Browse Items (203 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1939"

Experiences of the prisoners of war in the Belaria camp of Stalag Luft 3 by Squadron Leader Bryce Cousens. It contains stories, poems and illustrations.

Reports from Kingston upon Hull Grammar School from autumn term 1934 to spring term 1939.

Top left - front quarter view of a Wellesley parked on grass airfield. Captioned 'Long range Wellesley, Cranwell 1939'.
Top right - Wellesley coming in to land on grass airfield with hangars in the distance.
Bottom left - front view of a Wellesley…

City fire guard certificate made out for JJ Bartram on 1 December 1943. Letter and enclosed defence medal.

Brian Llewellyn was a member of the Air Training Corps during the war and spent time with the RAF as well as the Polish Air Force. He talks about his time in Lincolnshire, including various stations he visited and his first flight. Brian had many…

Jan Stangrycuik (Black) was born and raised in Poland. When he was a teenager, his family emigrated to Argentina for a better life. When the British Embassy called for volunteers to join the war effort, Jan answered the call and sailed, with 700…

Mieczyslaw Maryszczak was born in Bokyivka, Ukraine and served in the Polish Army and then the Polish Air Force. An early memory of the war is throwing bread to starving Russian prisoners being marched from Lviv to Podlesice. At seventeen he was in…

12 airmen arranged in two rows. Underneath are captioned their names. A second copy has been damaged and folded.

A head and shoulders portrait of Bill described in accompanying information as '1939 post-wedding'.

Polish language card with personal details.
This is a document which has been completed on behalf of the sister of Bronislaw Soltysiak, as she was looking for him. The Red Cross reunited many Polish Families after the war. This is a request for…


J Flint’s Flying Log Book covering the period 30 August 1938 to 16 February 1944.
Detailing his flying training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Tollerton (27 E&RFTS), RAF Hanworth (5 EFTS), RAF Yatesbury (10 EFTS), RAF Brize…

A short history of 106 Squadron. Covers formation in world war one. Reformed in 1938 with Hinds and Battles. Equipped with Hampden at beginning of the war. Initially a advanced training unit. Became operational in September 1940. Describes early…

Pilots flying log book one for L V Rosser, covering the period from 4 March 1939 to 19 July 1943. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Kidlington, RAF Woodley, RAF Grantham, RAF Kinloss, RAF…

Top left - note with service number at Uxbridge 1939.
Top centre - ticket with text.
Top right - cinema ticket to Detmolder Lichtspiele.
Bottom left - blurred image of two airman either side of a stone Nazi eagle.
Right middle - blurred image…

List of photographs with some details. A list letters from Ian Hay to his grandmother. List of other letters from Jack Hay.

Starts with account of life at school (Rendcomb College) from 1931 to 1937. Continues with decade 1938-1948 starting with time at Cheltenham Art School in 1938 and 1939. Continues with account of wartime activity including enlistment, training at RAF…

An autobiography of Jim Taylor's time in the RAF before the war. He spent time training with Oliver Bell, who is recorded in the memoir.

Gives qualifications as aeronautical engineer. Education and employment history including service in the RAF from 1943 to 1947. Management experience and family background.

Three photographs, first is a man standing by an Austin Seven on a country road, captioned Perth 1939.
Second is Patrick standing by a fence, wearing overalls, civilian wings a RAF hat and medal ribbons.
Third is Patrick standing with four other…

Seven photographs, the first is of a large docked ship, captioned 'Queen Elizabeth, Browns 1939'.
Second is party of RAF marching down a Blythswood Square in Glasgow, captioned '602 Squadron Annual Church Parade 1932'.
Third is Patrick sitting…

Two newspaper clippings and a photograph.
The first clipping has a row of civilian pilots standing in front of a variety of club training aircraft. The caption talks about the flying club at Broxbourne and the formation of the Civilian Air Guard.…


Formal photograph posed in four rows in front of their clubhouse. Captioned 'Herts & Essex Aero Club, Broxbourne 1939

Patrick wearing his Herts & Essex flying club flying overalls and wings, in the back garden with his fiance, later his wife and an older couple with a younger girl. The man is wearing an Auxiliary Fire Service uniform. Captioned 'Patburn 1939.'

Two photographs, the first shows a large ship moored in a shipyard, captioned '"Queen Elizabeth" Browns Clydebank 1939.'
The second shows a number of men in overalls working on a biplane in a hangar.


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