Letter to Wally Layne's wife from Officer Commandinng 97 Squadron



Letter to Wally Layne's wife from Officer Commandinng 97 Squadron


Regrets to inform her that her husband failed to return from operations on night 23/24 September 1943. Writes he took part in an attack on Mannheim as wireless operator and no news had been received. Mentions his time on the squadron as part of outstanding crew who had carried out 26 operations against many important targets in Germany and Italy. Says his effects would be checked and sent to RAF central depository. They would report any news immediately.



Temporal Coverage



One page typewritten letter


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97 (Straits Settlements) Squadron,
Royal Air Force,
Bourn, Cambridge.
25th September, 1943.
Dear Mrs. Layne,
It is with the deepest regret that I must confirm that your husband, Warrant Officer Layne, failed to return from night operations on the 23/24th September, 1943, and I wish to express the sympathy of the whole Squadron with you in your anxiety.
Warrant Officer Layne took part in a raid on Mannheim, Germany as Wireless Operator, no news having since been received. We can but hope that the aircraft was forced to land and that the crew are safe, even as prisoners of war.
Since your husband joined the Squadron in March of this year, he had taken part in 26 operations over enemy territory. He was a member of one of our most outstanding crews who had operated against all the important objectives in Germany and Italy. He performed his duties as Wireless Operator efficiently and his keenness was a good example to others. The loss of such a crew is a sad blow to the Squadron.
His kit and personal effects are being carefully checked and will be sent to the R.A.F. Central Depository, from whom you will hear in due course.
If any news is received you will be notified immediately, and in the meantime, I join with you in hoping we shall soon hear that your husband and the rest of the crew are safe.
Yours sincerely,


Group Captain, Commanding,
No. 97 (Straits Settlements)
[underlined] Squadron. R.A.F. BOURN. [/underlined]

Mrs. T. Layne,
Barrowby High Road,
[underlined] LINCS. [/underlined]



Officer Commanding 97 Squadron, “Letter to Wally Layne's wife from Officer Commandinng 97 Squadron,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/30814.

Item Relations

This Item dcterms:relation Item: Letter to Wally Layne's wife from OC 97 Squadron