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Addressed to 36 Bomb Squadron United States Army Air Force officer thanking him for his work while with 192 Squadron at RAF Foulsham.

Humorous letter from David Donaldson to Flying Officer Matthew saying he's sorry to hear he is indisposed.

Congratulates the pilot officer on his award of Distinguished Flying Cross.

Congratulations on promotion to flight lieutenant.

Husband had left squadron before new badge approved. Is sending a photograph and asks that she gives it to him on his return to united Kingdom.

Addressed to Colonel Rooney, 603 Squadron United States Army Air Corps thanking him for kindness and hospitality shown to Flight Lieutenant Morley and crew one of David's squadron who diverted to his base at RAF Nuthampstead.

Enclosing £1 contribution to S.A.S.O's presentation.

Concerns defects on a H2S Halifax lent to squadron by B.D.U. Writes that working party sent but repair will take a little longer than a week.

Congratulates the flying officer on his award of Distinguished Flying Cross

Commiserates with him over lack of available aircraft at conversion unit. Mentions possibility of training on squadron aircraft in the future.

Letter to catering officer of RAF Foulsham thanking him for excellent catering arrangements for party on previous night.

Congratulates the warrant officer on the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross.

David Donaldson reminisces about an operation on Turin, describing the crossing of the Alps at night and the awe-inspiring sight of Mount Blanc. David stresses the uniqueness of the operation, only comparable to a previous one on Munich, and mentions…

Letter saying he has arrived safely but is not happy about the prospect of war.

Letter discussing his health and his relationship with Joyce.

RAF Form 2825 filled in by David Geach claiming 1939/45 star, Air Crew Europe Star and France and Germany Star

A book of lecture notes covering British, German, Italian and American fighter, Coastal, Army co-operation, bombers and dive bombers.
Notes on Hygiene, Water, Accommodation and conservancy in the field, Food, cookhouses and cooking, Law and…

Fourth of David Geach's diaries describing the final part of his training in Canada. He writes of his service and personal life training as an air bomber. He describes his ground and flying training experiences, social life both in camp and in local…

Second of David Geach's diaries, describing his training for aircrew at Kingstown, Heaton Park, Hastings and Harrogate until his embarkation to Canada on the Queen Mary. Covers the period from 20 June 1942 to 7 October 1942.

Third of David Geach's diaries describing his service & personal life training as an Air Bomber in Canada. He describes his ground & flying training experiences, social life both in camp and in local Canadian towns and New York. He details train…

He writes about her new baby girl. Davis has been posted to Scampton and has had several operations over Europe. His quarters and food are good. He talks about friends and asks her to write.
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