Diary - Sergeant F T Jones



Diary - Sergeant F T Jones


Navigator's. air bombers and air gunners log book used as a daily diary from 23 January 1944 until 31 January 1944. Describes daily activities including lectures as well as training and test flights. Mentions social activities, weather, inspections and entertainment. Mentions pilots on second dickie trips and three missing after trip to Berlin. Stops just before his first operational trip with a note that he had been informed that they were not allowed to keep a diary. Remaining pages are used for list of expenditures.




Temporal Coverage



Multi-page printed book with handwritten entries


This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ and https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/legal.





FORM 1767




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[Underlined] Instructions. [/underlined]

1. This log book is an official document and the property of H.M. Government.

2. Observers and air gunners will maintain an accurate and detailed record of all flights undertaken on service aircraft.

3. Results of ab initio courses will be recorded on either pages 2, 3, 4 or 5, for which purpose a rubber stamp is available.

4. Proficiency assessments will be recorded on the appropriate page at the back of the book annually on 31st December, on posting or on attachment to another unit for flying duties.

5. Bombing and Air Gunnery Records will be entered in the appropriate pages at the back of the book annually on 31st December.

6. Monthly totals will be entered on a single line in red ink and initialled by the Commanding Officer or his deputy.

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[Underlined] SERVICE. 420 Sqdr’n. [/underlined] 1

[Underlined] Certificates of Qualification [/underlined]
(to be filled in as appropriate)

1. This is to certify that
has qualified as
with effect from Sgd.
Date Unit

2. This is to certify that
has qualified as
with effect from Sgd.
Date Unit

3. This is to certify that
has qualified as
with effect from Sgd.
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4. This is to certify that
has qualified as
with effect from Sgd.
Date Unit

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Service diary of 420 Sqdn.
1717191 SGT. F.T. JONES.
c/o 99 College Place
Camden Town
London N.W.1.

[Underlined] Monday January 3rd. 1944. [/underlined]
Arrived at THOLTHORPE at 12.00 hrs.
Drove straight to Mess and had lunch. (Pretty foul!!) In the afternoon usual signing of forms. The Crew had an interview with Wing Commander McINTOSH 420. C.O. Back to Mess for tea. After which we found our Huts and soughted [sic] things out in General.

[Underlined] Tuesday January 4th. [/underlined]
Arose at 08.00 and prepared for the day, Lectures in the morning on Intelligence
Lectures during afternoon on Engine + Halifax III. Not much Gen!

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After this 2 other Engineers and myself visited B-Beer. (CO’s Kite?) One of the best Instrument lay outs, A very nice job to look at! Back to Mess back to billet.

[Underlined] Wednesday 5th January. [/underlined]
Parade 8.30! Duff Gen though, so we adjourned to Mess and had bread & marmalade (first meal I’ve had before lunch!) Attended Pay Pay [sic] Parade at 11.00 hrs. (£5.14.0). Learned that we were supposed to meet CO after Pay, but on reporting back to Adjie found that “he” wasn’t around, so adjourned, once again to Mess. After Lunch (Also Pretty foul) attended Intelligence Lectures and during afternoon were called by Wing Co’ to have an official look over the Mk III, he compared it with the II. C.O. seems exceptionally decent type, though he must be treated as a Wing Commander!

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Flying Tomorrow 3pm! (Perhaps!!!) In the evening stayed in the mess and saw film show! Back to Billet to bed!

[Underlined] Thursday 6th January! [/underlined]
Arroused [sic] at 820 am, Got down to Briefing room at 9.40 (according to W.C. who told us so!!!!!) Lectures on Gunnery. Lunch. Lectures on P.F.F. and Intelligence. 3pm out to meet Wing Co, – B-Beer U.S. so no flying. Back to Intell – Lectures. Back to Mess, Back to billet and wrote letters. (Collected Chute & Harness also locker in Crew room).

[Underlined] Friday 7th January. [/underlined]
Up 8.20 am. No breakfast. (Shall have to eat in the morning soon.) Lectures mess for dinner, then back to Briefing room. Up with W.C. at 3.30 first trip in a III. What a kite! Back to Mess, Went for a drink in evening with the boys. Then to bed!

