Dafoe Digest



Dafoe Digest


The first issue of The Dafoe Digest, a magazine produced by No 5 Bombing and Gunnery School, Dafoe. Each section on the base has had a chance to write a short article about their activities.



Temporal Coverage




48 page magazine


This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ and https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/legal.





[Picture of an aircraft]


‘XMAS [RAF Crest] 1942

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[Boxed] A Word from the Editor

We present for your approval, the first issue of DAFOE DIGEST. Before you start to read it, may we take time to explain to you something of the policy of this issue.

It is intended that this shall be a monthly publication, and in this, our first issue, we have made an attempt to give you a general introduction to our station. You will find herein a report from almost every section on the Station. We have made an attempt to make these reports general so they will act as an introduction. Naturally this procedure could not be continued in future issues, so it is our intention that, from now on, the news will be more current and personal.

We would like to thank our Commanding Officer, Wing Commander P.W. Lowe-Holmes for his gracious patronage; LAC Morrison for his fine work in designing our first cover and each and every one of those who have contributed to this issue.

In closing, might we take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and may the new year bring Victory and Peace, so that we all may soon be home with our loved ones. [/boxed]

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Published by the Kind Permission of our Commanding Officer, Wing Commander P. W. Lowe-Holmes.

Managing Editor – TOM MacDONALD, (Y.M.C.A.)

Associate Editors


Art Editor




Circulation Manager



Commanding Officers Message … 4
Headquarters … 5
Accounts Section … 6
Station Hospital … 7
The Wireless Operator Air Gunner … 8
Small Canteen … 10
Fire Hall … 11
Dental Clinic … 12
Handing Over Ceremony … 13
Air Bombers … 16
Station Workshops … 17
A Message from the Padres … 18
Works and Buildings … 19
The Gremlins at Dafoe … 20
The Control Tower … 21
A Note from the W.D.s … 22
Introduction from the Parachute Section … 23
Equipment Section … 26
Y.M.C.A. … 18
R.C.A.S.C. … 29
Sports Headlines … 30
Gunnery Flight … 32
Bombing Flight … 33
Drogue Flight … 33
Wireless Section … 34
Trophy Winners … 35
Beneath the Southern Cross … 36
Airmen’s Mess … 38
From the Education Office … 39
M.T. Section … 40
Maintenance … 41
Photographic Section … 42
M.P.O. 1206 … 43
Security Guard … 44
Chronological Summary … 45
Bust Road Incident … 46
Aussie Doings … 48

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[Boxed] Commanding Officer’s Message

[Photograph] Wing Commander P.W. Lowe-Holmes

I hope this magazine will be read in many homes and in different parts of the world. Its production is a triumph and a good indication of industry and ingenuity on the part of the editorial staff.

If this magazine gets the support it merits, regular monthly issues are contemplated.

A Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year to all at Dafoe.

[Signature] [/boxed]

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Headquarters’ High-Pressure

By Foreign (Eastern Canadian) Correspondent

“Exigencies of the Service” (and in particular this publication) seem to demand that Station Headquarters (Administrative, of course) be subjected to the doubtful advantages of being verbally pictured. Notwithstanding the opinions of some of the inhabitants (natives) of that lofty seat of decision, however, it is felt that the consummation of any such dali-ish inclinations would be utter nausea. However, to the infernal glorification of Building No. 1, No. 5 B. & G.S., as well as for the consumption of the more hardy of our readers (if any), we shudderingly tender this boring epistle.

Headquarters is, in its better moments looked upon by the remainder of the Station as the “ne plus ultra” in information bureaus. Regardless of the remote logic by which any problem is related to administrative matters, it seems inevitable that the matter finally devolves into the wastebasket, or onto the desk of, one of the satellites or lesser constellations in H.Q.

In particular however, this thesis will deal with what the Orderly Room, Records Branch and Central Registry, in particular are responsible (used under advisement) for. It is not to be interpreted as meaning that we actually do these things. And so in reverse order ….

Central Registry—The Nervous Centre of the Station

This doubtfully reasonable facsimile of an office-boy’s desk in any good civilian firm is our mailing department. Through its devious channels pass the frenzied outpourings (reduced, of course to mere words) of staff officers and A C 2’s alike. Everything from the crisply official “envelopes, manilla, O.H.M.S., R.C.A.F.,” to those smoking “billets d’amour” penned by the more sentimental of our personnel, are accorded the best of receptions by our clerks. In addition they are more or less employed otherwise in everything from juggling the stamp account to the satisfaction of our Accounts Section, to the handling (and mishandling) of those peculiar collections of typescript, manuscript and just plain script which fall within the categorization of the Station filing system. Reputedly, our staff can locate, within a matter of mere days usually, everything from the last Inspector-General’s Report to the application that A C 2 Jerk J. made for a sleeping-our pass that wasn’t granted. (N.B. – It might be well to mention that, to obviate anyone interpreting this to mean that we are in possession of a select bunch of “meanies” making decisions, A C 2 Jerk was refused such pass on the technical grounds that he was not, as yet, possessed of the necessary adjunct, to wit, a wife and/or family). The staff of this most prominent section of our fair organization comprises, at the moment, Miss M.E. (Billie) Howard of Lanigan, Sask. (to whom congratulations are in order on her imminent marriage); L.A.W., E.J.N. (Emily) White of Saskatoon and A.W.2 J.G.P. (Julia) Maffett of Regina and New Brunswick.

And so we leave C.R., with its waving palm trees and the myriad morasses of mail and memos, and continue our H.Q. travelogue in the direction of---

Records Branch—the Gestapo of Dafoe

Our “F.B.I.” as personified by the Records Branch, is responsible for and does (to some small extent at least) maintain a complete (much to some people’s disgust and regret) record of all and any personnel on the Station. So complete are these records that our F.L. McBeth , at the recent series of Officers’ and N.C.O.’s Administrative lectures, was prompted to remark that “I sometimes marvel at the way some

(Continued on Page 14)

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Accounts Section

By Sgt. O’Leary

[Photograph of a group of men and women in uniform]

Two years ago great minds (if there were any) gathered together on a wind-swept, desolate, alkali part of the earth which has oft been spoken of as “God’s Country” (Bless the Indians!) It is said that they had a great star to guide them, but alas, these wise men for they must have been wise men, were also good men and it is said of the good that unto them no harm must come (such as being posted to Dafoe).

These wise men had – CENSORED – and thus was formed what was destined to become one of the most sought out, most popular (we have fourteen W.D.’s and Miss Evelyn White) sections on this Station, namely the Accounts Section. Perhaps some of you have never heard of us, if not, you are invited to attend our family get togethers – we usually have (at least) two a month. All that is required from you is your number, rank and name, and here, so help us, is a plug – NUMBER – RANK – NAME.

Enough of this, let’s face facts and write something. We could tell you all about our W.D.’s but you would not be interested. “What’s that; Ha! Ha! Yes, we guess you could tell us about them PERIOD. Anyway we will gladly give you their number if it is requested.

Of late the Accounts Section had been denuded of males. There are only six left and God knows they are not the best examples of the “Atlas type”. The current boys are Squadron Leader Broughton, late of C.N.S. Rivers; Flying Officer Moffatt (who luckily escaped with his life from a harrowing experience and whose heart now “pants” when stepping to and from taxi cabs); Flight Sergeant Hamilton (claims he is from Canada – wherever that is); Sgt. Pattinson, a drip of scotch, pardon that slip, we meant drop; Sgt. Joseph Bruno, Felix, Leonide, Chretien, Free Irish; and last and least, Sgt. O’Leary, French Sinn Feiner.

We are just recovering from the loss of a very wonderful personality, namely, Flight Lieutenant Jim (to his friends) Morton. He was a real good egg and you know how short we are of those these days. With Flight Lieutenant Morton we also lost Pilot Officer Norman, R.A.F., who came all the way from England to see Dafoe. He has now returned to his native haunts (I hope not).


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Station Hospital

[Photograph of men and women, some in medical uniform]

The Station Hospital thrives and expands in importance under the able guidance of S/L R.N. Lawson (the well known hunter), Fl/Lt. W.J. Boyd (Smiling Bill), and Fl/Lt. A. Paterson (also known as the Station Vet). We see everybody come and go – shades of inoculations and blood groupings.

Admissions are duly recorded by F/S G.A. Glacken, and then received in the ward by our ever smiling Nursing Sisters, Ruby McSorley and Violet Taylor. It’s amazing how we ever manage to get anyone out of the Hospital. Since the last issue of this magazine the Hospital along with all other sections, has been improved by the arrival of the W.D.’s. Were they received with open arms? Incidentally they still are by many.

The Hospital is proud of its record and has established quite a reputation among other Air Force Hospitals. In the past month, we have been “At Home” to thirty five M.O.’s from other stations. Their greatest source of wonderment is “How and where does Dafoe get all the equipment?” Fellow M.O.’s at other stations, that’s a deep dark secret. Personally the writer thinks the explanation lies in the fact that when S/L Lawson begins talking and explaining why he needs something, the easy way out is to give it to him. You’ve heard the saying about “talking the hair off a brass monkey” but maybe that’s getting personal.

Here in the hospital we find the real inside life of a person; more heart moving love scenes, usually during visiting hours, and the cranky obstinate scenes in the early morning hours, during which many a true confession is told, would if published in book form, reap a fortune.

The important folk in the hospital, however, are the patients and they’re the best in the world. We can’t avoid mention of LAC’s Ron Ward and Mike Bowen, now of International reputation. They have given us all a lesson on ”How to take it”, during the past four months. However they’ll soon be up and around. LAC Harris was also part of the inventory for five months, and tho he has now left the service, we still think of him as one of us. Good luck Gordie! We hope you like that old job again.

What about the Staff you ask? Now you should know them well, but for those unfortunate healthies who are uniformed, here’s the roster –

S/L Lawson – “Curly” to his intimates, and the best scrounger in the service. Must be related to Frank Buck, if it’s not fastened down, he’ll bring it back. Mayor of Boom Town for 19 months.

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F/Lt. Boyd – What a “cutter upper” is Willie James! He’s always ready to operate but don’t mention “open house” to him. Fond of ice cream – known in the mess as “Three Scoop Willie”.

F/Lt. Paterson – The red haired California Scotchman who can cure anything from the left front radius of a canine to the exhuberations of a canary. Good old “Pat” lends his ready wit and genial personality to all station social do’s.

N/S McSorley – “Our Ruby” the brightest jewel in our crown. Never knows when to stop working and represents the acme of her profession.

N/S Taylor – Hi, Vi! Why are you so damn good looking! When you arrived, the wolves were at once on the prowl, but “Frankly” they hadn’t a chance.

F/S Glacken – He maintains the orderly room in peace and quietness, or what do you think? We’ll never know why it is called the “orderly room”.

Sgt. Cullen – In our dispensary you will find him there to fill your wants in the way of pills and potions. Specially fond of canaries.

Sgt. Mason – To whom we bid welcome, is a little too good looking to have control of the W.D.’s.

Cpl. Hedderson – Will see through you so don’t try pulling the wool over his eyes.

Cpl. Henley - The best “all round” cook, we know. There’s only one answer to the question, “where are the best meals served on the station”.

Cpl. Paddle – Who said those night slippers of yours were “Sneakers”?

LAC Marshall – “What attraction does the Linen cupboard hold, Marsh”? As a suggestion an armchair might be an asset.

Cpl. Cook – A flip to Regina was bad enough, but woe, what about T.C.A. to Vancouver, you can’t take a bus back this time.

LAC Kells – Music may soothe the savage beasts, but not the patients at 6 a.m.

AC2 Beaulieu – Welcome, hope you’ll like us as well as Yorkton.

AW1 Farmer – If she doesn’t want to walk someone will always “Wheeler”.

LAW Simpson – With all these late passes could it be that our school ma’am is tutoring a certain S.P (that does not mean Sergeant Pilot).

LAW Farrell – Good at her trade, but rumours say that she would be a much better street-car conductor. (Re Bessborough Hotel).

LAW Schwengers – The blonde bomber – where’d you get that hair-do Kay?

LAW Sinclair – “The Belle of Foam Lake” – with Winnie on duty there is never a dull moment.

LAW Winnik – “An unco-operative patient” but a good hospital assistant.

LAW Sneddon – Since her drill test she’s even changing beds by numbers.

AW1 McDowall – Code and cipher will be a cinch after trying to fathom our treatment book.

AW1 Cassidy – Rather funny a red head hooks up with the fire department.

AW1 Morgan – Yes she really is alive, just drop in to a W.D.’s dance for verification.

AW1 Cohen – When the cat’s away the mice will play – or do their damndest – what about it Nat?

LAW Gaucher – Our little man hater, but why all those tears after your 48’s.

LAC Stewart – Methodical “Stew” but really a whizz with the women.

