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  • Tags: 617 Squadron

The service record of Albert Thomas Smith covering the period from his enlistment on 15 January 1926 to discharge on 23 March 1953. It includes reference to Albert being twice mentioned in despatches and being awarded the British Empire Medal and the…

Captioned 'Flight Lieutenant Ernie Twells D.F.C. 619 Squadron 24 missions 617 Squadron 41 missions'.

Reports that this was the fourth constructional works target for the squadron. One P-51, one Mosquito and 17 Lancasters were detailed. States it was another difficult target and describes marking efforts. Reports difficultly in finding aiming point…

Notes that despite allied bombing, V-1 campaign against London and South East continues. Notes decision to attack V-1 storage sites. 617 Squadron were to join 5 Group attack and use using 12,000 bombs to collapse roof of caves in which bombs were…

Describes planned timing to attack at the same time as the main force. Reports that weather was unfavourable. After initially cancelling the operation leader checked out weather at low level but decided low visibility and target defences precluded…

Navigators, air bombers, air gunners and flight engineers flying log book for Basil Ambrose, flight engineer, covering the period from 5 July 1944 to 11 July 1946. Detailing engineers training, flying training and operations flown and post war…

A view of the ruins of Hitler's villa and the SS Barracks.

Target photograph of Bergen Submarine pen. Coastline runs bottom left to top right with sea to right. Ubåtbunkeren Bruno is the square structure in the centre of the image. The town of Bergen is in the left hand corner, with port facilities and…

Target photograph of Bielefeld Viaduct. Railway runs left to right across centre with Johannisbach river running top to bottom and Gummibahn railway by-pass running from bottom centre and joining the main railway to left of viaduct. One or more bomb…

A biography of Bill written by his flying colleague from Bomber Command. It covers his war and post-war activities.

Bill Burnett’s Flying Log Book as Flight Engineer from 22 May 1944 to 20 April 1946. Initially with 1660 Heavy Conversion Unit before transferring to 5 Lancaster Finishing School and then 617 Squadron for operational duties in Europe. In January…

Observer's and Air Gunner's Flying log book for W.R. Doran, Wireless Operator covering his RAF service from 18 March 1948 to 30 October 1953. This period covers his service in 97 Squadron, the Flying Wing (which included 9, 12, 101 & 617…

Five veterans standing beside a bouncing bomb exhibit. Behind is the front of a Lancaster 'C'. Captioned 'Bill Howarth rear gunner on Dams raid (far left)'.

A Lancaster flying over the nose of another Lancaster 'C'.

One of three friends at RAF Warboys along with Peter Isaacson and Lighton Verdon Roe. Notes that Lang did 19 operations with 150 Squadron, 3 while on Operational Training Unit and 28 on 156 Squadron before his aircraft blew up over a target and he…

The obituary of Flight Lieutenant Bob Knights. It details his operations on the Tirpitz, his early life, his training in Florida, his time with 617 Squadron and his role with BOAC after the war until his retirement in 1976.

A vertical aerial photograph much obscured by cloud, smoke and explosions. Captioned '671 LOS. 29.10.44 14000 330 07.52 TIRPITZ B1 1x12000 C.31 Secs F/Lt KNIGHTS 0.617'.
The Tirpitz firing its guns, taken from onboard the vessel.

The notes indicate the bomb distribution in the bomb bay, the total weight of the bomb load, the all up weight of the aircraft, height of the bombing, forecast winds and heading and target indicator colours.
In the notes are 12,000lb bombs dropped…

Shows one bomb load for squadron. Includes preselection settings, Window, effort level and method including target marking by Pathfinder Mosquito. On the reverse, route, wave details and heights.

Shows single bomb load for squadron. Includes preselection settings, Window, zero hour and effort level. Describes method including target marking by Pathfinder Mosquito. On the reverse the route and notes.

Shows several bomb loads with some crossed out. Details preselector settings and other information. Includes timings, route and marking method. On the reverse bombing instructions, oboe marking and mentions 617 Squadron dropping 12000 pound bombs. At…
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