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[Underlined] Saturday 8th January. [/underlined]
No Breakfasts! Down to Crew Room. Nothing doing untill [sic] 10.30 then learn we are flying. Airborne in N-Nan at 11.40 with crew, Really a difference to the II’s. Landed at 13.25. (bumpy – bumpy!!) Back to Mess, Nothing doing [indecipherable word] Enma. After tea we tried for the show but no show so back to billet! Played cards £1.1.0 down! then to bed! Must get some breakfast tomorrow!

[Underlined] Sunday 9th January. [/underlined]
Arose 8am! Had Breakfast, though it wasn’t really worth rushing for! Should have been flying but kite O-Oboe U/S. (Port inner cutting) Stooged around talking to Ground crew Back to crew room, to Mess then lecture by SQDN Engin Off. Up to tea and then film show. Back to billet, to bed!

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[Underlined] Monday 10th January. [/underlined]
Arose 8.15 down to breakfast. Flying scrubbed. Nothing doing all day. Back to Hut and eat Toast and cheese.

[Underlined] Tuesday 11th January. [/underlined]
Arose 9am, [Underlined] No [/underlined] Breakfast. down to flights No flying bags of snow, Lectures in morning, back to Mess, more Lectures, up for tea went to pictures, Very good show “The more the merrier,” Up to billet wrote an answer to Bets letter, She sent me her photograph, Oh – for leave! To bed!

[Underlined] Wednesday 12 January. [/underlined]
Arose 8.20am flashed down for breakfast – too late! Manage to scrounge couple of sausages sandwiches down to lectures, back for lunch, back again to lectures, to mess for tea Up to billets, played cards about 1/6 in!

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Wrote home to Mum and Dad, Got ready for [indecipherable word] parade, then to bed!

[Underlined] Thursday. 13th January. [/underlined]
Breakfast 8.20am. down to flight Nothing doing back to Mess. After Lunch lectures on Intelligence, Pretty good. Nothing after back to Mess had tea then went to the show. After which we went back to the billet.

[Underlined] Friday 14th January. [/underlined]
Up for breakfast, down to flights Fine day so we were detailed for flying. Out to H-Howe (which I believe is to be our own a/c.) Stooged around while mechanics fixed Hydraulics then airborne about 11.15. Quite nice to fly again We did some mock fighter attacks and after Al & Bud had given a commentary, Jack asked me to

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take a turn! rather flummoxing but I coped! Then one or two circuits & bump’s, (more bumps than circuits!) Landed about 1.15, back to flight’s down to Mess, dinner then back to flights. Nothing doing, back to Mess. In the evening the whole crew walked down to a village called Tollerton, where we found quite a decent Pub, “The Black Horse” Quite the best evening so far! then – to bed!

[Underlined] Saturday 15th January. [/underlined]
Awoke none the worse for the previous evening and scrambled down the Mess for breakfast. Getting quite good these days for breakfast. though maybe its because we have to Parade in the morning. A Putrid morning, and all day for that matter, Nothing doing all day except Lectures.

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After tea we came back to billet and fooled around. Then we dined on sardines, Peanut butter Jam and Toast. (the results may be seen upon these pages!!!) After which we went to bed!

[Underlined] Sunday 16th January. [/underlined]
Down to Mess for breakfast, A very thick fog arround [sic], looks as though flying is definately [sic] off for a few days. Nothing doing during morning back to Mess. Lecture during afternoon. Nothing doing so back up to the billet after tea, Stooged arround untill bed time.

[Underlined] Monday 17th January. [/underlined]
Up for breakfast, but had to wait then down to flight, made a tour of the stores and collected, a torch Thermos flask, flying socks, fur

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collar, and outer suit. Lectures in Navigation, Astro! (bags to learn on this subject. Up to Mess. After Lunch we stooged out to kites for dinghy drill but couldn’t find a kite, bags of fog still. bag [sic] to flight then to Mess. After tea we hung around Mess untill 8.00pm then we went to the show, Not up to much! (Posted Laundry) then back up to the billet to bed.

[Underlined] Tuesday 18th January. [/underlined]
Arose 7.45 made up bed for W.C & Groupies inspection. Down to Mess where we had to wait for 20 minutes for breakfast!! bad show, (told WAAF’s to pull their fingers out!) Down to flights, Jack informs that we are flying, after getting dressed up we find this to be duff gen so we undress an nip [indecipherable word]

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the mess for Lunch!

