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  • Tags: incendiary device

Margarete F's account of the events at Schäfergasse 39.

Luise G's account of the events at Wildemannsgasse 28, Schule am Wall.

Three armourers loading a small bomb container into the bomb bay of a Halifax. Two airmen wearing battledress, the one on the right with pilot's brevet look on. A bomb trolley with another small bomb container in front.

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A bomb bay loaded with bombs and incendiaries.

List of 29 operations as navigator on Lancaster of 467 Squadron between 10 September 1044 and 16 January 1945. Includes comments on each sortie with bomb load, flight times, fighters seen, weather, anti-aircraft fire, aircraft shot down.

A letter to Bob Moore from Terry Ford about 75 Squadron. He describes how his crew was the only completely non-New Zealanders, a disposal of a long delay bomb in the North Sea, the loyalty of his ground crew, the station Commander and his failed…

Three views of Lancaster under maintenance. Photo 1 has an engine trestle at the nose. In front is a tractor with a bomb trolley carrying incendiaries. Photo 2 has several engine access frames under the engines and a long stepladder at the nose. A…

A front view of a Lancaster in the process of being loaded with bombs.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form: no better quality copies are available.

A view of the bomb bay of a Lancaster in which is loaded 12 incendiary containers and one 4000lb high capacity bomb. On the reverse is written: 'PLEASE RETURN'.

Front quarter view of a Lancaster with fuel bowser in front. There is a man on top of the bowser and a group of men under aircraft's nose. Incendiary cannisters await loading.

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a target photograph of a night attack on Koblenz. All detail is obscured by target indicators and incendiaries.
Photo 2 is Terry's flight engineer seen from the bomb aimer's position.
Photo 3 is a…

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Koblenz. The river can be seen and falling sticks of incendiaries.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph of Homberg. The image is very clear with only a few explosions hiding the detail.

Kitty Michel's account of the events at Platz der SA (Housing Inspectorate), old Lutheran church am Graben.

Karoline K's account of the events at Obere Karlstraße 17 (Bürgersäle).

Karl Sch's account of the events at Riedwiesensiedlung, Am Hutekamp nos. 6, 7, 9, 11, Am Hohen Rod.

Police Sergeant Karl E's account of the events at Police Station no 4 (Reuterstraße 12) and Moltke-straße 8.

A handwritten note by John Joseph Parker's daughter briefly outlining his service as a Flying Officer.

Bomb Aimers flying log book for J Leadbetter covering the period from 25 October 1943 to 14 May 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. Also details of targets and bomb loads. He was stationed at RCAF Picton (31 B&GS), RCAF Portage…

Wolfgang Jähnichen recollects being a five-year-old boy in Dresden at the time of the 13 February 1945 bombing. Gives a vivid account of the attack and recounts various episodes: the time spent with his mother in the cellar used as air raid shelter,…

Tito Samorè recalls wartime memories in Milan, when he was a member of the Balilla youth organisation. He remembers the outbreak of war and its announcement on the radio. Tito describes the first bombing of Milan in 1940, stressing how easy it was…

Thomas Jordan was born and raised in Hornsea, East Yorkshire, learning to fly privately at Hedon Aerodrome RAF Hull) and joined the RAF wanting to be a pilot. However, after failing the eyesight requirements, he trained as an armourer, dealing with…

Sydney’s father died when she was a baby. Her mother remarried and had another daughter and son. The son became ground crew in the Royal Air Force.
Sydney lived a few miles from London and attended Byron Court School in Webley. She was five when…

During the war Sheena lived in Cottingham, a village close to Hull. She lived with her mother and father (who was a fire watcher). He fought in the Far East during the first world war. She had two elder brothers, one in the Navy and one in the Royal…
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