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  • Tags: Lancaster

Air-to-air view of two aircraft in echelon formation flying to the left. Squadron letters 'KC'. On the reverse 'KC-W F/O Sanders and crew, KC-A W?O Gingles and crew. Photo taken from M/U or KC-C F/O Ross and crew. Aug 1944'.

Seven aircrew in two lines squatting and standing wearing parachute harness in front of a four engine bomber with lion nose art. Captioned 'P/O D COOPER W/O, SGT HURRY ENG. F/O MACVAY DFC B/A, SGT MATTHEWS A/G, P/O HOUSDEN DFC NAV, SGT HEGGIE A/G,…

An air-to-air view of the starboard side of a Lancaster in flight seen from the cockpit of another aircraft.


Top - Five air force officers standing in line wearing tunic and 3 with peaked cap and two with side caps, Mick Martin is second from left with arms crossed. Bertie Foxlee is second from right. Bottom - six aircrew in various flying clothing or…

Reports attack on Mannheim using incendiaries by Stirling, Halifax, Lancaster, Manchester, Wellington and Hampdens.

Seven newspaper cuttings.
Item 1 is about Bombing-up the last Lancaster. Asterisked is a reference to Reg Hutton.
Item 2 and 3 refer to D-day viewed from a Lancaster by Flight Sergeant Hutton.
Item 4 and 5 refer to bombing of shore batteries by…

Ken Rudkin relates the story of his friend Alf “Digger” Dawson of 630 Squadron. Alf, from Cumbria was working as a fireman for the railways when he and his friend answered the call for volunteers for aircrew. Alf trained as a wireless operator.…

PNortonNP1704 copy.jpg
An air-to-air photograph of two Lancasters flying in loose formation.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.


Two photographs of Lancaster LM744.
The first is a starboard side view of the Lancaster with its engines running.
The second is a port view with the engines stopped. Several other Lancasters are in the background.


Douglas Conlon in the rear turret of a Lancaster. It is a Rose turret with two .50 machine guns and no perspex.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Four engine bomber with undercarriage collapsed with figures of men caught in various predicaments caused by the event. On the reverse '35b Undercarriage lever'.

Cartoon showing front of a four engine bomber with port outer engine started and blowing two men off a gantry to front. Pilot looks out of cockpit window. On the reverse 'Taxying'.

Three copies of photographs of a Lancaster being recovered. It is annotated 'Aircraft No ME476 Coded TV No 1660 HCU (Heavy Conversion Unit) Swinderby Lincs 550 Sqdn Feb 45 5 MU SOC Feb 46'. On the reverse is an address of The Dalesman Pub Co Lts'…

A brief description of Bomber Command starting with Air Marshal Harris commanding, types of aircraft used, 1000 Bomber attack on Cologne and losses, the Pathfinder Force, losses, hazards to returning crews and casualties.

A list of seven aircraft recovered by Stan Shaw and his team.

A document listing the activities of the Maintenance Unit Repair and Salvage unit. It describes the recovery of damaged aircraft which could be rebuilt and returned to service. The make up of the team is described.

The nose of Lancaster 'Aries' with the front lifted up for maintenance. Two ground crew can be seen working under the nose. On the nose is painted 'Aries' and a list of locations the aircraft had been flown to.
On the reverse 'Cockpit and nose of…

A brief description of bombing activity during the war. Starting with the ineffectual early operations to 1000+ bomber operations. He lists some of the operations then details some of the hazards for returning aircraft. After the war Stan took a new…
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