Browse Items (35376 total)

Seven aircrew in flying suits and boots wearing Mae Wests with four parachutes on the ground in front of them. Behind is the front and part of the starboard wing of a Lancaster. The letter 'Z' is painted on the port nose. In the background buildings…

Pencil sketch of interior of Saint-Liébault church in Estissac, captioned 'French Village Church' signed 'HOH'.

A man and woman dressed in long overcoats and hats standing in from of a brick and stone building. Man has hand in pocket and woman is holing a handbag. On the reverse 'Monsieur et Madame Maurice Cochois, Verrieres, par Clérey, Aube, France'.

Collection of flowers laid in front of a tombstone surrounded by trees. On the reverse 'Tombe des Aviateurs de la R.A.F tombes a Verrieres le 24 Julliet 1944, 1. Melville (sans Renseiguement), 2. Kenneth Dove. No. 544055, 3. Monk. No. 52571, 4.…

Tito Samorè recalls wartime memories in Milan, when he was a member of the Balilla youth organisation. He remembers the outbreak of war and its announcement on the radio. Tito describes the first bombing of Milan in 1940, stressing how easy it was…

Giuseppe Pirovano describes wartime memories as schoolboy at Affori, a Milan neighbourhood, and daily life in fascist youth organisations, with regimented schooling and political rallies. He talks about children’s games and pastimes, such as…

Carla Baietti recalls her life as a young labourer in Olgiate Comasco. She tells of the hardships her family suffered during the war: fascist indoctrination; food shortage; her uncle's desertion and her brother's death, while serving in Russia. Carla…

Edvige Colombo recalls her life in wartime Milan and describes an occasion when the alarm sounded and she and her family went to the basement, used as a shelter. She recollects moments inside, re-emphasizing how there was nothing to do, just standing…

Arthur Spencer joined the Royal Air Force after leaving school. He began pilot training in Florida but then re-mustered as a navigator and trained in Pensacola. He completed two tours of operations as a navigator with 97 Squadron at RAF Woodhall Spa…

Memoir of the life of Arthur Spencer. Includes details of childhood and growing up. Continues with his joining the Royal Air Force and his training in the United States as a pilot and then navigator. Followed by training in England and then posting…

An essay discussing that the use of the word mission for a wartime sortie was incorrect and that one should use the word operation.

1. Twenty-five airmen in three rows captioned '6 Squadron 8 Flight C Squadron Morecombe [sic] 25th April 1941'.
2. Seven airmen in uniform and side caps in front of a building. Captioned '156 Squadron armourers outside the Armoury at Warboys…

Seven airmen, five wearing tunics and two wearing leather jerkins in front of a wheeled trolley. One airman kneeling in front has corporal stripes and one standing behind has hands on the shoulders of man in front. All are wearing side caps. In the…

Thomas Waller volunteered for the Royal Air Force and hoped to be a driver. However, he undertook training as an armourer and was based initially at the Special Operations Executive 138 Squadron. He was posted to RAF Stradishall, RAF Wyton and RAF…

Personnel record card with photograph, fingerprint and personal details of Angas Hughes. Captured 27 September 1944 at Rastatt. Stamped with 'Officially Interrogated'. On the second page '10.10.44, Dulag Luft' and '28.10.44'.

Contains personal details front and side photograph and fingerprint. Notes captured on 27 September 1944 at Rastatt.

Shows the front of Lancaster R5868 S-Sugar and inboard engines with bomb doors open. Letter 'S' on the nose, eight full rows of operations symbols, and the quote attributed to Hermann Goering 'No enemy plane will fly over the Reich territory'. One…

Low level oblique aerial photograph of a narrow road leading from the bottom left up a valley to the centre where it meets the square entrance to a tunnel in a hillside. To the left of the valley and above the entrance are trees.

Oblique aerial photograph of an Gilze Rijen airfield. Runways going from bottom middle to top and left to middle. A large number of bomb explosion visible in the centre of the airfield with one string of bombs offset to the left running bottom to…

A large number of four engines bombers at varying heights flying towards bottom right with a thin layer of cloud above.


Air-to-air view of a port front quarter of a Lancaster taken from the starboard side of another Lancaster. In the background this clouds above and stratus cloud below.


Air-to-air view port front quarter view of a Lancaster. Below are extensive cumulus clouds.

Three Lancasters parked, rear two in echelon behind and left. In the foreground two ground personnel in leather jerkins in front of the tail of the first aircraft and piled high snow.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided…

On the right, six aircrew wearing battledress and side caps stand to attention in line. Behind them five airmen also in battledress and side caps. In the centre in front of the aircrew an air marshal in tunic and peaked cap addresses the aircrew…
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