After Lunch we are told to stand by our A/C and be ready to fly, so 1pm finds us ready to go, but in the meantime we do crew drills, (still a little hazy!) we did drills ‘till three. So then back to flights, – to Mess!

After I went to the show, pretty good, Bob Hope, D Lamour!

Back to Billet and after talking to Paul (who I learn is a great hunter!) we had Toast, Honey & Cocoa. Then to bed, (must write to M & D, then Bets, tomorrow! Also hand in boots for repairs!

[Underlined] Wednesday 19th January. [/underlined]
Up in the morning early! – ! Pay Day. £6-10-0. (Total assets now £15-10-0) Nothing doing so up to dinner at mess. Went to Engineer section in [deleted] evening [/deleted] afternoon

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Hoped to get some Gen, but no use! fooled around then back to Mess, Stayed to see show, “How Green was my Valley”. Ive [sic] seen it before but it was quite a good revival. Back to Billet to Bed.

[Underlined] Thursday 20th January. [/underlined]
Arose in time for breakfast. Bags of Panic for X Countries but after Waiting in kite which had 3 engines U/S decided to cancel all arrangements So back to Mess for dinner 2pm. Down to flights but as usual nothing doing! Back for tea. After a while we went back to billet Where Jack, Paul, Al and myself decided to visit Alne, namely the Fox & Goose this was about a 3 mile walk, but it’s a poor pub, so we walked back and then up to Tollerton, about 2 1/2 miles Quite good fun here, A good pianist and a square player on the violin

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Then 10pm we walked back to the camp managed a lift, part way! Then eat swiss roll and honey, bags & bags, then to bed.

[Underlined] Friday 21st January. [/underlined]
Arose 08.10am down for breakfast, then down to the flight, weather cleared so we do cross country. Though John the Navigator is stood of [sic] from flying, So Keegans Nav, came F.O. Knox we took off 11.00 and flew off, Weather good, quite a good trip met an Airacobra who flew along side us, we opened up and left him standing, then closed a bit and let him pick up, quite a thrill, we could see every detail, Then after a 5 3/4 hour trip we came down and had eggs & bacon, Stayed in the Ante room untill 9.30pm then back to billet and eventually to bed!

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[Underlined] Saturday 22nd January. [/underlined]
Arose 8.30am, too late for breakfast, Down to flights, Bags of duff panic, out to kites, weather U/S. Back to Mess, Bags more panic after dinner, but this time [deleted] the [/deleted] we got airborne. Stooged around in terrible weather, rain, low cloud and icing, down after 1 1/2 hours. Back to mess, after tea we played 7 & 1/2 won the bole! (marvellous.) Then back to billet, to dance which wasn’t bad, some very nice Canadian W.D’s then back to billet. Must get up for breakfast, I hear we have Eggs & bacon. Still we’ll see!

[Underlined] Sunday 23rd January. [/underlined]
Managed to get the E & B, OK, Down to flights, learned we were flying, x country Flight Com, gave us the Gen on his second Dickie to Magdeburg, Shaky do! Airborne 12.00 in our own kite H. Howe. Everything OK.

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John our Navigator went in Dock so we had Ritchie. Very pleasant surprise during trip, Got blown off track by a 130 mph wind and landed up over London! Boy its certainly some city from the air, we were over N.W London so I wonder if any body I know saw us? Who knows? Back to Base. (I took 16 Sun Shots!) landed at 16.30. More bacon and eggs for tea, Stayed to see show in the mess, The more the merrier”, I saw it about 14 days ago, but enjoyed it even so. Wrote to Em in the evening then had some Toast & Honey then to bed!

[Inserted] [Underlined] Bags of Icing on the kite today! [/underlined] [/inserted]

[Underlined] Monday 24th January! [/underlined]
Up at 8.10 down to mess. Breakfast beans fried bread. Down to flights No flying Think we’ve finished Day flying now over to Engineers section and talked to

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Jim. Got some useful Gen on the fuel system. Up to mess, Dinner wasnt bad, after hanging round the Ante room we went down the flights, too cold in the crew room so I adjourned to Engineers section. After which I returned to mess for tea, which was foul, Watched Paul play poker then back to Billet and after some toast and Cocoa, to bed!

