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  • Tags: bombing

Andrew hitchhiked from Edmonton to Calgary and then on to Mountain View by train. Gunnery training was in a Bolingbroke which had a mid-upper turret; bombing training was done in an Anson. Andrew was then posted to navigation school in Quebec for…

Andrew said that during leisure time the crew drank, sang silly songs but didn’t really socialise much. He recalled an occasion when the Germans sent in about 200 night fighters infiltrating the main force on its ways home. They shot down a B-17…

John Smith grew up near Corby, surrounded by aerodromes, so was used to the sight of aircraft. He observed Lancaster aircraft practising for the Dambusters raid over Eye Brook Reservoir. He also witnessed glider practice and was impressed by the…

Monty grew up in Croydon and became an articled accountant in London before joining the RAF. Training at the Initial Training Wing in Torquay was followed by RAF Bishops Court in Northern Ireland and RAF Kinloss, which had a flight simulation room.…

Gerda Gentner (b. 1934) recalls the first bombing of Dresden on 7 October 1944, and describes how she, unsuccessfully, tried to persuade a young boy to take shelter with her in the basement; she recalls her feelings when she heard that he had died as…

Agnes Stocker (b. 1932) recounts her evacuation from her hometown and the journey to Ueckermünde. Agnes tells how she get separated from her sister, her brother and her cousin, who followed the road to Swinemünde, while she, her mother and her aunt…

Eva Brossmer (b. 1925) remembers the incessant bombing of Berlin by the Allied Forces and explains how she and her mother fled to Südharz, trying to avoid the advancing Russians. She explains how German broadcasts did not mention their advance and…

Gisela Schäfer (b. 1929) remembers her youth as a schoolgirl in Eberbach. She recalls how unlucky she was, having experienced all major bombings in the area. She remembers spending her school holidays as a farmhand and tells how it was physically…

Irmgard Schulz (b. 1935) describes how the harbour of Hamburg was a recurring target during the war and mentions the use of target indicators and radar countermeasures. She explains how she was told not to pick up anything, for fear it could be…

Cover of book only. Notes not to be taken into the air and designated Secret.

Writes that he was enclosing odds and ends left in his care. Mentions losing colleagues on operations and other operational matters including a ditching with missing crew.

Gives particulars for meritorious service. Completed 27 successful sorties, skilful flight engineer, disregard for personal safety, cheerful courage and offensive spirit. Includes details of 27 operations carried out.

Top - photograph of grave with white cross with name 'P.O M Adder RAF, 15.3.44'. Surrounded by similar crosses with trees in the background.
Bottom - telegram to Mervyn Adder's father informing him that his son was missing as a result of air…

Informs her that her husband Flying Officer Kenneth Gill DFC was missing as a result of air operations on 21 March.

Informs her that his son Flying Officer Kenneth Gill DFC was missing as a result of air operations on 21 March.

Relates actions on operation to Berlin on 30/31 January 1944. Baker was wounded during night fighter attack. Finding wireless operator dead, the rear gunner unconscious and navigator wounded, he then manned the rear turret despite no communications…

USA propaganda leaflet covering bombs dropped on major German cities, American troops under training in the UK and the Russian front.

The letter praises JH Bird for operations in Greece.

Regrets to inform her that her husband failed to return from operations on night 23/24 September 1943. Writes he took part in an attack on Mannheim as wireless operator and no news had been received. Mentions his time on the squadron as part of…

Regrets to inform her that her husband failed to return from operations on night 23/24 September 1943. Writes he took part in an attack on Mannheim as wireless operator and no news had been received. Mentions his time on the squadron as part of…

Is sending 80 prints of operation on Gnome Rhone works, as requested

Reports that son Pilot Officer D A Baker was missing as a result of air operations. Mentions he was captain of aircraft detailed to attack shipping but cause of failure to return was not known. Provides hopeful information for future, mentions that…

Cover with photograph of six aircrew standing and sitting in front of a bomber. Inside on front page, a brief handwritten account of John Doxsey's service on 149 Squadron September 1939 - September 1940. Mentions his crew positions and two pilots…

Thanks him for last letter and describes a daylight German attack near his office. Two bombs dropped nearby but did not explode and were dealt with by Royal Engineers. Two oil bombs were also dropped, but these landed on waste ground. Mentions life…

Writes that he is on leave and they were having beautiful weather. Relates his journey on leave via Hull and Leeds and tells of his activities. Mentions a day in London and catches up with news of friend who had transferred to Mosquito and had many…
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