOp, Nav, Pilot, Eng, BA, RG'. Submitted with caption; '…my Father-in-law. Ronald Davis of Chichester. He was flight engineer on Halifax mk3 78…

Six aircrew, three sitting and three standing wearing tunic with brevet. Five are sergeants and one a flight sergeant.
Back - Ron Britt (Mid Upper Gunner, RAF), Jack Widdowson (Wireless Operator, RAF) and Arthur Bergman (Bomb Aimer, RAAF)
Front -…

Five aircrew wearing battledress and side caps in front of a corrugated iron hut. three have visible brevet (one pilot and two half brevet). Captioned 'Max Barry's Wellington Crew, 1,2,3,4,5, Church Broughton 27 OTU, November 1943, 1 Max Barry, air…

Cloth brevet

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