The Wireless Operator Air Gunners

Ever since the first Course of W.O.A.G.’s arrived at this station early in 1941 there have always been a number of these students in and around G.I.S. The eager attitude of the average WAG is easily explained. After long months of guard duty or its equivalent and still longer months of training at a Wireless School these airmen come

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[Drawing of a Wireless Operator]

to No. 5 for the last lap – at the end of which come the wings and hooks to indicate that the trainee is ready for advanced or operational training. This enviable reward is handed out by the Commanding Officer at the end of the course.

What about a glimpse at an average day of an average WAG during his stay at No. 5? First of all there is the little item of getting up, cleaning up and filling up. After breakfast we SHOULD find our hero on morning G.I.S. parade where after a spot of P.T. his Course Leader will suggest that lectures are in order. During the next two hours Willie Wag may be in his own classroom hearing the inside story on turrets or Brownings or pyrotechnics or angles of deflection or points of harmonization or something. Only with the super-student are all of these topics dealt with at the same time. It is now the third hour of the umpteenth day of our WAG and very likely he is in the dark – physically of course – studying the humps and bumps of certain aircraft so that he will not shoot down more than his quota of allied planes. Rumor [sic] has it that mistakes in recognition are frowned upon in operations so Willie is wide awake in the dark. To finish off the morning in a profitable way the student will likely do some Morse – just to keep up his terrific speed against the day when the examination comes along.

In the afternoon of your average day Mr Wag is slated to fly and so reports at 1300 hours to the Gunnery Flight. He dons flying clothes from boots to helmet, draws a parachute and harness signs for a few hundred rounds of ammunition and awaits orders from ‘Pat’ Despatcher. Presently Willie is airborn [sic] along with Bolingbroke, a pilot, other classmates, a turret and plenty of ammunition. During the next few hours our trainee is shooting the drogue full of holes (he hopes) while learning some of the tricks in loading, handling and clearing Brownings in sub zero weather while travelling at a high rate of speed in a turret that is not winterized. Ask Willie, he knows. Well after defrosting and having a smoke the young hopeful may go up for another exercise to finish off the afternoon. After all, his stay is short and most evenings are spent with the one hundred and nineteen pieces of the Browning. And so to bed.

Of course our typical day couldn’t include everything. During his Couse the trainee is destined to spend many hours manipulating the different types of turrets – the types he will use overseas. Still further he will find his way to the ranges a few times during his stay at No. 5. At these points he will learn the fine old art of gun cleaning as well as firing many hundreds of rounds from turrets. Seriously, Willie is convinced that in operations the serviceability of his guns that counts the most. He should know more about his guns than any other person on the squadron.

And so the Wireless Operator Air Gunners are trained for a highly specialized job in which there is practically no room for errors. G.I.S. handles all of this training except the air exercises and puts forth every effort to give the trainee what he will need most in operations. Good luck to you, Willie Wag, and to all your brothers in aircrew.

o o o

M.O. – The best thing you can do is give up smoking, drinking and women.
AC2 PATIENT – What’s the next best thing?

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Small Canteen

[Photograph of an eating area with tables and chairs]

The Small Canteen offers you a comfortable homelike atmosphere in which you may work or play. It is conveniently located and well furnished with writing desks, armchairs, piano, radio, rugs and numerous reading lamps as well as an open fire place which makes it a popular place in the evenings.

It is the headquarters of the YMCA which organization contributes greatly to the welfare of the men by placing writing material and library facilities at their disposal.

The Small Canteen also harbours the offices of the Chaplains; the “Y” Supervisor and the Educational Officers. These people are always ready and eager to help you. Get to know these fellows as it will help to make your stay at Dafoe more pleasant. Let us briefly introduce them to you. First we have Father Dunphy, a jovial good natured fellow who is a tonic for depressed spirits. He has a way of making one see the bright side of the picture, and rumour has it that he is an expert on matters pertaining to the fuel supply. Then we have Padre Morrison, a serious but kind and friendly fellow. He has been an AC2 and through his wealth of experience in the service can offer words of advice to you who are new. He is the steadying influence in the Small Canteen. Next we have F/O Brown, the educational officer. Bill is a great fellow; an allround athlete and a great teacher. He is always ready to chat with you and to discuss your problems of remustering and further education. Education is important. Get to know F/O Brown. We know that Bill has only one vice and that against justice for he once stole spuds from F/O Carr’s potato patch and loaded them into the “shirts” car. Since the day that the educational officer took over his duties here, the work has expanded greatly and today we find two educational officers. The new arrival, Pilot Officer Jones is a great asset to this work. We all think

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that he is a great lad. He is really fitting in well and Bill Brown says that he is OK. Assisting in some of the clerical work is our little WD; LAW Pope. Winnie, apart from her work with the library, helps the educational officers; the padres and even Tom. Gee, Father Dunphy got a surprise the day Winnie arrived. He had not met her at the time, but Tom told him that Pope had arrived. He replied “from Rome?”

Now we come to Tom McDonald, the “Y” supervisor. Tom is a happy fellow and his good humour is contagious. Many of the boys say that he is always ready to laugh at their troubles, and strange to say, Tom has the cure for many of them. Tom tries to stay well within the law, but once he went a-shooting and got caught. (S/L Lawson can explain.) His happy disposition stands him well in his present occupation and we do not hesitate to say that Tom is one of the best supervisors that can be found anywhere. (Of course they are few Pat).

Now fellows you will see why we suggest that you get acquainted with the Small Canteen and its personnel. Make it your headquarters for letter writing, study and reading and also for meeting your friends in the evening.

Merry Xmas from the Small Canteen and come to our Xmas party. We almost forgot to say we have one of the best care takers on the whole camp. Good old Alex.


What goes on behind the scenes in a fire fighter’s life is very seldom known to the public. Here is a general idea of what a fire fighter has to do and what is expected of him at Dafoe.

First, they have some 50 odd buildings and 650 pieces of fire equipment to inspect and maintain daily.

Second, they have to drill the fire picquet daily in ladder and hose drill and instruct them in the use of all fire equipment.

Third, they have to instruct all service and civilian personnel on the station I the use of all fire equipment.

Fourth, they have to have their own drills three times a week and five lectures a week on fire prevention and fire fighting.

Fifth, they have the job of training the crash crew in the use of the equipment on the crash tenders and what to do when a crash occurs.

Sixth, they have to see that al fire orders are adhered to and the everlasting job of teaching and fire prevention.

Then to top it all off they have the job of protecting our neighboring city known as Boom Town and see that the airmen’s families are not burned out of house and home. A fire fighter has to be on duty 24 hours a day, whether he plays cards or fights fires. Fire waits for no man.

We also have the job of making the ice for the winter sports so that the lads who have their days work finished can enjoy themselves while the lads whom they have so often criticized for being lazy are on duty waiting for the every lurking enemy FIRE.

So wouldn’t some of you lads like to be a fire fighter so that you can get up out of your nice warm beds and help us slug lines of frozen hose around.

Granted it has never happened here but it CAN happen, so all we have to do is keep our vigilance in fire prevention and don’t take any chances with fire.

Thanks, lads and girls, for your co-operation, and in keeping down the fire loss at this station. As you all know, we can protect ourselves from an enemy we can see, but we cannot from one we can’t see and never know when and where he is going to strike next.

F/S J. Weibe, Fire Chief.

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The Dental Clinic

[Photograph of a dental consultation]

The Dental Clinic at No.5 B & G. School, is staffed by two operators, Captain Neptune, Officer in Charge, Captain Shapera, two N.C.O. chair assistants, and an orderly.

The main objective at the clinic is to have every man, who is posted overseas, 100 per cent dentally fit. It is of prime importance that Air Crew arrive overseas with no dental trouble.

Emergency work is given prompt attention and we want the personnel of the station to feel free to come to the Clinic at any time for dental treatment.

The Clinic appreciates the whole-hearted co-operation received, and while it is the last place anyone usually wants to visit, the personnel, on the whole, have been excellent patients.

Wea re proud of our equipment and supplies, and we are glad to render dental service to the R.C.A.F.

We take this opportunity of impressing on the personnel the importance of reporting to the Clinic at the first sign of sore or bleeding gums.


Greetings from the Armament Section! Here is a hard working group of airmen who are making an indispensable contribution to the whole training programme of the station. They are few in number but are doing a big job. Consider the guns, ammunition, bombs, pyrotechnics and other highly specialized items of armament equipment required at a school of this nature, and you will appreciate something of the task that is theirs.

Located in Gunnery Hangar, you will find the section a most interesting and friendly one to visit. Flight Sergeant Cook is in charge, and is ably assisted by a very fine staff of Armourers (Bombs) and Armourers (Guns). Cpl. Ritchie supervises all machine gun repairs and the cleaning of guns and equipment. An expert with factory experience, LAC Stewart looks after the power-operated turrets that are mounted in the gunnery slips. Cpl. Hamm on the bombing line supervises the fusing and inspection of the practise bombs before having them attached to the carriers.

Much could be said in regard to the work of our sections; still more about the men who perform its varied tasks, but this will be enough to show something of its interest and importance on the station. To the Commanding Officer and all personnel of No. 5 Bombing and Gunnery School we of the armament section extend heartiest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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Handing Over Ceremony

[Two photographs of a senior officer in uniform]

On Saturday, August the First, 1942 an event of importance in the history of No. 5 Bombing and Gunnery School took place. On the Parade Square in the presence of all station personnel, Group Captain, R.A. Delhaye, D.F.C.; the Commanding Officer from the inception of the station, handed over to Wing Commander P.W. Lowe-Holmes, the new Commanding Officer, the responsibility of command.

[Photograph of three men in uniform, one signing a document]

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Headquarters High-Pressure (Cont’d)

people conduct themselves, knowing full well that their every action, you might say, good or bad, is kept track of …”.

Paramount among such responsibilities are the handlings of leaves, promotions, remusterings, reclassifications, the maintenance of documents, etc. to say nothing of such distasteful tasks as transcribing conduct sheet entries and making “logging” entries for our wayward ones.

In general Records Branch can be entombed with the blame for anything from not getting a leave pass signed to being late in the delivery of clearance certificates when, and if, some fortunate member of our happy family obtains his parole.

To make this brief story even briefer, Records’ motto is deigned to fill the bill: “If it was done, and you did it, we know it; and if it wasn’t done, we did it!”

Noted among the unfortunate presently penned into this portion of petrified prairie are: Cpl. P.E. (Ed or Pudge) Winott of Kingston, N.S.; AW1 M.F. (Marg) Sager of Saskatoon and Chilliwack, B.C.; AW2 W.M. (Wendy – no relation to Peter Pan) Dalzell of Montreal, Que. and our recent addition Miss U.B. (Ulah) Beaton of Viscount and Humbolt.

But time is short – and this column should be shorter (regrets, gentle reader) so we doff our parkas, eskimo-suits and hand-chewed moccasins and in a respectful slow march bid a fond farewell to “Records” (Phone 4 r 2). Leaving the land of the Midnight Oil behind us we journey far and across the Trans-Headquarters highway to our mecca ….

The Orderly Room

(Any similarity between this and the normal interpretation of “orderly” is purely – we mean it – co-incidental).

“Never in the history of human endeavour have so many been browbeaten so much by so few”. (Except, perhaps, in the gl-l-l-lorious Third Reich)

Anyhow, this might well be a direct quotation from, say, Maintenance or Training Wing or, for that matter any section of the Station when Headquarters O.R. “goes off the deep end” so often as they opine.

Actually, we are a very nice bunch of people, broadly considered.

Unfortunately, however, a sad fate inevitably befalls Orderly Rooms as a whole and in particular, Headquarters’. We are the Charlie McCarthy’s on the knees of the powers-that-be. It matters naught what normal reactions are, but H.Q.O.R. has a positively amazing faculty for getting inundated with the blame for any apparently “radical” idea that first sees the light of day in, or around, Station Headquarters.

As a note of explanation to those unfortunates who have, from time to time, found it necessary to make personal appearances in what is usually a fruitless endeavour to straighten out some “little” point, we would offer these few “bon mots”. In other words, it is wellnigh impossible for Headquarters Orderly Room to predict D.A.P.S. on matters of postings, promotions, remusterings, etc.; therefore, it will be appreciated that we cannot possibly KNOW:

IF your application for compassionate (passionate) posting to … (CENSORED) has been approved,

IF we are going to get special leave to celebrate the advent of the fifteen year locusts,

IF there is any truth in the rumour that we are commencing the New Year, to get a forty-eight and a seventy-two each week, with Saturdays and Sundays off,

IF, when the weather gets colder, as it does in this province in January and February, we are going to be issued with electrically heated blankets made into parkas for the convenience of runners, etc. (For this one we would refer you to the Equipment Section).

IF it is true that the government is paying a bounty on all members of the Service who want to get married (with or without permission).

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However, if you want to know anything about anything, everything, or nothing, ask the Headquarters Orderly Room – you will always get an answer correct or incorrect, civil or profane, but we will never give an answer that can be quoted as an authority.