[Underlined] Tuesday 25th January. [/underlined]
Up bright and Early (8.20!) Down to mess for Breakfast. Down to flights Learn we should do another X Country but wind too strong, up to mess for dinner, Down at 1.30 to fly on Local. After U/Sing 3 kites we eventually flew in Fox. Down at 4.30. Up to mess for tea after which Al, Jack and I went to see John in Dock. He seems quite comfortable their [sic] Then Jack and I called at the

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New Inn for a pint after which we went back to the mess, then I went up to the billets and played crap, for Pennies, then buttered toast and then – to bed.

[Underlined] Wednesday 26th January. [/underlined]
Got up 8.10 am Usual procedure, Down to flights, Played billiards with Paul then over to Gee Room. After which I handed in my boots then back to mess for dinner. Down to flights, then over to the Engineers section played cards and won 16/6, Back to the mess for tea, Then I saw the show “The Sea Hawk (Errol Flynn & Brenda Marshall) Very good show, Then wash shave & Talked to Al, Back to Billet, wrote my [deleted] aft [/deleted] diary after which, – to bed. Found another 10/- note in my Wallet so I’m now worth £16-6-0,
All I want now is some leave to see Mum & Dad

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Bet and, though its improbable, Em! Then I’d be happy, or would I? Still – to bed!

[Underlined] Thursday 27th January. [/underlined]
Up at 8.10 Down to Mess, Breakfast then to flights after which I played Dominoes, Then out to kite with Jack, Blind fold Cockpit checks, back to Mess for dinner after which I returned to flights, then I started to write to M & D but was rudely interrupted to fly, for 1 1/2 hours, after that to tea, then back to billet. Paul Jack & I went to Johnnie, says he should be out tomorrow, (All the Pilot except Jack went on there [sic] 2nd Dickie trips, tonight) Back to the Billet Played crap then to bed !!! Glorious Place!

[Underlined] Wednesday 28th January! [/underlined]

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Up at 7.50 down to breakfast learned in the Mess that 3 of the boys are missing from Berlin 2nd Dickies, This really brings it home, Proud, Baker and Paddy, we were sharing Paddy’s kite, Still lets [sic] hope they’re safe! Heard the Gen from the rest. Bags of night fighters according to accounts. Over to Engineers section, and numbered the Toolkits, then up to mess, received a letter from Jim Maslen, learned that Poor old Wiggy is burned up and has been in Dock 7 months. Also that Jim Was married on 4-12-44 to Joan. finished my letter to M & D. Then back to the [deleted] mess [/deleted] flights. After a lot of Panic learn we are flying airborne at 15.25, Bombing but not very successful. Ropey kite, Ropey flight. [Deleted] B [/deleted] C. Charlie. Then back to Mess. Read some Canadian mags & wrote to Bet! Then back to

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[deleted] Mess [/deleted] Billet and after Biscuits and Swiss Roll, To Bed.

[Underlined] Saturday 29th January. [/underlined]
Up at 8.10 down to Mess, Then to flights Packed up at 10.30 back to Mess for a wash and brush up, after dinner back down to flights and learn we have half day, The boys didnt seem very anxious, so I nipped smartly back to the billet and got ready to nip into York, but I changed my mind and went to Tollerton for a drink and after which we went to the dance which was pretty foul then back to the billet to bed!

[Underlined] Sunday 30th January. [/underlined]
Up at 8am down for breakfast, Then down to the flights, Learn that we are operational tomorrow! Big flight on tonight. 10 kites on 8hr cross country. Stooged around then up to Mess for dinner, back down

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to Flights. Took a couple astro shots then Keegan informs me that I am flying with him, instead of Mills. Well after briefing we had tea than we went out and marshalled the kite TO at 5.30, 5 off in 4 minutes. Quite a good trip bags of practical overload handling, dropped 5 – 1000 [indecipherable word] 2 Hung up, but Springy dropped them and the racks! Landed at 01.20. 7”50’ Interrogation then Bacon & Eggs after which to bed! at 3.20 am!

[Underlined] Monday 31st January. [/underlined]
Got up at 12.45, down to Mess for dinner. Then down to the flights for the inquest on yesterday flip. Bags of line shoots, The Wing Co’ ended up over the Danish Coast, Rice Crash landed at Another drome (finger trouble with the Engineer. Then back to the mess Had tea & slept, back to billet to bed!

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It was at this point we were informed that we were not allowed to keep a diary!!!

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Impromptu”, Chopin

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F T Jones, “Diary - Sergeant F T Jones,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 15, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/36506.

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