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  • Tags: bomb aimer

Signal to all 5 Group Stations instructing bomb aimers to that the 32 point distributor setting is to be 0.25 seconds until further notice.

Letter written to parents of his bomb aimer member of his crew who was killed flying as a reserve with another crew captained by Pilot Officer Buckel lost 23 November 1943. Captioned 'Loss of Sgt Peter Lees 23/11/43. Letter written by his crew…

Left page title 'Targets'

Top left - a note 'got to here'. Top right - an aerial oblique view of a city-scape with some large buildings and some damage visible. Captioned 'Essen' on the reverse 'Essen'.

Middle - an aerial oblique view of a…

A group of aircrew and one ground crew member arranged at the rear starboard side of Lancaster PA964. Six are standing and three are sitting on the tail plane. One the reverse it is captioned with the names of the aircrew.

Five aircrew sitting on the starboard inner engine of Lancaster PA964, MG-K, one sitting in the cockpit and two including Tom Jones are sitting at the back of the cockpit. The individuals are named on the reverse.

Eight aircrew, including Tom Jones, standing at the starboard side front of a Lancaster, PA964. On the reverse the aircrew are identified.

Eight aircrew, including Tom Jones, standing in front of Lancaster, PA964, 'MG-K'. On the reverse the individual members are identified.

Eight airmen at the port door of a Lancaster, PA964. Two men are sitting in the door and the other six are standing or leaning on the fuselage. On the reverse are the aircrew names.'

A group of eight airmen standing at the nose of a Lancaster. On the reverse are the names of the aircrew.

A starboard side view of a Lancaster, PA964, on the ground. There are eight aircrew standing at the nose. On the reverse is a list of the aircrew including Tom Jones and a list of his operations.

Half length portrait of Oliver Gomersal in tunic with observer brevet and peaked cap standing by a door with hands in pockets. In the background a three story house. On the reverse 'Flight Leut Oliver Gomersal, Navigator/Bomb aimer, spring 1945'.

South African Air Force observers or air gunners log book for Warrant Officer Reg Freeth, bomb aimer, covering the period from 7 February 1942 to 8 October 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations and Instructor duties. He was stationed at…

Reg Freeth grew up in Wales and worked for the Civil Service in the Labour Exchange before he volunteered for the Royal Air Force. He trained as an observer in South Africa and flew operations served as a bomb aimer with 61 Squadron from RAF…

Seven aircrew, three sitting in front and four standing behind. All are wearing tunic with aircrew beret. In the background curtains at either side. Captioned ‘Len (Navigator) Arthur (Wireless Operator) Mac (Flight Engineer) Don (Bomb…

Details of names and next of kin with addresses of the crew of Lancaster JB670 including Charles Reginald Jaques.

Seven airmen including Roy Briggs standing under the port nose of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'Taff Roy John Rob Len Benny Rog
Mid Upper WOP Nav Pilot PFE Rear Bomb Aimer Framed photo'.

Roy Briggs and his crew standing in front of a Lancaster. They are wearing Mae Wests.

Head and shoulders view of seven aircrew in two rows, three in front and four behind. All are dressed in battledress with aircrew brevet and shirt and tie. John Firth is top right. On the reverse '50 Squadron crew, John Firth top right'.

Frank Tolley was born in 1921 in Tipton and left school at fourteen to work as an errand boy for a grocer. He joined the Royal Air Force at nineteen as a ground gunner, and was in at the inception of the Royal Air Force Regiment. After eighteen…

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Les Rutherford joined the army and was in the 51st Highland Division which formed the rear-guard defence, allowing for the evacuation of Dunkirk. He escaped out to sea on a barn door and was picked up and taken to England by a French trawler. He…

John Wright was born in 1932. He was evacuated from West Ham during the War along with his Mother and two Brothers. Johns’ Father joined the Royal Air Force as an Observer Bomb Aimer with 207 Squadron. His aircraft was shot down over Switzerland on…

He discusses a mid-air collision during an operation with 101 Squadron. to Hasselt. He describes what it was like prior to a operation and the feelings experienced by the crew, from seeing the battle orders on the notice board, the pre-flight meal,…

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During this interview Les describes his experience as a despatch rider in France in 1940 before escaping from Dunkirk and returning to the United Kingdom, eventually joining the Royal Air Force. He also describes his training in South Africa and his…

Lawrence Larmer was born in Australia in 1920. On leaving school he went to work on the Beaufort aircraft in the Department of Aircraft Production. He was called up in 1942 and volunteered for the Royal Australian Air Force to avoid the army. His…
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