Nevertheless (and vide para so-and-so above) we are, as noted, a “by-and-large” nice bunch of idiots. Noted among this collection are the following: WO2 R.B. (R.B.) Eaton of Winnipeg and the Coast; Sgt. K.M. (Morg) Morgan of Ottawa, Canada; LAC L.A. (Lorne) Wood of Biggar, Sask., (Native); LAW E.P. (Drunkard) Bible of Edmonton; AW1 M. (Green-eyes) Carlisle of Wapella, Sask.; AW2 A.J. (Jean) Hamilton of South Devon, N.B.; and Miss H.P. (Helen) Putnam of Watson, Sask., (‘nother native).

Let that, in itself, suffice to introduce you briefly to the H.Q.O.R. – and since we will not want to linger any longer than necessary – we will, hurriedly, bid the joint a fond farewell.

And now, last but not least, to our outside offices – and out best (?) publicists ….

The Runners!

Anyone who is anyone around Dafoe, and who has their eyes open cannot but have noted our “ripper-arounders”. At present (and this is subject to change without notice – courtesy of the Priorities Board) we have, numbered among these, LAW V. (Vern) Farrow of Toronto, Ont.; AW1 A.E. (Hey you!) Knight of Swift Current, Sask.; and AW1 D.R. (Newfie) Young of - well, you guess! Although we could go into the utmost of detail concerning the varied and diverse duties of our “runners” (or walkers, as it seems) suffice to say that their major accomplishments to date has been “Newfie’s” incomparable knack for winning when it comes to flipping quarters with the personnel she meets (and she meets almost everyone) along the way. For this we refer you to Flying Officer Ducharme, late of Maintenance, who, we understand, was a “plunger” and who has since retired to a quiet haven (Newfie-less) on the West Coast to drown his sorrows.

So-o-o-o-o-o, at long last, we will allow you , gentle reader, to turn the page unmolested, and depart, with the literally winged feet of Mercury from this apparently incurable bunch of maniacs who we boastfully consider as “staff”. So, with just a parting shot in the direction of our hallowed and inhumanly lucky alumni, we bid our adieus and flitter gracefully in the imaginary wings.

Noted, some time back, among us were the following who have since departed upon their ways to, we hope, bigger and better things (what am I saying?):

Cpl. Hotson, A.G. of Tavistock, Ont. – enroute (the last we heard) to an ocean rendezvous.

LAC R.F. Watson of Winnipeg – headed for a “Vulcan-izing”.

LAC R. Wragg of Oshawa, Ont. – creditors please forward all bills to Mossbank.

LAC F.A. Rodberg of Edmonton, Alta. – now helping the C.O. run the “X” (mysterious, isn’t it) Depot at Kamloops.

LAC N.E. Boyd of Toronto, Ont. – departed, the lucky stiff, to Toronto.

AW1 B.E. Martin (Sprinter) – headed for 6 “M” Depot, Toronto and the W.D. Admin Course.

AW1 P.H. Yeomans (latest departure) – for 7 “M” Depot and subsequent posting to Washington (in the interests of Pan-American unity, of course), and

Miss E.E. (Edie) Hughes – who also crossed the border enroute to middle-aisling it with S.Sgt. Pilot K.T. (Dusty) Blakely of the U.S. Army Air Corps (recently Sgt. Piot of Dafoe) at Columbia, S.C. Lotsa luck, “Porky” and congratulations.


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Air Bomber

The Aircrew is a team – a fighting group of specialists – each highly skilled in his particular job – and an important member of that team is the Air Bomber.

[Picture of an Air Bomber in his crew position]

Sometimes we here at Dafoe become wrapped up in our own particular work and do not realize that the sole purpose of this station is to turn out students who will be capable of doing their job in a bomber team overseas.

In order that we may better know our trainees’ problems, and by so doing further the value of our work here, let us follow the progress of an Air Bomber through his course at this school.

Arriving here after many weary weeks of study at Depots and I.T.S., our Air Bomber starts in at G.I.S. on the most important phase of his work, the study of the theory of bombing and the manipulation of the bombsight. Solid weeks of study – theory – problems – more theory – back to school, not interesting ‘tis true, but every Air Bomber knows that only those who have a thorough knowledge of this theory will be able to drop their bombs on their target every time.

Then to test out their new found knowledge on the bombing teacher, that marvel of wheels, gears, lights and screens that allows a student to do everything on the ground that he can do on a bombing flight except get air sick. He learns to navigate, find winds and eventually to drop bombs with deadly accuracy – all on the ground. Hour after hour, daytime and night-time our student will be found practicing on the Bombing Teacher – for he must pass all test here before he is ever allowed to go into the air.

Then the great day arrives, he is declared ready by G.I.S., and he climbs into one of our bombers for his first practice bombing run. His school work does not end here however, many hours are spent in G.I.S. with competent instructors analysing the errors he has made in the air – learning about new equipment he will eventually use overseas – bombing devices – fuses – detonators – bomb carriers – pyrotechnics and explosives. And so on through the more advanced phases of his air work, the different types of bombing, flying this morning, school this afternoon, flying tonight, school to-morrow, till he passes into the final stages of his training – gunnery.

Now more intensive ground training in G.I.S. Browning guns – the why’s and the wherefores of all its pieces – its faults and their remedies – its care and its uses. Then many hours of turret work – of firing machine guns on the ranges in the daytime and at night – and finally the student is ready for air exercises in gunnery.

And so into a turret in one of our gunnery aircraft goes our air bomber – and realises after a few tries that he still doesn’t know all there is to know about turrets, machine guns, and stoppages, and so through the various phases of his gunnery training from one kind of attack to another till he becomes a dead-eye Dick when looking at a drogue and makes the required percentage of hits to pass his gunnery course.

Meanwhile any spare time our Air Bomber might have had is used up studying aircraft recognition or practicing sending and receiving with the Aldis Lamp – all preparing for the great day of final examinations in bombing, gunnery, signals, aircraft recognition, turrets, etc. Many have fallen by the wayside at this point, but the high standard of training that No. 5 has established throughout Canada must be maintained.

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At last graduation day arrives, and we no longer have a student, but a highly skilled bombardier and air gunner, ready to take his place, after further training elsewhere, as a member of a bomber crew overseas.

And as we see him receiving his graduation certificate from our Commanding Officer, we who remain here at Dafoe, cannot help but feel proud that we have all played some small part in making him better able to fight our battles for us overseas.


“We mend everything but the break of dawn”

Somewhere on this station there is an unimpressive but important building upon whose staff (existence) hangs the welfare of this training center. It is to this building that all broken parts are brought for repair. Here parts are fitted carefully together and through the untiring efforts of those who toil within are once more able to be used where they are most needed.

Let us enter the building and find out for ourselves how this important unit functions. In the north-east corner of the building there is an invaluable piece of machinery where the carpenters prepare the fundamental materials for cupboards and filing cabinets. The general shape of plywood to be used in the repair of aircraft is also cut here. The machine is known as the circular saw. Nearby is another conspicuous machine known as the jig-saw. It is indispensable because of its ability to turn out fine pieces of material with very intricate patterns. This instrument was designed and constructed at this station under the supervision of G.W. Smith who is to be recommended for his successful completion of the machine. Near the jig-saw is a small but efficient machine, the steel lathe where all the metal turning is done.

Across form this is the steel metal shop which is always busy modifying cowlings, baffle plates and other such necessary parts. Also many items of various design are modelled here and used in the aircraft for the benefit of the pilot.

In the back of the shop we find the spark plug department. This is a complete unit within itself and is separated from the rest of the shop by a small barricade. The duties of this section are to clean, repair and maintain a continuous supply of spark plugs for all aircraft.

Another self-sufficient unit found near here is the welding shop, where there are two welding outfits in continuous use. They do the work for the entire station.

Last, but not least, there is the fabric department. Like the spark plug department, it is entirely self-reliant. It is shut off from the noise and bustle of the building and performs its duties under expert leadership of the members of the Women’s Division.

And so from this center of activity comes a hearty approval of this station magazine and wish for its success in months to come.


No. 5 B. & G. Miniature Rifle Club is affiliated with the “Dominion Marksmen” who supply the targets, a series of proficiency pins and an “Expert Shield”.

The club was formed early this summer and the response has been very good. There are now over 100 members, including a number of W.D.’s.

Firing on our 20 yard range in Drogue hangar takes place on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Two “Spoon Shoots” are held each month, at which the members compete for sterling spoons with crests and engraving.

To date several of our members have acquired “Dominion Marksmen” proficiency pins, and two, Sgt. Ladd and LAC Chipman, have qualified for the Expert Shield which requires a score of at least 5860 out of 6000 , and must be fired from prone, sitting and standing positions.

Inter-Station competition via the postal method has been tried, the team from No. 4 S.F.T.S. proving a little too strong for our team who are now busy practicing and looking for a few more crack shots to help out in the next competition.

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A Message from the Padres

H/F/L W.H. Dunphy H/F/L E.N. Morrison


With the advent of the anniversary of one of God’s great acts in the economy of Salvation, it behoves us, His Followers, to turn our hearts and our minds to a greater than ever incitation of love, one for another.

The old philosophy, “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” has been found wanting and has been supplanted with love for one another, in the coming of the new Dispensation. We, therefore, creatures of God, objects of His love, must be amiable to those who are worthy of His perfect love.

The echoes of that first Christmas chant proclaiming the coming of the New-Born King “Peace on earth to men of good will” must resound down the aisles of time and find a responsive note in our souls.

Our recent victories have come as “glad tidings of great joy” to the hearts of all sympathizers of the allied cause. With them must come the thought of the end of this conflict, Peace. And if we are to have a genuine peace we must have love; a great love; love of our enemies as well as love of friends. We, in the magnanimity of our heart, can justify this love for forgiving them “for they know not what they do.”

Thus entering upon this festive season of the year with love in our hearts, we will partake of that peace, - that old and genuine peace to men of good will.

Station Chaplains

Station Drum and Trumpet Band

[Photograph of a band with instruments in front of an aircraft]

Under the capable leadership of Drum Major J.S. Young, the station Drum and Trumpet Band, starting from scratch last July, has since developed to the point where it is decidedly a credit to our station. It is composed of 28 people. 14 of them airmen and the rest airwomen. These people were all (with the exception of the Drum Major) novices at the time of the organization of the band, and their present standard of excellence is the result of long hours of diligent practice. To the members of the band we say “Hats Off”.

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Works and Building Section

[Photograph of a group of men in uniform]

The boys of the Works and Building Section are a group of highly specialized workmen under the general and able supervision of Flight Lieutenant Rogerson, Engineer in Charge.

This section is usually the “happy hunting grounds” for the scroungers of scrap lumber, paint, putty, nails, electrical equipment and the occasional borrowing of a plumber’s wrench. (When the Electricians return them).

The Tractor Operators under the capable direction of Corporal Hack are a very efficient staff. It is the duty of their section to maintain the airport roads, runways and dispose of snow which would endanger the take-off and landing of aircraft. These men also operate the crane used for handling aircraft damaged during forced landings. Corporal Hack’s men annoy him by whistling while they work. Flight Sergeant Bishop says that they just whistle.

The Carpenters Section is supervised by Flight Sergeant Bishop and Sergeant Lamothe. Under the watchful eyes of these N.C.O.’s the buildings are kept in a perfect state of repair for Officers, N.C.O.’s W.D.’s and Airmen (mostly Officers, N.C.O.’s and W.D.’s).

Paint is used extensively in this type of work and to the painters goes the credit for the clean, well decorated buildings.

Perhaps the station plumbing can be compared with the finest, and the honors go to the Works and Building Plumbers for the care and maintenance of this intricate system. The plumbing department is supervised by Flight Sergeant McKenzie, who cuts inconveniences in plumbing down to a minimum … (when he remembers to bring his wrench on the job-.

Two other very important divisions located in this Section are the Electricians and Firemen. These are in charge of Corporal Colley and Flight Sergeant Mathias, ably assisted by Corporal Smyth, Corporal McCallum and Corporal Lawson, who operate the heating plants and boilers on the station.

Our office staff ranks with the most efficient. The office boy is very intellectual and the stenographer is “Hm, Hmmm, some class”.

But perhaps if it wasn’t for the assistance given by our Works Foreman Flight Sergeant Cambridge (have you seen the plumbers, carpenters, electricians, painters?), our branch would not operate so smoothly.

If you should doubt our efficiency, just phone us. “Service with a smile” (maybe).

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The Gremlins at Dafoe

By A.D.

Lately a great deal of attention has been paid to the little-known Gremlin, and, as information on this subject is so scarce, this article is dedicated to the types of gremlins particular to Dafoe.

