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  • Coverage is exactly "Royal Australian Air Force"

Details of AS Coller's service record from 23 January 1943 to 19 December 1946.


Story of Lancaster Number R 5868 once the gate guard at RAF Scampton. Relates that it flew 137 operational sorties and suffered only minor damage. Served on 83 Squadron in 1942 at RAF Scampton and mentions some of its operations including…

Recounts that piece of parachute silk is a memento of Colin Fraser's Lancaster being shot down during an attack on Gestapo barracks at Berchtesgaden on 25 April 1945. Describes crew bale out and skilful crash landing by pilot Flying Officer Harry…

A fragment of a parachute on which is written ‘Anzac Day 25.4.45, In M-Mike, Berchsgarten (Hitler’s Hang Out), 460 Squadron crest and moto strike and return, 460 Sqdn, F/O "Lofty" Payne, (WA), F/Sgt W A Stanley (Vic), Col Fraser, ( " ), "Buck"…

Three-quarter-length portrait of seven RAF aircrew in uniform with with aircrew brevet. Each individual identified “JR ‘Buck’ Bennett, mid upper gunner-NSW, WA ‘Bill’ Stanley, Wireless operator-Victoria, HR ‘Shorty’ Connochie, rear…

Head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing side cap and tunic with half brevet.

This item was provided, in digital form, by a third-party organisation which used technical specifications and operational protocols that may differ from those…

Seven airmen at the rear door of Lancaster W4783. Six are standing in full kit and a seventh is at the top of the ladder in an open door. The image has been taken at night. Captioned '40. Heavy Attack on Bochum and Gelsenkirchen, and the boys who…

Pat Rumfitt was born in 1927 and experienced a privileged upbringing living in Kent as an only child before the war. She describes the resilient attitude to bombing in Bromley, walking to their flooded Anderson Shelter in her dressing gown and…

The front of a Halifax with group of eight airmen - Ralph White far right. The nose art has a kangaroo, a bomb with Reich 1000lbs, Matthews & Co Express Delivery Service , 55 small kangaroos indicating 55 operations and a small swastika.

Five airmen standing at the rear of Lancaster QR-J. The crew from left to right is Bill Jackman, mid upper gunner; Des Murray, navigator; David Scholes, pilot; Ron Myall, bomb aimer, and Geoff Allen, rear gunner (RAAF).

This item was sent to the…

Letter of appreciation for his service from Air Force Board of the Royal Australian Air Force. At the bottom a Caterpillar club certificate of membership made out to F/O D V Kelly.

Informing her that as her husband is reported missing as a result of air operations on 19 July 1944, his motor car could not be easily stored or returned to Australia. It would be kept for three months and then sold and proceeds held on his behalf.…

Appointing Denis Vaughan Kelly officer of the citizen air force of the commonwealth from 17 July 1944. Signed on 23 December 1946.


A man in khaki uniform with half wing brevet stands holding a boy in his right arm.. He has his arm round a woman to the right. Taken in courtyard with part of building visible behind. Captioned 'Denis, Phyl and Den Kelly' '1945 home at last together…

David Fellowes tells of how he used to build model airplanes and fly them in the fields when he was a boy. The son of an engineer, he first joined the Air Training Corps and then volunteered for the Royal Air Force at the age of 17. David describes…

Side view of the front of Mosquito RX-B.

Christmas Dinner Menu, Iwakuni, Japan 1947. The menu is signed by many of the participants.

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The first issue of The Dafoe Digest, a magazine produced by No 5 Bombing and Gunnery School, Dafoe. Each section on the base has had a chance to write a short article about their activities.

A cartoon of a a man smoking a pipe on a motorbike with a sidecar. Tools are flying out the back of the sidecar. It has the message 'Keep 'em flying over there, Son - I'm doing my best here'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already…

Formal photograph of Lancaster with five rows of personnel in front and one spread across the wingspan, hangar in the background, on the reverse captioned 'Waddington 463 Squadron 1945', 'X second row eighth from the left'.

Officers record of service for Keith Bruhn issued in 1946.

R.A.A.F. P/P 149 records that Keith was demobbed on 19 February 1946 after 2 years and 9 months service.

Album page with four photographs: - one of bomber crew de-briefing, sergeant in foreground in RAF uniform with USA shoulder flash, Flight Sergeant with Australia shoulder flash. - two photographs of Typhoon with 609 Squadron code PR, with servicing…
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