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  • Tags: faith

He discusses a mid-air collision during an operation with 101 Squadron. to Hasselt. He describes what it was like prior to a operation and the feelings experienced by the crew, from seeing the battle orders on the notice board, the pre-flight meal,…

Santina Colombo describes her early life in a family of farmers, her father a fervent socialist. She mentions the start of the war announced on the radio and gives a detailed account of civilian life in wartime Milan: scarce food, growing vegetables…

Sara Ventriglia, the daughter of a Jewish mother and a Catholic father, recalls her early life in wartime Milan. She describes the alarm being sounded, she and her family getting quickly dressed to reach a nearby shelter. She recollects moments…

Speranza Piras reminisces about the Alghero bombing on 17 May 1943 and her subsequent life as an evacuee. She describes daily life in wartime; German occupation; anti-aircraft fire; hardships; the black market; and different anecdotes about enlisted…

Thea Coleman was born in 1933 in Holland. She experienced the invasion of her country and the increasing restrictions. When walking once with her father they were forced to stand and wait while prisoners were brought out of prison and executed while…

Vittorio Finauri (b. 1931) remembers the first bombing of Foligno on 22 November 1943. Explains that it was completely unexpected and people were caught unprepared, so bombs aimed at nearby barracks resulted in a heavy death toll. Describes how some…

Wanda Szuwalska was born on a farm in Poland and was deported to Russia by train at the start of the Second World War. She talks of the journey to Russia, the time she and her family spent there, then coming to England and becoming a WAAF. Wanda…

Cover and inside page with inscription to Russel Luxton. Cover has cypher for King George VI.


The last issue of Kandy Calling. A magazine with news, quizzes, stories, sports reports, personalities, photographs, cartoons, letters to the editor and adverts.

Diary kept by Keith Campbell 24 July 1944 to February 1945 describing being shot down, evading and capture and life as a prisoner of war. Some entries talk about operations. Ends with the forced march away from the Russians. Note on front - 'original…

A New Testament bible.


Les Arrowsmith's wartime note book during 1944 and 1945 whilst a prisoner of war in Stalag Luft 7. In the book he has recorded addresses of friends, a list of clothes and their prices, books and magazines needed, 'more ideas', records, calendar,…

A detailed letter from Bill to his family, explaining life and events in the RAF Camp.

Includes orderly room administration duties, being captain of squadron running team, being issued with flying kit (which he details), exams, his visit to an…

Alan apologises for not having written for a while. He has been trying, without success, to arrange bed and breakfast for his parents. They have had a visit from Canon Swan who has been lecturing on practical Christianity.

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Alan writes that he has received a parcel from his parents. He is being kept busy. There is plenty of sport and he has been to communion. He asks for a compass set, ruler, clean rags and pyjamas. The food in the mess is very good.

Catches up with news and apologises for not visiting while on leave.

Bill says he enjoyed his last leave, although he mentions that the nearby aerodrome is expanding and aircraft going overhead. He did, however, managed to get a trip in an…

Bill catches up with family news. Mentions going home on recent 48 hour leave. Writes of course progress and compares current base with previous in Scotland. Despite being near three towns, has only get into Oxford once, although he was impressed by…

Bill writes home describing saying goodbye to everyone at the chapel, his experience of Christmas 1941 and the antics of his fellow cadets. He writes 'Christmas in the RAF seems to be summed up in the one word "BOOZE"'. He didn't join in at all but…

Writes of insect bite and catches up with family news.

Excited that cadets now have own mess and, although not popular with the ground crew, aircrew need a special diet. Food is now much better and describes meals. Writes of flight up to near…

Bill is at the Receiving Centre in London. He writes that he has had a good Sunday with going to a Baptist Chapel and being invited for tea by the pastor and meeting up with another cadet - 'I can say my first Sunday in the RAF has been splendid'. …

Begins with catching up with news from home. Mentions not much chance of leave but that he has had photograph taken of himself. Writes that Brighton is change from previous locations and describes activities. Went to see an ice hockey match between…

Bill writes that he hasn’t received a letter from her for a while, but did get the one she sent on from a friend. He also writes that he is expecting to be posted to Eastbourne shortly with 120 others but this will mean he has to start work again.…

Bill gives details of his expected travel arrangements for his seven-day leave at the end of the week. As he will be part-way through his final exams and has the medical on Saturday, he will leave soon after.

Mentions air raid warning but no…
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