In order to gain information, a typical Dafoe gremlin was interviewed. He turned out to be somewhat older than the other gremlins, and had a very serious (you might even say poker-face) expression. This was a short commissioned gremlin, and he was sitting on the engine of an aircraft. He carried a spanner in one hand and some chewing gum in the other and was frantically applying both to the motor before him. His customary sangfroid had been destroyed by the obvious importance of the job before him, and upon our approach his usually expressionless face took on a scowling look. Upon trying to approach him I was rebuffed and informed that he was much too busy to try to get one-even one-aircraft serviceable for the morning’s flying. He finally broke down and wept like a gremcub (baby gremlin) “I became so discouraged”, he cried, “for you reporters continue to print articles on all the bad gremlins and there are so many of us who are the good type”. “Take myself for instance,“ he continued, “it’s my lifetime job just repairing these so-called engines as fast as my destructive relatives make them unserviceable.”

“You know there are a great many more types of gremlin than this world dreams of, and so far only our flying unit has received any attention. Possibly you remember ‘Black Friday’ as we called it last summer. Well, ever since then our flying personnel wont [sic] even talk to the rest of us, and they continue to flaunt their log books at every opportunity”.

By this time the grease grimed gremlin had warmed to his subject and, seizing me by the arm, exclaimed: “I want you to meet the ace of the flight that was on duty on “Black Friday”. He led me into the cockpit of a nearby aircraft, where a dark handsome gremlin was intently studying the instrument panel. On being introduced, he flashed a dazzling smile and exclaimed, “Buenos notches senor” – indicating that he had spent some time in a land where the Spanish tongue is spoken. With a gleam in his eye he confided, “I was on duty on Black Friday, and was posted to an aircraft with a pilot making his first solo circuit. When we came in to land he put down his undercarriage, and when we were about one hundred feet off the ground, I fixed the indicator to show the wheels were up. He became flustered and raised his undercarriage up once more, so we made a belly landing and washed out an aircraft.” He chuckled savagely and stuck out his chest displaying the wings and decorations he had won that awful day. He told us some more of his experiences, and soon became absorbed in thought-planning nefarious methods of fooling pilots.

So we passed on through the various hangars and shortly came upon a tall, handsome gremlin officer drilling the gremlin duty flight. My guide who had now become “Gus”, began a very enthusiastic description of this officer. “You know”, he remarked, “we find that since our work parallels that of the airforce so closely, it is most satisfactory to arrange our ranks like theirs. For instance, I am a Flight Lieutenant, that officer is a Flying Officer and the men he is drilling vary from AC1s to Warrant Officers.

Gus’ voice took on a puzzled tone, and he observed, “That Officer is a man of the wide open spaces, you can see that just looking at him, and yet the airgremlins don’t seem to appreciate his drill periods whatever”.

“To be frank”, Gus continued, “there is a great similarity between the Air Force and our Organization, for with us it is also the air-gremlins who know nothing but do everything; the Sgts. who do nothing but know everything and the officers who know nothing and do nothing.”

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As we rounded the corner of the next hangar a strange sight met our eyes – for we were confronted with a most distinguished looking gremlin carrying a bow in a hand, sailing majestically over a hangar in pursuit of an arrow.

Gus chuckled quietly to himself and remarked that Cupid was taking his exercise early today.

So we left the hangars and proceeded to walk around the rest of the camp and very soon we met a rather singular gremlin who wore his collar backwards. We stopped and chatted for a short while and I couldn’t help but notice how plump and well-fed this dumpy gremlin appeared.

We continued on our tour and in approaching the next building Gus’ features lighted up and he remarked: “This is our hospital unit, and although there are wonderful opportunities here for both the bad and good types there is no doubt that the good types are definitely in the majority. They have done very well, and have made quite a name for themselves here at Dafoe. In fact I think they are all good types in here with the possible exception of that curly one down there, about whom we sometimes have our doubts”.

Proceeding to the last building in the camp, Gus resumed his worried look, “See here”, he stated, “if I don’t get back to my hangar those bad types will have all my aircraft unserviceable – so we will look in this building and then I must leave you”.

“This is the guard house”, he continued, “where the gremlins who are framed (Gus spoke out of the side of his mouth) are kept for varied amounts of time.”

We inspected the guard house and found only one prisoner – not a gremlin as you may think – but a human. His beard touched the floor; his uniform hung loosely upon him; he was chained hand and foot to the wall and presented a deplorable appearance.

“This prisoner”, Gus explained in hushed tones. “has been here a long time – years before I came to Dafoe. His is a sad case, for it seems he wrote an article for the Dafoe Digest concerning the various types of gremlins at Dafoe – way back in 1942.


Unfortunately, to many, particularly newcomers, the chief duties of those in the Control Tower are misunderstood, being considered more or less as spotters for infractions of flying regulations.

While it is true that we must endeavour to see that flying regulations are enforced, in so doing we are working in the interests of all flying personnel. Their safety is our first objective and at the same time to control traffic in such a manner as to eliminate confusion as far as possible.

It is only through 100 per cent co-operation of all those engaged in flying activities that our objective can be accomplished and to those who fail to co-operate – you are not only making our task more difficult but creating confusion among your fellow airmen and possibly endangering the lives of many.

In our everyday activities some of us forget the importance of the mission we are on. “The winning of the war”. Every act that hinders or makes more difficult our successful operation is helping our common enemy and any damage to aircraft, other property or injuries to personnel through gross negligence is nothing short of sabotage.

Those in charge of the Control Tower will always welcome constructive criticism from any member of the R.C.A.F. regardless of rank, and, should you at any time feel that we are not working in the best interests of the majority, do not complain to your pals, but draw it to our attention, as misunderstanding only breeds discontent and unrest, resulting in curtailment of our war effort.

Little drops of water and little grains of sand make the Mighty ocean and form the Mighty land.

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A Note from the W.D.’s

You know us. We’re the W.D.’s. Just about six months ago fifty of us marched on to the station and you groaned and said “what did we do to deserve this,” or “Dafoe was bad enough before but now …”. There have been more and more of us coming since then and now there are … And you aren’t really sorry we came at all. Or are you?

We’re the people who own the Barrack Block at the far end of the Station. You don’t see very much of that Barracks except at night when you take us home from the movie … and then there’s apt to be a pesky corporal nosing around with a flashlight. There’s no justice at all, is there!

We manage to have a lot of fun in those Barracks. Of course we’re a bit crowded now. That gives us a few inconveniences to grumble about…but then we have to have something to grumble about. We have to hurry home after supper to get at the showers first cause the hot water always runs out about 7 o’clock. And they won’t let some of us turn on the lights when we get up at four cause there are some sissies around that don’t go to work till eight … and they seem to like sleeping. But you get used to sweeping your bunk in the dark. And you get used to a Barrack Block where “if you want privacy, shut your eyes”.

There’s always something crazy going on in those W.D. Barracks. Just now it’s quite likely to have a Ouija Board connected with it. That thing predicts anything form the results of the Trade Test Board to the winner of the next Kentucky Derby. The corporals are unreasonable about that too. They insist on putting it away at lights out time. As if we’re sleepy!

And we’re those crazy people who took a dog on sick parade. But the M.O. put the plaster cast on his paw and now he hobbles around on three feet. When he’s better we’re going to make him an official resident and guardian of the Barrack Block.

We gripe about being stationed at this last outpost just like you do. “Why did they ever send us here,” we say. But every time one of us is posted we go tearing up to Headquarters Bldg.

[Photograph of women in uniform on parade] Dafoe Precision Squad on Review in Winnipeg

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and tell A/Section Officer Darte “We don’t want to go. Can’t you send someone else?” Criminal isn’t it!

But you do see quite a bit of our Canteen. It’s not a bad place. You come down any evening to play ping pong or Chinese checkers and drink cokes with us. And lots of you come down on Wednesday nights. We like that cause we can dance till midnight. We all agree the music could be better (except when the orchestra obliges), and the refreshments could be improved on (if we have any at all). But you can’t gripe too much cause its free – except when we take up a collection to buy wax for the Barrack Room floor. And you wouldn’t begrudge us a couple of cans of wax, would you?

So now we’ve been here for six months, and you’re quite used to us. You’re used to finding a couple of us in every section of the Station from the guardhouse to workshops and the Control Tower. You’ve got over the shock of finding people who like drill enough to form a Precision Squad and take it to Winnipeg. You aren’t really surprised any more when we confess that we like to shine our buttons.

You agree now that we can be of some use in the Air Force, that, surprisingly enough, we can accomplish a lot of work. And you’re sort of glad we came to Dafoe. Aren’t you?

Introduction to the Parachute Section

[Photograph of women packing parachutes]

If you walk north on ‘Bust Rd’ until you come to ‘F’ hangar you will find our well-equipped parachute section. You can’t miss the place because right out in front, where all can see, there is coal, coal and more coal. To the left of the door there is a small sign, reading, rather humorously, ‘KEEP OFF THE GRASS!’. I say humorously because there really isn’t any grass there.

As you open the door you are apt to think that you are walking into a showroom instead of a place of work; everything is so neat and orderly. The first thing that strikes the eye is the row of parachutes hanging from the ceiling. They are periodically hung out this way to air.

Running parallel with the windows is a long table, the top of which is highly varnished to prevent the snagging of the silk canopy while the ‘chute is being packed.

Now for some pertinent information on the personnel who operate this essential section. LAC Davidner is the ‘bloke what runs the place’. If you can’t find Hy in the section he is almost sure to be in the target room, busily patching up drogues on the sewing machine. Then there are AW1 McLeod, AW1 Armitage, LAW Nekorak (a budding wireless operator) and last but not least AW1 McNutt. Pam is now resting up in the station hospital, having injured her ankle recently. Don’t take my word for it but I heard that the incident occurred whilst Pam was trying to beat the rest of the section to pay parade.

If anyone doubts the efficiency of the packing done in this section I would advise them to communicate with WO2 Haggert who is the only airman on this station who has tried ‘hitting the silk’. He swears by ‘em.

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[Double page of photographs depicting life at Dafoe]


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Equipment Section

Equipment is the Life-Line of the Service

[Photograph of people in uniform across a desk]

Everything from an aircraft (complete as per inventory column six) for a new button for a uniform passes through the different sections of stores on your station. Few people realize the enormous amount of articles and materials covered by that one word ‘equipment’, without which the R.C.A.F. simply could not be. Quite a procedure is required to take care of an article and its covering voucher from the time it is received in I. & R. Section until it is issued to the section or person demanding. This procedure is completely outlined in C.A.P. 10, R.C.A.F. Vocabulary of Equipment, in sixteen parts. This publication is the book and bible of every equipment assistant.

There are fifteen equipment assistants on No.5 B. & G. School including the N.C.O.’s Sgt. Stevenson, Cpl. Anderson and Cpl. MacMillan. All personnel work separately in their own sections yet work together as a unit to make equipment one of the smoothest running sections on the station. All this complicated procedure goes under the able direction of F/L Jamieson who has taken over the responsibility since the recent posting of F/Lt. Winter to Saskatoon. F L Jamieson is ably assisted by F/O Logan who is well known to everyone, and to one and all he is tops, in the lingo of the Air Force.

All equipment upon arrival is taken to the I. & R. – Issue and Receipt Section. There all the necessary unpacking, checking and voucher action is taken by Cpl. “Ed” MacMillan and LAC Chantler. The words “necessary voucher action” covers a lot of work, voucher numbers are allotted from the different voucher registers and to the uninitiated the language spoken here is like Greek. From the I. & R. the different types of equipment are taken to the different sections to be taken on charge, binned and issued when needed.

In clothing stores, considered by many THE section of equipment the many different articles “airmen for the use of”, are taken on charge by LAC Young or LAC Edwards. Soon after a new shipment of clothing has arrived a crowd can be seen both within the section, overflowing through the door and out on Bust Road as the personnel of the station replenish their depleted wardrobes; depleted through “fair wear and tear” of course. Clothing parade is the most popular parade on the station and if one wishes to remain a smart looking airman or airwoman it is one parade that should never be missed.

Airwomen made their debut in the equipment section on this station at the end of June and since then have won the confidence and praise of the men with whom they are working. Six girls arrived on the station at the time but now, owing to AW Baggaley winning her stripes as an Admin. Corporal and the marriage of Bea. Lehman to LAC Bill Chantler in September there are now four of the six augmented by the latest arrival AW1 Ruth Parr.

Ruth may be found in Publications, dozens of books and not a good story in the lot. Here are found all the important manuals, reference and hand books which are so necessary to the many different subjects which must be known to “keep them flying”. Here also is kept all the stationery, pencils, paper, ink and erasers. Ruth knows where they are to be found and issues them to the demanding party with a cheery smile.

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Another section under the supervision of a W.D. is Barrack Stores. Here LAW Vi Houck takes care of the cleaning utensils, cleansers, cups, saucers and cutlery, the hundred and one things that make life worth living on a station.

Gasoline and oil for the aircraft and M.T. vehicles are issued by LAC Dewey Huart and LAC Ted Love. These two can usually be found somewhere on the station chasing an elusive gallon of gasoline or quart of oil. They are never seen without their inevitable note book or paper and are busily figuring volume and temperature.

