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One page of the operations for June 1942, records one Wellington failing to return from operation to Essen on 1/2 June. It also records two Wellingtons successfully attacking Bremen on 25/26 June, one of them was captained by Flight Lieutenant…

Writes with regret to inform him that his son was missing as a result of air operations on night 24/25 July 1944 when his Lancaster in which he was wireless operator set out to attack Stuttgart. Inquiries were being made through red cross. Asks if he…

Pilots flying log book two for Leslie Valentine, covering the period from October 1943 to 27 November 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and duties with 2nd Tactical Air Force communications flight. He was stationed at RAF Finmere,…

Account of return from an operation to Westkapelle when they flew over authors father's farm and local village where they threw out window.

Highlights some of the issues causing lack of precision with bombing. Also mentions problems of weather meant USAAF results despite their bomb site was rarely better that the RAF. Mentions their most successful operation was dropping mines in the…

Noted that tour was completed on 17/18 December 1944 and was not called upon to fly again as the war in Europe was nearly over.


Aerial photograph is a mass of light streaks, nothing else visible. Photograph captioned '1632 FCX 21/22.6.43/NT 8" 19500' 0205 135M KREFELD RDB 2X1000GP 630X4 48X30 P11 S/L DEBENHAM X 10.

Starts with account of operation to Paris on 3 May 1944 when attacked by Me 109 and writes of crew actions. Continues with list of operations giving details of target, anti-aircraft fire, flight time, some bomb loads, events, results. From 3 August…

Writes of being given their own aircraft with nude lady nose art which survived the war. Mentions icing problem on operation to Saarbrücken. Describes operation to Frankfurt where engaged by Ju-88 where he injured his jaw. Writes that they learn as…

Describes childhood in great detail and work after the war started. Continues with account of training after being called up.

Gives account of incidents on operations and in hotels/pubs. Spells out vital actions. Stettin over Sweden 29-8 - describes incident of oxygen starvation. Stuttgart - incident. Ghent 18-18, another John Moore incident - having to leave turret, "Flak…

First page titled 'Flying log book' mentions photostats from log book which were record of operations over enemy-occupied territory in 1944. Describes one operation to Aire during which they had to return to base due to violent weather. Continues…

Describes operation dropping mines in Kiel Canal. Mentions attack at low level, anti-aircraft fire and lucky not to be hit. Concludes by telling of flying to cover crew who had failed to get back to station in time and refusing a commission. Page…

Describes leisure time activities of crew including personal transport and fishing. Mentions groundcrew and their electrician who flew with them on short operations. Page numbered '6-2'.

Mention action on getting caught in searchlights, effects of altitude on aircrew, avoiding bombs from above, encounters with B-17 while on operations and getting a bottle of Bourbon from the American crew later. Mentions encounter with probable…

The interviewer states that John Blair is a former lawyer, teacher, air accident investigator, and navigator in bombers during World War Two. He discusses his experiences in the 1930s – 1950s. John also talks to his wife, Margaret, about her…

Full length image of an airman wearing flying suit, boots and Mae West standing under the starboard inner engine of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'No 49 Squadron Royal Air Force, Fiskerton, Lincs, 1943, [...], Squadron Royal Air Force Fiskerton, Lincs…

Starts with a letter to him after she finds out he is a prisoner telling how she felt when he was missing and how happy she was with the news that he was a prisoner. After a day by day diary of her feelings, activities, news of friends and…

Regrets to inform her that her husband failed to return from operations on night 23/24 September 1943. Writes he took part in an attack on Mannheim as wireless operator and no news had been received. Mentions his time on the squadron as part of…

Regrets to inform her that her husband failed to return from operations on night 23/24 September 1943. Writes he took part in an attack on Mannheim as wireless operator and no news had been received. Mentions his time on the squadron as part of…
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