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  • Tags: Lancaster

Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Leipzig.

Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Berlin.

Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Berlin.

Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Berlin.

Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Berlin.

Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Stettin.

Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Berlin.

Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Berlin.

A description of what happened to a lost Lancaster, short of fuel that was guided into RAF Wick and landed safely. Annotated 'F/L Crocker 1989'.

A Christmas Card signed by Pete 'Mid Upper here'. In it is described an attack on Politz on 21.12.44 and diverted to RAF Milltown due fog. Then on 22.12.44 he flew to RAF Wick to pick up a crew that had crashed there. There are several signatures.

Photo 1 is Clifford Watson in flying gear in front of a brick building.
Photo 2 is a head and shoulders portrait of the side of Clifford Watson standing at the tail of a Lancaster.
Photo 3 is Cliff and a civilian looking at the maps of Europe.…

Photo 1 is half length portraits of four airmen at the tail of a Lancaster, annotated 'F/O Sandford A.G. F/Lt Maxted G. Ldr W/O Foolkes M.U.G. F/O Watson R.G.'
Photo 2 is a half length portrait of an airman at the rear gun turret of a Lancaster with…

Item 1 is a newspaper cutting noting that Clifford Watson has been awarded a DFC and giving various details of his life history and family.
Photo 2 is three airmen standing at a door, annotated '227 Sqdn. W/Op - Nav - Mid-Upper'. Illustration list…

Photo 1 is Clifford Watson standing beside the rear turret of Lancaster 9J-O', annotated 'Cliff's Office'. On the turret is painted 'Phil the Fluter'. Photo 2 is Clifford on a Rudge motorbike, reg OD 3209. Behind is a Nissen hut numbered 669, with…

A Lancaster with one wheel on a low embankment. The port outer propeller has been damaged. It is captioned 'A 297G Lancaster III Emergency Landing Wick 22.12.44'.

Photo 1 is a landing Stirling. On the left is a control van and windsock, annotated 'Winthorpe Conversion Course'.
Photo 2 is three airmen sitting outside a wooden building, annotated 'Blida 1943 April 150 Sqdn Sgt Willoughby (Nav O), Chadderton…

Photo 1 is an airman shooting aiming a shotgun. In the background is a motorcycle. It is captioned 'Ted (Ace Nav) Foster DFM Balderton Nov 44'. Photo 2 is an air to air view of many Lancasters, annotated 'Running up on Homberg 1/11/44 at Lunch time…

Photo 1 is a head and shoulders portrait of Flying Officer Ted Foster. He is wearing an Observer brevet and a DFM ribbon. It is annotated 'F/O Ted Foster DFM'.
Photo 2 is a head and shoulders portrait of Clifford Watson. He is wearing dress…

Photo 1 is seven airmen standing at the side of a crashed Lancaster, 9J-O.
Photo 2 shows the damaged wing and fuselage of Lancaster 9J-O.
Photo 3 is an airman standing beside a damaged aircraft engine on a trolley.
Photo 4 is two airmen standing…

Photo 1 is Flight Lieutenant Maxted with arms crossed at the rear gun turret of a Lancaster, annotated 'Fl/Lt Maxted Gunnery Leader 227'. On the turret is painted 'Phil the Fluter'.
Photo 2 is three airmen sitting on a 400 lb bomb on a trailer,…

Top left first page - three-quarter length portrait of an airman wearing tunic and side cap. Text notes that he joined Royal Air Force in 1936 as a Halton apprentice armourer. Promoted to flight sergeant at the beginning of the war he began a long…

Joined Royal Air Force in 1936 as a Halton apprentice armourer. Promoted to flight sergeant at the beginning of the war he began a long association with 57 Squadron then flying Blenheims as part of British Expeditionary Force in France followed by…

Tells of early life in London, joining the Woman's Auxiliary Air Force in 1941 and training as a driver. Relates experiences at RAF Scampton and then with 57 Squadron as a tractor driver pulling bomb trolleys. Subsequently went to East Kirkby.…
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