The nucleus of the equipment section is the Orderly Room which is always a hive of industry. LAW Harris can always be found with her red head buried in some ponderous tome which contains ‘tally-cards’, on which is recorded all the stock held on charge on the station. Here too LAW ‘Butch’ Bailey takes care of the innumerable registers and books in which are kept the records of the movements of all the covering vouchers. If not in the orderly room ‘Butch’ is searching for some voucher which seems to have taken a wrong turn somewhere on its long journey.

It is in Technical Stores, better known as Tech. Stores, where we find all the aeroplane parts, from the largest component down to the smallest nut. These parts, known as major equipment are taken care of by Cpl. ‘Andy’ Anderson and LAW Toseland, known as ‘Tosie’ to everyone. These two make sure that each plane has a motor, the proper number of props and all the other parts necessary to keep a plane in a serviceable condition and in the air. Here also are “C” class stores which are “consumed in use” in the many building and repair projects that go on about the station. These are under the charge of LAC MacNab. The fine instruments found in the different aircraft are also kept here under the strict supervision of Sgt. Dick Stevenson and LAC Barney Shaw. Tools also come under these two men.

LAC John Brooks is another member of our happy family and is in GIS Stores, while LAC Bilokieli is in Maintenance Stores. These two recently changed sections as happens occasionally to give one a working knowledge of the different sections.

Also part of the equipment section although not equipment assistants are AW1 Margie Robb and AW1 Pam Griffin, our clerks and hard working typists. Margie handles the typewriter in the I. & R. Section and Pam in the Orderly Room. LAC Potvin who is also in the I. & R. Section is also an essential part of our set up.

There have been several recent postings from the station. Our congratulations go to Archie Morrison, now P/O Morrison, upon receiving his well deserved commission and his posting to parts unknown. Three of our boys also received overseas postings lately, these are LAC Tanney, LAC Goodwin and LAC Herriot, we miss the boys on our daily rounds and wish them the best of luck and God speed on their ventures. We lost our Flight Sergeant to Trenton during the month of November. It was a sudden move and everyone misses ‘Pudgy’ Munro from clothing stores. It will be a loss on clothing parade not to see his smiling face behind the counter when one is having difficulty with a

(Concluded on Page 39)

[Photograph of a group of men in uniform beneath an aircraft]

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[Canadian Y.M.C.A. Logo]

Tom Macdonald

Office in Small Canteen

The “Y” representative has one function on this station – To be of service to you. His office is situated in the small canteen. For the information of those who do not already know

1. We have a reading room which is one of the nicest in the R.C.A.F.
2. We have a library of over 2000 fiction books. LAW (Winnie) Pope is in charge.
3. Magazines are distributed through the “Y” office.
4. Stamps may be purchased here. (Winnie again).
5. Cables and wires sent anywhere. (once more its Winnie).
6. Writing paper and envelopes are supplied free.
7. Pressing irons are available. (See Winnie).
8. Small games of all kinds.
9. Home entertainment in Saskatoon on 48s is arranged.
10. Ping pong balls are supplied.
11. Bus and train information is available.
12. All of the material for wrapping and sending parcels is available. (Winnie again).

The “Y” representative is secretary of the sports and entertainment committees, and would be happy to talk to you is you are interested in any particular phase of either of these.

The “Y” movies are shown every Friday night in the Rec. Hall. They are free of charge and everyone is welcome. This show is always billed for 8 o’clock but we are sometimes a little late in arriving , due to the fact that the movie is first shown in the hospital, and sometimes takes longer than is anticipated. This might be a good time to commend you lads and lassies for the good spirit you have shown in cheerfully accepting the delays so caused in the past.

We would also like to take this opportunity to wish you each and everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


The Hostess House operated by the Y.W.C.A. and under the supervision of Miss A. Black, can truly be described as a friendly place to meet. Situated at the entrance to the Station, its facilities are available at any time between 10:00 hours and 22:30 hours every day of the week.

Here you may meet your wife or visit with your friends; you may spend an enjoyable evening in pleasant surroundings, or a quiet afternoon writing letters home; you are invited to enjoy games, sing songs, or have a friendly chat over a good cup of tea or coffee served with some delicious cake or cookies.

Information may be obtained in regard to a good place to spend your next 48. Or if you wish to have your family near by, information may also be given regarding accommodation in Boom Town or one of the neighbouring towns.

The Hostess House was officially opened January 21st, 1942, by Miss Black, assisted by Mrs. N. Muir. It’s attractive furnishings were chosen by the Saskatoon Y.W.C.A. Committee, under the leadership of Miss Roxanna Smith as convenor.

The present hostesses, Miss A. Black and Mrs. A. MacKillop welcome you to the Hostess House as a “Home Away From Home”.


Since January 1942

1. Sent 1112 packages of 25 cigarettes overseas.
2. Donated $91.70 to Red Cross.
3. Auxiliary members collected the sum of $60.20 from residents of Boom Town for the Red Cross during their last drive.
4. Donated novelties to Dafoe Carnival which netted $11.80. Proceeds going to Red Cross.
5. Made up and sent the following articles to the Red Cross Society: 16 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of mitts, 14 pairs of gloves, 7 sweaters and 10 complete layette sets. In addition a number of socks and sweaters which are now being knit are to be turned in by the end of December.

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[Photograph of five men beneath a sign RCASC]

It now behoves us to answer the ever recurring question, “What are you, the Army doing at Dafoe?” The book says we are responsible for the receipt, custody, issue and accounting for food supplies – in short we are the boys that dish out the rations. We also have the social obligation of being “At Home” to the Ration Board at 10 o’clock every morning. This is a friendly little gathering of Officers who discuss everything from the weather to the latest news on the milk situation. The big problem under discussion at present is, “Why are the hens laying only one egg in the mornings”, we hope to have the answer soon. The work ration is an all embracing term which includes some sixty different commodities. We must ensure that all these commodities are correct as to weight, quality and condition. Included on this list are chicken, turkey, apples, oranges, grapefruit juice and what’s more important a very generous ration of tea, coffee and sugar. This indeed is a far cry from the “beans and bullets” serves our fathers in the last war. We belong to that portion of the army called the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps whose motto is “Nothing Without Toil”.

We, the RCASC would like to take this opportunity of wishing the rest of the station a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and we hope you like the turkey.


The work of the entertainment committee has been carried out during the past year under the direction of three different chairmen, F/O Carr was the first and was succeeded by F/L Langdale who in turn was succeeded by our present congenial little President F/L Patterson. “Doc” takes a real interest in it, as he does in everything he sets his hand to, and under his guidance the entertainment committee is functioning smoothly and well.

During the past year the entertainment committee has arranged some 10 airmen’s dances and one station dance. These are very popular and the entertainment committee is due for a lot of credit for arranging them in the face of all the difficulties that naturally present themselves on an isolated station. Also directly under the supervision of this committee are the following –

Weekly informal dances in the W.D.’s recreation hall.
Weekly social hour in the Small Canteen.
Concert parties (these are brought to the station as often as possible).
Amateur hours.
Graduation parties in the Small Canteen.
Y.M.C.A. movies in the hospital and Rec. Hall on Friday nights.

These are the regular features of the station entertainment but the committee is interested in any form of entertainment that is available for the station personnel.

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Sport HEADLINES [drawing of a hockey player]

By F/O A.H. Edwards

Dafoe has advanced rapidly in the realm of sport during the last six months. Against all the worst those over-sized rats the gophers could do, the P.T. Department (with the help of the Duty Watch) have finally put into shape one baseball diamond, two softball diamonds, a running track and a soccer field. At the time of going to press our own dear Drill Hall is having its face lifted. There are many rumours going around that when it is finished a veritable sports palace will be opened to the personnel with great pomp and ceremony. A swimming tank filled with nice clear filtered Dafoe water will be the feature attraction. Showers and lockers for Airmen and W.D.’s are to be attached. Recreation and lounge room will be available in side lean-tos. In offices, there to welcome you, will be the Padres, the Educational Officer, the Auxiliary Officer and last but not least the P.T. and Drill Officer (Who said that?).

A sports room well stocked with all the necessary equipment for all types of games to be played on the main floor will be available. This calls for a plug – Can you resist those beautiful W.D.’s and the money boxes they held at monthly pay parades? – A baby gopher has it that a bowling alley will be there also. Gophers are funny animals! Could it be true? Only time will tell. Now to cover the main sports.


Under the capable leadership of LAC Magson, Course 60 Air Bombers came out on top if the station soccer league. In the play-offs, Sgt. Andrews led his Sgt. Pilots to noble defeat by extending Course 60 to their utmost. During the season the Officers captained by the C.O. gave the Sgt. Pilots quite a few hard tussels. Padre Dunphy played exceptionally well as goalie for he didn’t need to use his hands.


The softball league got off to a poor start twice, for when the lads weren’t busy swatting mosquitoes they were trying to keep the rain drops off. During lapses in the attacking swarms, the officers team pitched by F/O Peglar managed to emerge victorious from many a hard fought game with the Sgts. The chagrin of the Sergeants knew no bounds, when after being beaten by the officers 18-7 at the last game of the season, they had to play hosts to the victorious team at their mess. A good time was had by all and may this rivalry continue next year. So say we all.


Due to the difficulties of transportation, the baseball team could not play many outside games, but under the guidance of LAC Mitchell and F/O Carr, a good team was built up and several games were played on the station against visiting teams and on some of the towns in the surrounding district.


The Sgt. Pilots under the capable Sgt. Pilot Wheeler played hosts to a visiting team from Copeland. A bumping pitch didn’t prevent the Sgts. From coming out on top. This game started quite late in the season but next year it is hoped, that since

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equipment is now available, it will get away to an early start.


The volleyball court behind the Small Canteen came in for a great deal of use, especially by the Tarmacs. The court back of the W.D. Canteen was used extensively by the W.D.’s and Airmen but it is a question whether the volleyball was the chief attraction as far as the Airmen were concerned.

Station Sports Day

The day was sunny and so was the disposition of most of those on the station, for it was July 14th and they had an afternoon off. An extensive afternoon and evenings entertainment had been planned and thanks to the efficient and enthusiastic work of the Sports Day Committee led by F/L Padwick, it proved to be a tremendous success. Maybe because the W.D.’s being stationed here gave the lads a chance to show off their athletic prowess.

The monster parade organized by F/L Langdale, started off the day. Maintenance carried off the first prize of $15 cash with their clever imitation of a Fairey Battle, or was it a Kittyhawk?

The 23 track and field events under F/O Edwards and his P.T.I. staff, Sgt. Martin and Cpl. Taylor got away to a good start with the running of the sprint events. The Station was divided up into units namely: Observers and Gunners, Bombing, Gunnery and Drogue, G.I.S., Headquarters and Maintenance. The Observers and Gunners proved themselves worthy of aircrew by flying away with the Station Trophy with a total of 38 points.

The picnic lunch after the events was a novel idea and well received by the personnel, judging by the rapid disappearance of the huge piles of sandwiches and cakes prepared by F/S Mawattere and his staff.

The concert in the Recreation Hall received quite a hand, particularly the Hula Hula Dance by a group of station officers. It was whispered that an urgent invitation was extended to them by Earl Carroll to become members of his Follies.

All in all it was a great day. Dafoe can really do things and I don’t mean perhaps.


Although the Sports Committee has provided adequate equipment for this popular sport, the tearing up of the drill hall floor has destroyed our Badminton courts. Two courts are being marked in the Rec. Hall, and it is hoped that under the leadership of WO2 Eaton and Sgt. Morgan, a somewhat curtailed tournament will be held in the near future. Worthwhile prizes are to be given and it is hoped that a good many will enter.

Boxing and Wrestling

Under the leadership of Sgt. Steinhauer the new P.T.I. it is hoped that quite a few matches will be staged for your entertainment in the near future. Adequate equipment is available and Sgt. Steinhauer is anxious to meet those who are interested in this form of athletics.


With the first-rate ice surface which is now available a station hockey team and flight teams are in the process of organization. If you are interested contact F/O Edwards. More about this game in another addition. [sic]

Skating Rink

A skating rink for your pleasure has been prepared on the side of the hockey rink. A limited supply of men’s and women’s skates are available. Another baby gopher was overheard to say that skating parties with real music were being contemplated. Should this be a sufficient hint for you to have your skates sent to you from home. Perhaps the jolly old gentleman, Santa Claus, could help here?

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Gunnery Flight

GUNNERY FLIGHT is sometimes called the ‘melting pot’ of No. 5 B. & G. School; what with the varied nationalities (New Zealanders, Englishmen, Canadian and Americans) and the odd accents, one might imagine himself in New York City. However, the absence of bright lights, and the scarcity of beautiful girls dispels the illusion from ones mind.

The close co-operation that exists among these “fighters for freedom” is an example to all the Allied Nations.

