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  • Tags: 617 Squadron

Four women sitting on a lawn. The middle two are in air force uniform and the end two in waitress dress. In the background a two story Tudor period building with many windows. On the reverse 'Petwood Hotel, Woodhall Spa, officers' mess 617 squadron,…

Top centre a title 'this photograph was taken the day after the attack on the dams of [..] pilots who took off for the dams only eleven returned'. Top centre a photograph of twelve pilots in two rows labelled 'Back row: Flt Lt Townsend, Flt Lt…

A Group Captain, wearing battledress with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons, and a peaked cap stands with his right hand on a large bomb in the bomb bay of a Lancaster. On the reverse '[....]. Johnny Fauqier'. Reported as Gp Cpt J E Fauquier, OC 617…

A pilot wearing battledress with pilot's brevet stands with hands in his pockets in the snow in front of a two story Tudor style building with gabled windows. On the reverse '617 Sqdn Petwood Hotel (our Mess) 1943/4, AF197'.

Three-quarter length portrait of Leonard Cheshire wearing dinner jacket with medals. In the background chairs and curtained windows. On the reverse '617 Reunion, June 66, AF/235'.

A member of the Woman's Auxiliary Air Force kneeling in snow with two dogs either side of her. In the background a two story building with gabled windows. Reported as Leonard Cheshire's poodle Simon (on the right) with Kitty McQuillan WAAF (later…

Night oblique aerial photograph showing a town with flares top centre. On the reverse 'Cam 1, Neg 1, 10.4.44, 150, St Cyr Airpark, 617,S/Lfr Munro, Lancaster, 0200,orbiting,10000/6000'.

Reconnaissance photograph with lake on the left and a dam middle with breach with water flowing through. Captioned between pages 46-47 of 1956 Memoir [written vertically on LHS of page presumably for landscape orientation of photo] 'Mohne Dam. The…

Reconnaissance photograph showing lake on left with breached dam half way up on left. Farmland fields top right. Captioned between page 47-48 of 1956 Memoir '[heading] 617 Squadron [/heading]
[caption - written vertically on LHS of page presumably…

Five Group Newsletter, number 26, September 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about operations, gardening, war effort, tactics, signals, air bombing, navigation, radar navigation, engineering, air sea rescue,…

Five Group Newsletter, number 27, October 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about operations, gardening, signals, tactics, air bombing, navigation, this month's bouquets, radar navigation, training, second thoughts…

Photo 1 is a half length portrait of Flight Sergeant Poynton, annotated '1944', 'Died at Willington, Burton/Trent Feb 2003' and signed 'Sincerely yours Tommy From Reg 29/3/44 90 Sqdn'.
Photo 2 is a half length portrait of Flying Officer Jack Smith,…

Photo 1 is Warrant Officer George Bailey at the 90 Squadron memorial.
Photo 2 is a Horsa being towed by a Halifax.
Photo 3 is a Horsa in D-day markings.

Three-quarter length portrait of on the left Guy Gibson in RAF uniform and arms crossed talking to Roy Chadwick to the right wearing suit. Behind them two other RAF officers and in the background on the right another group of servicemen. On the…

Half length portrait of Roy Chadwick on the left wearing suit and tie talking to Guy Gibson on the right wearing RAF uniform tunic. On the reverse 'A most famous photo. The original photo. Roy Chadwick CBE and Guy Gibson VC outside Buckingham Palace…

Half length portrait of two men. Roy Chadwick on the left wearing suit and tie is talking to Guy Gibson on the right wearing RAF uniform tunic. On the reverse 'Chadwick, Guy Gibson, 60 between arrows to top and bottom'.

Top - Five air force officers standing in line wearing tunic and 3 with peaked cap and two with side caps, Mick Martin is second from left with arms crossed. Bertie Foxlee is second from right. Bottom - six aircrew in various flying clothing or…

Top - seven aircrew wearing various uniform or flying clothing standing in line under the engine of a bomber. Mick Martin is third from the right. Bertie Foxlee is on the left. Bottom - 22nd June 1943 Hungaria restaurant in London following the…

Photograph of silhouette of a Lancaster at dusk/dawn with text '617, Tirpitz, celebration dance on Sunday Nov 19th 1944'. Opening times.

On the left a three-quarter length view of Wing Commander Tait wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons, standing with hands in pockets. He is giving a press conference in London following the successful sinking of the Tirpitz. To the…
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