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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Map showing Germany, Poland, East Prussia, Czechoslovakia and Austria with parts of surrounding countries. Camps marked as red dots. Document with corrections to map

Showing names of prisoner of war camps in Germany, Czechoslovakia, Austria and Poland. Presented by British Prisoners of War Relatives Association.

A newspaper cutting with a map of prisoner of war camps.

A small scale map showing the location of prisoner of war camps. A typewritten note has been attached with corrections.

A map of Germany with prisoner of war camps marked. There is an attachment with corrections.

Two maps of prisoner of war camps. The first covers Germany, Austria and Poland. The second covers Italy.

13 handwritten pages, Margaret describes in some detail her early life and service in the WAAF as a nurse.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Chris Musial, German prisoner of war and Margaret Pridmore, riddling potatoes. Manor farm, Pilton, Rutland.

Margaret Tyler (nee Pridmore) and Chris Musial drilling at Manor Farm, Pilton, Rutland.

A play being performed with three actors. The orchestra are in their pit and a couple of spectators are watching. A picture on the back of stage reads 'Home Sweet Home'. There is a stage villain and two prisoners of war dressed as women characters.

Recollection of events of Victory in Europe day when author and a bunch of ATS girls volunteered to welcome repatriated troops (prisoners of war) home. Travelled to a base near Bicester where planes landed with returning troops. Disembarking troops…

The author was shot down over Linz, Austria whilst bombing a Panzer works. The other six in his crew perished. He was taken to Dulag Luft at Frankfurt then Stalag Luft VII. In January his camp was evacuated and he joined the Long March to the west,…

Memoirs of Jim Cahir who served with 466 Squadron RAAF. He writes about being shot down near Frankfurt on Main on the night of 20/21 December 1943 and subsequently being captured and imprisoned in Stalag IVB in Muhleberg. He stayed there until the…

Describes procedures including compiling lists, contacting the International Red Cross. Mentions work of Red Cross and St John organisations as well as service department. Continues with role of casualty branches of services and notification of next…

A document written by Jim Allen's navigator. He describes his early training and difficulties when navigating in the UK, Jim Allen's skills, his own behaviour on the aircraft, flying under a bomber shortly before the target, his relief at surviving…

Flight engineer on B-24. Posted to 614 Squadron at Amendola, Italy. Relates first trip in Wellington, flew with squadron CO. Gives some description of Amendola air base operations. Relates some experiences with oil drum heater. Mentions flying home…

In the foreground three men kneel around a small potable stove. The man on the left is stirring food in a square pan. Another man stands to their right. Behind are two rows of tents with other men cooking or standing between the two rows. In the…

Four men carry a large cauldron on a pole. To the right a tall fence with clothing hung on it. On the left huts and other men.

EMcMahonTCameronAXX1225-010002 2.jpg
Christmas greetings sent by Thomas to his mother. Includes Thomas' service and prisoner numbers, a sketch of a guard tower with fencing in woods and a map of Great Britain. Printed 'A Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year' and 'Drawn by K.V.Wood, P.o.W.…

To John confirming a letter will be sent the next day at 10 o'clock and that she was feeling sad and nervous.

A note to John about a letter to be written the next day at 12 o'clock.

Thanking John for the parcel he sent and apologising for her poor English.

A postcard from fellow prisoner of war Iga from her new camp.
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