The pilots of Gunnery Flight have indeed been honoured in that they are entrusted with flying the almighty Bolingbroke. Now, this “hotship” is considered very good time in a pilot’s log book.

If one were to walk into the pilot’s room of Gunnery Flight he wold [sic] be amazed at the enthusiasm shown by the boys in their endeavour to get in flying hours. If it were not for the spirit of good friendship that is so apparent in this flight, there would be many an argument over who was to take up the next aircraft. However, all the boys are working together with only one thought in mind; “get the exercises done”.

To give credit where credit is due, we must not overlook the all important ground crew who are doing an excellent job in keeping things humming around the flight. Their avid interest in their work is surpassed only by their desire to do a better job.

Nor must we forget the eager students for whom the Gunnery Flight is really run. They are keen to finish the course and zealously execute their duties in the air and on the ground. We have great respect and admiration for our air gunners, for these are the men who are to shoot our enemies out of the sky.

Our boys are firm believers in the old adage “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Between flips you will see them relaxing at ping pong tables, and on any washout day they may be found on the rink engaged in a fast game of hockey. It is a sight for sore eyes to behold the first attempts of the boys from ’down under’ in the gentle game of ice hockey. If it were not for the stout hockey stick which is used more as a support than as a weapon, there would be many a ground loop on the ice.

The interest the boys have in their ‘home’ is best illustrated by their work in redecorating the pilot’s room. Every man is pitching in with brush and paint to make his room the cleanest and brightest on the station.

Our N.C.O. in charge of the orderly room is one of those men you just can’t do without; he is an ever present source of information and doctor for all our troubles. And how would we log our correct flying time if it were not for two very obliging W.D. timekeepers.

Last but not least, we must mention our Flight Commander, Pilot Officer Dagnon and his assistant P/O Luma, who have taken over the job of running the flight, and we are doing well, thank you. The threat of “stern disciplinary action” brings out the best in all the men and consequently we have a smooth working organization.

All in all, Gunnery Flight is acquiring the reputation of being the best flight on the station due to the esprit de corps of all the men. Such devotion to duty is truly a criterion by which all working units of the station should abide, and by doing that we shall all be working for Victory.

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He determined to pass by his favorite tavern on his way home. As he approached it be became somewhat shaky, but after plucking up courage, he passed on. Then after going about fifty yards, he turned and said to himself: “Well done, Pat, me boy. Come back and I’ll treat ye.”

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Bombing Flight

This flight should be known as the ‘International Squadron’ for who shall say that thirty-two pilots are not enough to be called a squadron, besides these thirty-two come from all corners of the globe – Americans, Canadians, Englishmen, Frenchmen and New Zealanders. Notice how diplomatic one must be in dealing with such temperamental aviators as these; even to the point of referring to them alphabetically so there will be no argument as to who ranks first…

Our ground crew, a most important part of our flight also claim various nationalities, in fact there are a few of them I am told who do a very good Red Indian dance when their “spirits” are right.

Talking of dancing we are fortunate in having in our midst a famous English tap dancer and crooner, one Dyre-Mathews by name, who was persuaded to give a charity performance for the privileged (?) people of Watson.

The female element is provided by two very popular time-keepers, LAW’s McIlveen and Pickford, who are chaperoned by Corporal McDonald, a rather onerous job as these Dafoe “wolves” are very persistent.

Just in case you don’t know it we would inform you that “Bombing Flight” is the hardest working flight on the station, bar none. Night flying quite often goes on till daybreak. Day or night there is hardly an hour that a ‘Mighty Anson’ is not tearing the skys [sic] apart with the roar of its powerful twin engines. Let it be known to all that the pilots of our flight are not “fair weather pilots”. While others stop flying “when the birds are on the ground” the Anson boys keep flying until the birds can’t keep their feet.

Congratulations to W/O “Pat” Heaven on his recent promotion, to P/O Tomlinson and P/O Witney on obtaining commissions. We miss W/O “Bill” Haggart, S/P ‘Duncan’ McMartin and S/P “Howard” Spiers who have recently been posted. W/O Haggart and S/P McMartin were both members of the world famous Caterpillar Club.

This would not be a complete flight description without mentioning Bob West our O.C. of Englishmen.


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Drogue Flight

Drogue Flight means Lysander (Lizzies), Targets, Lizzie Pilots, all the boys of the flight who “keep ‘em flying” – plus LAW Patrick Maxwell.

Credit for the fact that we constantly fly the cleanest aircraft on the station, also for the excellent serviceability, goes to our ground crew.

The purpose of Drogue Flight is to supply Gunnery Flight with aerial targets. These targets are towed on a cable behind the aircraft. We don’t expect the student gunners to miss far enough to riddle our Lizzies, but when gunnery pilots come down with stories of students who wanted to know “Do we fire at that striped aircraft ahead of us?” – Well we wonder.

It seems lately that we have supplied another target. We believe that at the end of the month the hangar inspection committee go into a huddle and decide something like this – “Gunnery Flight has done a good job this month considering their Bolingbrokes and turret problems; Bombing Flight has completed an exceptional number of exercises with the number of aircraft they have. What about Drogue Flight? How many exercises have they done? The answer is “None”. We don’t do exercises. So another direct hit is scored with a beautifully carved dumbbell which adorns Drogue Flight office for another month.

All kidding aside, the members of Drogue Flight would like to take this opportunity to wish all the rest of the personnel on the station a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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Wireless Section

We extend the Season’s Greetings to Wing Commander Lowe-Holmes, his staff of officers and to the personnel of every section on the station and hope that all the good results of the past will be even better in the future.

Although not taking an active part in the bombing and gunnery exercises we consider that we are just as important in the successes up to date, as any other branch, in as much as the team work between members of the crews of the aircraft would not be possible if it were not that the communications between them were in perfect order. As many have already found, when the intercom’ or radio “go on the blink”, the feelings of futility and blasphemy push their ugly heads to the fore, and it is natural that anyone in such a condition is not “in the groove”.

The members of this section, working in three shifts, remedy faults, overhaul and install equipment in aircraft which are newly arrived. It is no simple occupation, as a full knowledge of the principles governing the transmission of sounds over wires, or across the ozone, is essential, otherwise a hopeless tangle will result, with the ensuing loss of an aircraft until remedied.

In fact there is an officer of repute who considers that he can call “Garrick 4” from his aircraft when miles away from the drome without using the orthodox transmitter-receiver used by other pilots. (We will mention no names). We also have an aircraft which insists on getting its intercom’ wiring changed from the time it leaves the ground until it lands. (This is undoubtedly due to Gremlins).

We would welcome any wireless fan to drop in and see just what sort of a place we have.

Just a word to users of our transmitters in the aircraft, PLEASE – if you MUST remind yourself of your ancestry – turn your transmitter off.

Instrument Section

The Instrument Section was born many months ago at No. 5 B. & G. School, Dafoe. As pioneer of this Section at this airport, it is presumed that in any headaches pertaining to instrument work, go ask Corporal Schmerling. So when this bit of a Joe job came along, ye ole N.C.O. was sought and sunk with it, only it is not instrument work. It is as a reporter that I was roped in.

This is the best Instrument Section built in any school in the air training scheme. We can do any instrument job on any type of aircraft presented to us. We have maintained an assortment of fifty different types of instruments. From Link Trainer, bombsights, camera units down to the cheapest $3.50 variety of a-c instrument – and we haven’t been stumped yet.

Many of my old instrument gang have been posted, a few to the two coasts and some overseas. To the boys overseas, LAC Winberg and LAC Ramage, we hope that they will do as good a job there as they were trained to de here. Good luck boys.

As N.C.O. in charge, I would like to say Good Luck, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Instrument Section.

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Trophy Winners to Date

[Head photographs of airmen in uniform]


[Photographs of trophies]


Presented to the Air Observer or Air Bomber who makes the highest average score in his gunnery exercises and the lowest average error in his bombing exercises while at this school.


This trophy is presented to the member of an Air Gunners Course who makes the highest average score in his gunnery exercises while at this school.

These trophies, donated by the Station Institute Committee were first presented on May 25th, 1942 to the courses graduating on that date at the suggestion of W C Lowe-Holmes. They have been competed for by every course graduating since that date, resulting in the students and pilots taking a far keener interest in their air exercises. This keenness has been mainly responsible for Dafoe attaining the highest results in air exercises for any B and G School in Canada.

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Aussies are once again at No. 5 – so now let this bunch tell you a little about their impressions and a little about themselves. It has not taken us long to find out why letters from Australians who had come to Canada before us have been written in such glowing terms. Everywhere we have been, invitation far more numerous than we could accept have been offered us, and hospitality far greater than we dared hope for was extended to us.

We have made many friends, so that now we have address lists a lot longer than those with which we left Australia, and, before our first home mail came we were receiving letters from our new friends here.

Coming from a land where most parts rarely have a winter temperature below 45 above, naturally we are going to feel the cold of your winter. Even now when we remark on the cold we merely get in reply a laughing “wait till it gets 60 below” – well we’re waiting, we have to. We’d like to take you to Australia and turn the heat on a little. But then just as you take us skating to warm us up (all but our ears and noses), we could take you surfing to cool you down. Surfing is to Australia what skating is to Canada.

Canada has shown us some wonderful scenery – the rugged grandeur of the Rockies, clothed in stately pines, snow-capped; hills on the West Coast where maples, gold and red in the fall, mingled with the pines; the sweeping prairies, and something which few of us had seen before, the calm beauty of a snow-covered landscape. These things we will never forget.

But how different is all this from Australian scenery. Down there are vast sunburnt plains, dotted with gaunt sentinel gum trees. And mountains which seldom if ever see snow; blue low-lying mountains, covered with gums where deep gorges conceal sparkling mountain streams. These flow into coastal rivers which pass through green and fertile land into the ocean. This same ocean sweeps in long curling breakers onto sandy yellow beaches – Yes, I think you’d like Australia.

Two important things to conclude – we like Canadian girls very much, but we don’t like Canadian beer. Well, what can you expect when Confucious say: “Australian beer is a potent brew; Made from hops of Kangaroo”.

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For many years a distinctive form of English has been in use in Australia. Our slang is unique, but it is so much a part of our everyday speech that we have compiled this short list of the words in common use amongst us.

bagman – hobo, who carries hit kit in a bundle.
bananalander – Queenslander.
bludger – scrounger.
by cripes – by golly.
bonza = super.
billabong – crescent shaped lake.
boong – Australian aboriginal.
cliner – girl.
chewing the rag – lengthy discussion.
cobber – close friend.
corn stalk – New South Welshman.
cow cocky – dairy farmer.
crow – homely female.
crow eater – West Australian.
Digger – Australian soldier.

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drongo – R.A.A.F. rookie.
fossicker – queer old chap.
giggle house – deserted house used by hoboes.
gin – black woman.
gibber, goolie – stone.
goonskin – R.A.A.F. overalls.
fair cow – nuisance.
hooray, hooroo – goodbye.
having a lash – trying something new.
handed the raw prawn – led up the garden path.
hump the bluey – on the track.
jumbuck – sheep.
jackeroo – station (ranch) hand.
like a gin at a christening – awkward.
mulga – rumour.
on the blue – out of luck.
on the wallaby – see ‘humping the bluey’.
plurry – native swear word.
scrub – n. bush country. v. washout.
Sweet Fanny Adams – nothing, not much.
sheila, sort – see ‘cliner’
stone the crows, starve the lizards, stiffen the bats – wouldn’t it?
strike me handsome, strewth – blow me down.
stonkered, knocked up – exhausted.
trimmer – see ‘bonza’.
tucker – food.

o o o

An Aussie airman was sent to Canada. The cold was so great that soon he froze and died. The body was taken to the crematorium and placed in the incinerator. Two hours later the attendant opened the door and was horrified to see the Aussie still there and shouting at them: “Shut that dam door, this is the first time I’ve been warm since we arrived”.


A scorching sun hurls down its smouldering heat
Across the plain.
A hot, perspiring jackeroo exclaims,
To curb the mongrel at the leader’s feet,
“You black bitch; come behind!”

The gates of peace clang shut. We next behold
Recruiting drives.
Our jackaroo is on the Air Reserve;
A budding pilot, dreaming wings of gold;
He buys and [sic] Air Rec. book.

“Hey! Rise and shine!” ‘All out you drongo coots!”
“Tell off by flights!”
“No bludging droob!” “Get in the flaming queue;”
“C.B. for me; I’ll bet my ruddy boots.”
Why yes! It’s I.T.S.

The posting’s come; a fortnight’s Pre-Em leave;
And Smith is paid.
A sea-trip; Frisco – Rockies – Manning Pool –
A pep-talk – lunch – and then M.O.’s parade.
In short – an S.A.P.

A timid bulb peers through the Arctic gloom
Of Dafoe snow;
And Smith exclaims, as Time impels him on
To his ecstatic, cruel, “White Christmas” doom,
“You white bitch; come behind!”

