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  • Tags: military living conditions

Transcription of letter from Ken Gill's pilot. Writes of snow clearing activities. Catches up with news of brothers and family's activities. Mentions recent snowy weather and a difficult flight when they had difficulty finding somewhere to land.…

Writes of poor weather but getting a little flying done. Writes that he had been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and tells of subsequent activity in the mess. Notes that there was nothing yet for rest of crew and that his flying officer status…

Writes of possibility of returning to his old squadron. Catches up with news of friends and family. Comments on recent snow and the work it caused them. Mentions coupons he sent to his father. Writes about calculating his total mileage by land and…

Writes about trying to book somewhere in Scarborough for his next leave and outlines his plans for it. Mentions some places in France that his father used to talk about which were now in the news again. Catches up with family news.

Comments that Christmas was over and weather had precluded operations. Writes about Christmas meal and other activities. Mentions boxing day activities. Continues with comment planned dining in night to say farewell to Wing Commander Tait. Catches up…

Bill for Spa Hotel, Woodhall Spa for Ken Gill for bed and board for two days.

Two photographs, one of Arthur attending a large steaming cauldron in an untidy space outside two wooden buildings, captioned 'Doing a bit of washing'. The second has Arthur sitting on his bed, captioned 'Bedtime'.

Reg has still not received mail from his family. The letter from the Herons has cheered him up. He has been studying and attending shows.

Reg has received several letters, total now 43. He has also received a parcel from home. He has seen three more plays and is attending classes.

Reg has received several letters from home.

12 Cartoons of various types of airmen encountered in the RAF.
The keen type, the creeping type, the – I've been in longer than you type, the very fond of his tapes type, the couldn't care less type, the roll on demob type, the line shooting type,…

Jose's room whilst in the RAF. Items of clothing are hanging above the bed and a kit bag is in front of the window.

Navigator's. air bombers and air gunners log book used as a daily diary from 23 January 1944 until 31 January 1944. Describes daily activities including lectures as well as training and test flights. Mentions social activities, weather, inspections…

Details instructions for aircrew arriving detailing transport, duties, meals, messing and water. On the reverse - hints on Bari detailing bathing beach, lack of entertainment in town apart from hotel and NAAFI. advice on eating local fruit.

Bill for renewing two broken panes of obscure glass to door panel in N.C.O. Hut No 4 Site, RAF Edgehill (RAF Shenington). Made out to Warrant Officers Smith and Rosser. Annotated payment received 20 April 1944.

Note on envelope 'Johnny Cantrell - deceased 21 Feb 46'. Writes that he had not received to his invitation and then tells a story about spending 12 days at Bari. Continues with news and gossip about the squadron and his activities. Concludes that he…

Catches up with news after recent meeting and thanks him for posting on letters. Writes about cost of sending his bicycle by train and explains why it is essential in his current location. Catches up with gossip and his activities and flying.…

Writes complaining about his current location goes on with gossip about various people there. Mentions he had done nothing recently and continues to complain about his situation. Envelope is covered with handwritten flying hours calculations.

Relates history of his recent postings and that he was happy at Morpeth as it was near his home and girlfriend even though he would have liked to joined Rosser. Asks how things are with him. Mentions he has leave coming and describes some of his…

Writes from RAF El Ballah, Egypt. Mentions letter had been finally been received from Vic. Catches up with news. Envious that Rosser was going back to old job and wished he could have the opportunity to fly with him. Describes a little of life in…

Explains why he had not written and complains about his current location and course. Expects to be there for another 10 weeks before being sent to a station to act as a wireless operator. Mentions many people on aircrew courses and adds a little…
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