Teacher: Willie, this is the fifth time I have had to punish you this week. What have you to say?
Willie: I’m glad it’s Friday.

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Airmen’s Mess

[Photograph of people in uniform] Princess Alice Inspects the Mess

For years the master minds of the world have been chasing that will-o-the-wisp – perpetual motion, in all the corners of the earth but Dafoe. The writer believes we have it right in our own Airmen’s Mess.

Every hour of the day this unceasing movement goes on in the preparation of well balanced menus served on time to the multitude of ravenous mouths that file through its many portals. We can well be proud of our mess and the efficiency of its entire staff under the able direction of A/S..O. H.M. Smith and F/Sgt. Mallaterre. Not only do they fill the bill during regular hours but those unavoidable, though schedule-upsetting, early and late lunches are also taken in their stride. All this says nothing of course, about the generous manner with which they tackle the refreshment problems of our various teas, dances and social events on top of their busy daily routine.

Still, the odd funster insists on murmuring, “Never have so many stood in line so long for so little”. ‘Twas always thus.

We are happy to give space to the recent wedding of one of our staff, AW1 Skidmore (nee Skuce) which was solemnized in the Y.W.C.A. Hostess House in November. We heartily wish “Skid” an icefree road through life.

Recent postings have deprived us of two well known faces; AW1’s Tomlinson and Jones, who are now at McLeod and Vancouver respectively. Here’s for success in their new environment.

In conclusion may we express our sincere wish that “Dafoe Digest” will continue to great things.

[Photograph of people preparing food]

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From the Education Office

When Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher was condemned to die for ‘poisoning’ the minds of Greek youths, a little group of his most intimate friends gathered around him as he prepared to drink the fatal hemlock. They asked him to leave them a final message of guidance and comfort. His message was, “I would have you look to yourselves”. This message we would pass on to all personnel who would seek to better their education by the correspondence method of study, for it is essentially an individual method and demands from the student much personal responsibility and self-direction. They set for themselves a worthy goal and are prepared through self-discipline to achieve that end.

Unfortunately we have become the victims of a traditional misconception as to the real meaning of education. We speak of it as something that can be “imparted”, something that can be “taught” by one to another; but in the last analysis all learning is individual. No one can “give” you an education, you become educated through your own efforts, mental and physical. The best of teaching only serves to facilitate the learning process. However, the correspondence method offers no short cuts to education and it is not a substitute, it is the real thing. Although making rather heavy demands upon the student, it pays off handsomely. It enlists in its service the highest and best of human qualities – determination, independence, resourcefulness and will power. It demands a high, but not disproportionate price, and it never defaults on its payments.

Now to get down to cases. Provided by the Canadian Legion War Services, there is available to all personnel a complete and varied list of subjects that might be had free of charge. Too numerous to catalogue here, they include: Introductory Courses which are on the level of the upper Elementary School, Grades VI, VII and VIII; Secondary Courses which are set out as Academic, Commercial and Technical. In addition, by our Canadian Universities there are offered to service personnel remarkably rich curricula which include all the regular university classes. Other institutions from which correspondence courses may be had are: The Certified Public Accounts Association of Ontario, The International Accounts’ and Executives Corporation of Canada, and the Nova Scotia Agriculture College.

For information, advice and assistance concerning correspondence courses, remuster classes, study groups, remustering to trades or to aircrew, library facilities and related affairs, come to the Education Office in the Small Canteen.

To all and sundry we sincerely wish the Compliments of the Season and Health and Success in the future.

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The Barrack Stores, a compliment of the equipment section, plays an important part in the daily life of any station. At this station, this department of supplies in under the direction and supervision of Barrack Officer James Lee, a Captain in the last war. It is true that this unit does not fight in the war technically but it contributes and plays an important part in supplying many essentials to those who do. From the barrack stores are issued sleeping comforts, cooking and dining utilities, furnishings for offices, equipment for lecture rooms, provisions for quarter and work rooms. The responsibility for the care of the station laundry falls into this section.

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(Continued from Page 27)

pair of shoes or tunic that does not seem to fit properly. In this connection we take this opportunity to welcome our new W/O.

These then are the members of the equipment section on No. 5 B. & G. School and one and all join in wishing the other personnel of the station and all others who have been kind enough to read this far, A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year.

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M.T. Section

Greetings folks! from the good old M.T. Section – the backbone of No. 5 B. & G. No doubt there are some people who are even going to have the nerve to question that statement and might even suggest that if such is the case, then poor old No. 5 has a pretty weak back. But let us assure you, such is not the case. Where else can you find a crew on duty 24 hours a day, ready and willing (if not always able) to co-operate with any section on the station? And tell us if you can how any section can work any length of time without direct aid from M.T.? No folks, we feel pretty important around here and are sticking to our guns so don’t try and talk us out of it.

It’s really an education in itself to look into the daily routine of the section. Calls for M.T. vehicles can originate at many points of the station. A half hour over our dispatcher’s shoulder will substantiate this point. The chief difficulty that normally presents itself to a dispatcher, is to find the required vehicles on the establishment to perform the needed transport duties.

Besides our daily routine runs such as mail, freight, rations, garbage, etc., a sample of what can be expected of M.T. if the powers that be decide to send up one plane for one bombing exercise, might be interesting to note. An M.T. tractor pulls the plane out of the hangar, our gas tender has to see that it is full of gas. Before it takes off our crash tender and ambulance must be available for any emergency. Before it gets to its target the M.T. must have crews at the different ranges. Considering everything goes O.K. the bomber can now carry out his exercises but think what we can go through is something goes wrong and the plane crashes! From then on from the C.O. down through the O.C. Flying, the O.C. Training, technical officers, medical officers and maintenance crash crews expect the M.T. to pull trucks out of hats.

Also to be considered among our numerous complaints is the situation of the station and the beautiful cow paths leading to it from all directions. Located as we are, equidistant from the metropolis’ of Dafoe and Watson, the nearest rail centers to the station. M.T. vehicles seldom if ever, leave the unit’s gates for less than a thirty mile return trip. Does this add up to an enormous mileage? Our records answer this to the tune of an aggregate monthly mileage of approximately 25,000 miles. Brother, that’s a “heap of distance” and you can easily imagine the amount of maintenance work and records necessary to keep things running over these roads.

So much for our work. Our strength at present is just two-thirds of our establishment. However, that is quite an improvement in the past six weeks and we have hopes of being even better in the near future. We have had the honor, this past month, of welcoming four more of the fairer sex to our section, making a total of eight and boy, they really are pitching in and doing a fine job. Some of the boys have been here so long they are trying to sell shares on the place. For instance folks meet Cpl. Bob Burke. He was the first airman on this station and is now making arrangements for his third Christmas in Dafoe.

Congratulations are in order to “Bob” though, and also to Cpl. George Hannah. They both appeared the first of this month wearing the two bar chevrons.

I suppose we had better draw this to a close before we take up the whole magazine, but before we go let us congratulate the people who put forth the effort to make this magazine possible and may it go on record that the M.T. Section is behind any move to improve old No. 5 B. & G. The next time though, you feel like cussing M.T. just count ten and remember we have our worries too.

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[Photograph of an aircraft as a float from a parade] Maintenance Entry “Ambrosia” – First Prize in Sports Day Parade

Aircraft maintenance is very important at any time, but during the winter months at a school like No. 5 B.& G. almost a twenty-four hour per day is imperative. The maintenance is organized on a flight system with the various flights doing their own daily inspections and minor running repairs within the facilities at their command, while ‘A’ Hangar under Flight Sergeant Luker’s direction takes care of major repairs, engine changes, etc., and ‘B’ Hangar accommodates two shifts – one day and one night – the day shift on minor repairs, of which there is a never ending stream, and the night shift concentrates mainly on periodic inspections, acceptance checks, etc.

F/L Laidlaw is the Maintenance O.C. with F/O Klassen, F/O Low and P/O Topham as engineering officers. Sergeant Majors Armstrong and Yellowlees are the WO2s and are the direct supervisors of the whole maintenance system. They have a vast amount of work and discipline to account for. No wonder a Sergeant Major is supposed to be everything from a mother to words unprintable.

Winter brings on a never ending battle to the maintenance ground crews. Engines won’t start, hydraulic systems fail and you can’t handle a wrench with mitts on, but the flying programs must go on. All in all the ground crews from maintenance and flights have the coldest jobs on the Station.

Most of the riggers and fitters spend many months at the Technical School in St. Thomas, Ont. and emerge with a ‘C’ group. Then after several months experience, if they show ability and willingness are rewarded with a higher grouping. Not all are born mechanics, however, but the smart make up for the lesser group and it is really astonishing how lads right from farms and with comparatively little training in a pre war sense are able to step in and keep Bolies, Battles etc. in tip top shape. The N.C.O.s have to be mechanics, dicips, physiologists, etc., as well as knowing air force administration, and the whole plan and smooth running success really depends on an efficient N.C.O.

A shortage of spare parts, tools, etc., is always a bug bear of maintenance, but there is usually an answer so that serviceability can be kept up.

Team work is as much a requisite on the ground as in the air and it combines the effort of all the fitters, riggers, instrument makers, electricians, workshops, etc., to keep up an operating serviceability standard.

o o o

Hubby: “What are we having for dessert tonight, dear?”
Wife: “Sponge cake, I sponged the egg from Mrs. Brown, the flour from Mrs. Smith and the milk from Mrs. Jones.”

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Photographic Section

As this is our first attempt at so-called journalism, perhaps an introduction to the personnel of the section and a brief (I do mean brief) outline of our duties and activities would serve best as a beginning.

First, and always foremost, may we present F/L F.E. Rader, O.C. of the section, and for the benefit of those who have not yet made his acquaintance, he can best be described as a splendid officer, and in the vernacular of the R.C.A.F., “a right guy”. In order of rank, we next have Shorty (you ain’t kiddin’) Sgt. Bob Arnott, who, it is said, has a “cold front” toward photo scroungers. LAC Picard, G.E. – Ted to almost everyone comes next. He’s the chap one sees dashing thither and yon transporting a formidable looking instrument called a Camera Ground View. (It looks like a modified piano accordian on stilts, the camera we mean). A recent addition to our staff is Miss “Pat” Holden, one of the W.D. personnel, a graduate from the latest course at Rockcliff, and rather keen about the whole thing. Last, but certainly not least, we have LAW Boriskewich, M. (Marie, for short), formerly of the Officer’s Mess staff, where, we are told she is sadly missed.

Now arises the question of where the photo section fits into the program of our school. Upholding our section, of course, and contrary to common belief, a wide variety of work keeps us definitely on our toes. In keeping with all intent and purposes, Camera Gun exercises receive our first consideration, and it is our responsibility to supply, process and deliver the completed exercise films to G.I.S., where they are projected for the benefit of the trainees. To fill in any spare moments that we might have, we putter about with class pictures, station record and progress shots, equipment modifications, copy jobs, identification photos, social events, visiting celebrities, publicity photos and what have you, not to mention the odd aerial job thrown in. And so you have it.

As this is the season of the year when greetings and good wishes are in evidence, may we take the opportunity of extending to W/C Lowe-Holmes, Commanding Officer, Officers, N.C.O.s, Airmen and Airwomen of No. 5, our Heartiest Seasons Greetings and Best Wishes during the coming year.

O. R. Timekeeper

There are probably more interesting jobs than keeping time, records and checking log books, but we time clerks have our interesting moments too, especially at the end of the month when it comes time to check the Pilot’s log books. Strange how two people can take figures from the same log sheets and have entirely different totals, but it happens at Dafoe. Go to Sergeant Crook or Sergeant McKenzie, D.S. for particulars. Their books have a particular habit of being a few hours out, and of course the poor time clerk gets the blame. With much figuring and a few headaches, we get them all straightened out some way and believe me, we don’t have any dull moments, and certainly no lazy ones.

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Post Office M.P.O. 1206

[Photograph of Post Office personnel at work] “Any mail for me?”

On June 9, 1942, M.P.O. 1206, opened for business on this Station, under the direction and supervision of the Canadian Postal Corps, later to be assisted by the R.C.A.F. W.D. personnel of the station.

Equipped with all the facilities of a city post office, this department renders all the services offered by the Postal Services Department, including Savings Bank Division. It actually hums with business from the opening hour 8.30 hours until closing hour (1900 hours).

The personnel of the Station Post Office consists of Sgt. Craig, Cpl. Hance and Pte. McCormick of the Canadian Postal Corps and Edith Roswell, Margaret Jessiman, Vivian Dow, Carol Pinner, Doris Blaine and Connie McGregor of the Women’s Division.


1. Do not pay more rental than the law permits. If you do, severe penalties will be imposed on you as well as the landlord. In case of doubt verify your rental by consulting the Station Adjutant.

2. When you vacate tour accommodation hand your Maximum Rental Decision form to the incoming tenant or leave it with the Station Adjutant for subsequent delivery to the new tenant.

3. If you rent by the month the landlord can require you to give him a month’s notice when you vacate. To avoid any trouble have a definite agreement with your landlord that you may vacate on a day’s notice, a week’s notice or such other notice as will be mutually satisfactory.

4. Your landlord cannot require you to vacate on less than three months notice unless you have not paid your rent, are damaging the property or are otherwise misbehaving.

5. To be legal he landlord’s notice to vacate must meet four requirements:
(1) It must be in writing.
(2) It must be given at least three rental months notice.
(3) It must specify the reason for which it is given.
(4) The specified reason must be one of the reasons mentioned in the Rental Regulations. (See Section 16 (3) of Order no. 108). Your Station Adjutant has several copies.

6. Under no circumstances whatsoever can a landlord increase his rental without approval of a Rentals Committee. Such approval when given, is always evidenced by a Maximum Rental Decision form.

7. If you are renting a furnished accommodation the landlord cannot remove the furniture or any part of it while you remain in occupation. If you vacate and the furniture is then removed the landlord cannot rent the accommodation unfurnished without first applying to a Rentals Committee for the fixation of a new maximum rental.

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The Security Guard

The Security Guard and the Service Police wish to extend their Christmas Greetings to the Commanding Officer and all personnel on the Station. We wish to send an extra hearty wish to all those well meaning Airmen we have had the pleasure to entertain during the past year. By the way, some of our guests failed to sign the recommendation and suggestion register.

We have been unfortunate in losing the services of Flying Officer Gilbert, whom we congratulate on his promotion to Flight Lieutenant. Others we should like to see still in our midst are F/S Millbank, Sgts. Williamson and Trotman and Cpl. McClurg.

We would be very interested of the Equipment Section would advise us as to the future tenant of Sgt. Williamson’s summer issue.

Newcomers to the Unit are Flying Officer Holland the D.A.P.M. and Sgt. Hicks., Provost Sergeant and Cpl. Fiddes. Congratulations to Sgt. Hicks. We hear a member of the M.T. Section is preparing him a medal for that sprint, followed up by a brilliant rugby tackle one night in Wynyard. We would advise the M.T. Section to accelerate faster.

We hear with great regret that LAW Wegram is shortly to leave us. The Service Police wish her luck in her future duties. We understand she is to cook in the hospital. May she turn out the patients in record time.

It is advised by the hotel manager, Sgt. Hicks that accommodation is strictly limited over the New Year, as we know from experience, the Xmas guests have so enjoyed themselves, they have extended their stay. So do [sic] now and book your reservations immediately.

We would like to advertise our resort: The Hotel is adequately equipped with hot and cold water, rooms furnished with HARD SIDE UP BOARD BEDS and the doors fitted with special locks and a novelty in the form of a window. This enables you to see your opposite number. NO boys, we do not receive the Women’s Division. Before the birds have thought of singing you are up gaining that glowing appetite. Well it is said that the Service always puts weight on a man, boy it sure does, for instance you start off before breakfast weighing 140lbs an by the time you are ready for your mornings sport, you will find yourself 200 lbs. Congratulations to the Messing Committee, it must be a new brand of calories. This sport consists of strapping on your haversack and walking down to the Sergeant Major and asking him how it is played. Well, he hands you a nicely polished piece of wood with a tube down the center and the game starts and ends in one hour dead, if you aren’t dead you should be.

The afternoon is spent in precisely the same way as the morning. With a bit of polishing and shining, we feel sure you will be an expert by the time your sojourn is up. If you walk around and wonder why everyone is staring at you once you have left us, remember you have a very straight back and have been de-smoked, de-coked and de-anything else.

We wish to congratulate Sgt. Green, Cpl’s Moore and Kalb on their promotions. We wish to extend our apologies to all flying personnel if we have caused any difficulties by the searchlights. We are not allowed to keep them on permanently so we just have a peep, and sometimes it is interesting. The Security Guard are looking forward to the hockey season and as we have a very hot team all lined up, we should like to have a few practice games before we enter the finals. Would any other Sections who are interested give Local 25 a ring any time of the day or night and we will fix up a game.

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February 20 – Airmen’s dance held in Recreation Hall. Decided success under guidance of F/O J.A. Carr.

March 7 – W/C Lowe-Holmes arrived from No. 31 B. & G. School, R.A.F. Picton, Ont., assuming duties of Chief Instructor of this unit.

March 20 – Airmen’s dance held in Recreation Hall – largest attendance yet, ranging from 450 to 475. Another decided success.

March 23 – Second serious aircraft accident at this station. Sgt. Pilot, Haggart, pilot of one plane entered the ranks of the “Caterpillars” by parachuting to safety. LAC Harris, C.G. another student, was seriously injured in the crash and admitted to Station Hospital. He has since recovered.

March 25 – A three-act play, “Here Comes Charlie” was staged in the Recreation Hall under the direction of F/L W.H. Dunphy.

May 1 – Airmen’s dance held in the Recreation Hall – still another success to be chalked up to the credit of the Entertainment Committee.

May 21 – Mess dinner held in Officers’ Mess in honour of American Officers being transferred to the U.S. Armed Forces.

May 23 – Wedding of F/O C.W. Barnett, U.S.A., and Miss Mavis F. Freeman of Springwater, Sask., held in the Officers’ Mess.

May 26 – Anniversary of the opening of the Station – peculiar circumstance: American Officers departed for joint Canadian-American Board for their re-entry into U.S. Armed Forces.

May 29 – Another success yet – Airmen’s dance in Recreation Hall.

June 1 – Advent of Women’s Division - 65 Airwomen arrives as vanguard of W.D. personnel soon to replace Airmen in certain trades.

June 9 – M.P.O. 1206 opened banking facilities for the Station.

June 23 – Inspector General, A.C. Godfrey arrived for his annual inspection.

June 30 – Another Airmen’s dance and another success.

July 8 – The 85 Air Cadets from Saskatoon who had been stationed here since July 1st departed today after completing their summer training.

July 14 – Monster parade and sports day celebration. All the fun of the country fair plus.

July 23 – Third serious crash since station opened. Sgt. Pilot J.E. Parker, LAC M. Bowen and AC2 R.A. Ward were dangerously injured, and LAC R.C. Parker was slightly injured. Bowen and Ward are now well on the way to recovery.

August 1 – Group Captain R.A. Delhaye, D.F.C., handed over command of the station today to his successor Wing Commander P.W. Lowe-Holmes.

August 16 – Flight of 40 Airmen and 16 piece bugle band journeyed to Humboldt today to participate in a Decoration Day ceremony.

August 31 – Another Airmen’s dance in the Recreation Hall – nuff sed.

October 4 – First special week-end train for personnel on 48-hour passes operated this weekend to Saskatoon.

October 5 – Capt. Frank Armitage, Y.M.C.A. gave his impersonations of Shakespearian roles in the Recreation Hall.

October 11 – Harry S. Hay’s concert party from Saskatoon presented a variety entertainment in the Recreation Hall.

October 26 – W.D. precision squad returned from Winnipeg. This squad left on the 21st and paraded several times in Winnipeg in connection with the third Victory Loan Campaign.

October 29 – First Station dance held in Drill Hall – attendance approximately 1200 – successful event considering difficulties in arranging transportation for civilian personnel.

November 9 – The “Lifebuoy Follies Revue”, a travelling concert party organized by Lever Bros., Toronto, visited the Station and presented their show in the Recreation Hall this evening. It was an outstanding success – remember?

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or It Can Happen Here

By F/S Cunningham

“Hey you!”
“Huh… …who, me?”
“Yeah, you. Are you in the Air Force?”
“Am I in the … say, are you kidding Corp?”
“No. And take your hands out of your pockets.”
“Sure, but….”
“Where’s your hat?”
“Well you see, I was just going across to…”
“Where’s your hat?”
“I left it in the ….”
“What’s the idea wearing a sweater and no tunic?”
“I’m going across to…”
“And you’ve got no shirt on.”
“No. You see…”
“Take your hands out of your pockets! What are you doing with Flight Coghlan’s pant on?”
“These aren’t Flight Coghlan’s pants Corporal, I had my pants in the …”

[Drawing of two men]

“And what is that lump under your sweater? Hah! Bottles!”
“Yes, but I was going across to …”
“And why are you wearing slippers?”
“I just ca…”
“Don’t fidget. Stand still. And didn’t I tell you to keep your hands out of your pockets?”
“Well my hands are cold.”
“Then why don’t you wear your hat, gloves and coat? Hah! You’re a disgrace to the Service. And if I ever…etc…etc…”

P.S. – The poor guy was just trying to carry out orders. He’d gone to the Drill Hall for P.T. and the P.T.I. gave him a bunch of empty pop bottles to take over to the canteen. And through no fault of his own he had been given the wrong pants at the canteen dry cleaners.

MORAL: Leave this P.T. business strictly alone.

o o o


By A.R. Haskell

Who every morning, beats the lark,
Who works each day till after dark
Sans recognition or remark? –

Who puts things right with G.H.Q.,
When “Whys?” and “Please explains” come through
Who knows a blooming thing or two? –

Who’s always wanted on the ‘phone,
Who has no time to call his own,
Who’s uncrowned king without a throne? –

To whom are applications sent
From “Yores sur most obedient;
“May I go ‘ome, I ‘ates this tent?” –

Who always tries to be polite,
Who’s always wrong and never right,
Who never pleases all ranks, quite? –

o o o


If I must be a gunner,
Then please Lord grant me grace,
That I may leave this station,
With a smile upon my face.
I may have wished to be a Pilot,
And you, along with me,
But if, we all were Pilots,
Where would the Air Force be?
It takes GUTS to be a gunner,
To sit out in the tail,
Where the Messerschmitts are coming,
And the slugs begin to wail.
The Pilot’s just a chauffeur,
It’s his job to fly the plane.
But it’s we, who do the fighting,
Though we may not get the fame.
But we’re here to win a war,
And until the job is done,
Let’s forget our personal feelings,
And get behind the gun.
If we must all be gunners,
Then let us make this bet,
We’ll be the best damn gunner
That have left this station yet!

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[Cartoon of airmen on parade in front of an aircraft, with a dog, a puddle and a halo!] AUSSIE DOINGS

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[Underlined] STATION COMMITTEES [/underlined]


President: Flight Lieutenant H.G. McBeth
Secretary: Pilot Officer J.A. Rolfe
Members: Flight Lieutenant E.W. Rogerson
Flying Officer A.H. Edwards
A S O M.Y. Darte
WO2 Armstrong, G.G.
R103609 LAC Johnston, R.B.
R89862 LAC Swick, G.E.
W302689 Cpl. Kimpton, M.E.


President: Squad. Leader W.T.F. Tourgis
Secretary: Flight Lieutenant J.M. Cruse
House Member: Flying Officer P.A. Logan
Messing Officer: ASO H.M. Smith
Bar Officer: Flight Lieutenant J.M. Cruse


Honorary President: Flight Lieutenant R. Laidlaw
President: Flight Sergeant Driscoll, H.J.
Chairman: WO2 Tracy, F.P.D.
Secretary-Treasurer Flight Sergeant Barrett, E.P.,


Chairman Pilot Officer J.A. Rolfe
Women’s Division: Corporal Walker, E.K.M.
Ground Instructional School: Corp. Dodd, E.R.F.
Training Wing: Corporal LeFebvre, L.H.
Headquarters Squadron: Corporal Anderson, J.S.


President: Flight Lieutenant A. Paterson
Secretary: Mr. T.G. MacDonald (Y.M.C.A. Rep.)
Members: Hon Flight Lieutenant W.H. Dunphy
Hon. Flight Lieutenant E.N. Morrison
Corporal Taylor, J.A.


President: Flying Officer W.E. Brown
Vice President: Flying Officer A.H. Edwards
Secretary-Treasurer: Mr. T.G. MacDonald, (Y.M.C.A. Representative)
Members: Squadron Leader F.C. Stibbard
A S O M.Y. Darte
Flying Officer J.A. Carr
Hon Flight Lieutenant W.H. Dunphy
Hon Flight Lieutenant E.N. Morrison
WO2 R.B. Eaton


President: Hon. Flight Lieutenant E.N. Morrison
Secretary: Flying Officer W.E. Brown
Members: Sergeant White, W.H.
LAC Hoare, H.
Tom MacDonald (Y.M.C.A.)


President: Flight Lieutenant E.W. Rogerson
Members: Flight Sergeant Wiebe, J.


President: Hon. Flight Lieutenant E.N. Morrison
Members: Hon. Flight Lieutenant W.H. Dunphy
WO2 Tracy, F.P.D.
WO2 Eaton, R.B.


Honorary President: Wing Commander P.W. Lowe-Holmes
President: F/S Cooke
Secretary: WO2 Burnham, W.E.
Treasurer: Sergeant Talbot, J.L.

Lotho’d by Perfection Lithographers Limited, Saskatoon, Canada.



“Dafoe Digest,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 10, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/18749.

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