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Squadron Leader George Bickers was brought up in a working class family in Southampton during the 1930’s, attended Bitterne Park Boys School and joined the Royal Artillery where he was promoted to Corporal, having taken control of a searchlight…

A newspaper cutting of a Lancaster dropping incendiary bombs over Duisburg. The text describes the event and a handwritten caption reads ' Oct 14th 1944'.

Vertical aerial target photograph of Innsbruck. The ground detail shows mainly residential areas while in the centre of the image there is smoke from explosions and a number of flashes from ordnance. It is captioned:
2852 104/92 10/11 APL 45…

Combined watch / compass inscribed 'To F/O Parker from Ansty H.G. and a note written by John Joseph Parker's daughter.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Inside view of workshop with damaged machinery and structure. Submitted with description 'Air Ministry photo No. CL 2387. First pictures taken inside Krupps. Interior views of the devastated Krupps Works at Essen, the big gun factory. Taken on 11 Apr…


List of instruction for before take off, setting wind speed and direction, approaching the target area and other notes. On the reverse handwritten notes on bombing method including marking and other instructions instructions.

A list of targets and sorties undertaken by aircraft from 5,4, 8, 6, 3, 1 and 100 Groups.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Reports severe damage to shipping over the whole dock area. Describes hits on E-boat pens, with some craters visible on roof with no apparent damage. Three oil storage tanks destroyed, Describes other damage to port area and facilities. Mentions…

Concentration of craters at south end of target area, severe damage to tracks and embankment. Notes direct hit in roof of tunnel a few feet from south entrance and lists six other areas of damage.

Refers to photographs taken on 13 February 1944 after the attack by bomber command on 12/13 February. Reports excellent quality photographs showing many new craters and one very near miss but no damage viable to viaduct.

Gives overall assessment and then detailed list of damage to E-boat pens, oil tanks, fuel storage, warehouses, huts, vessels, cranes, port facilities, public buildings, arsenal, other buildings in the town including the casino.

Describes damage to E-boat pens mentioning some direct hits and definite damage to north-west corner. Mentions other hits and heavy damage to small craft, a floating dock, jetties and basins. Limited damage outside dock area.

Multi-line poem about post operation debrief of aircrew. With considerable handwritten editing and notation.

On his return to Great Britain after his release from prisoner of war camp, Geoff Packham was interrogated by his commanding officer. His aircraft was damaged during an operation on Sterkrade by Holten. He baled out over the Netherlands. He was…

The interviewee was born in London and worked for some time as a clerk until joining the Royal Air Force. He did not like the idea of serving in the Army or in the Navy but - as a Londoner - he was keen to take part in the war, having experienced the…

She tells of her life in Berlin before, during and after the war. She lived with her mother in a block of flats close to the home of her grandparents. Her father died when she was nine years old. During the war she collected shrapnel as souvenirs…

The interviewee recalls her wartime years at Cordenons, from the day the outbreak of the war was announced on the radio. She describes how she anticipated the air raid siren with a mixture of elation and fear, being somewhat eager to skip school. She…

The informant remembers wartime episodes in Cordenons and the Pordenone area. Mentions aircraft en route to Austrian targets contrasted by anti-aircraft fire, while she was taking shelter in a ditch. Reminisces the bombing of Casarsa and the Meduna…

The interviewee recalls the day when he and his cousin plundered a ship with a cargo of furniture, clothing and foodstuffs, which was moored at Karigador. He describes how the harbour was suddenly bombed and strafed. He recalls how they hid behind a…

The interviewee recalls how he moved from Libya to Italy and lived for some years in various camps in Napoli, Marina di Massa, Trento, San Remo and Massa Lombarda. He describes a three-day bombing raid in Napoli where he managed to hide in a church…

The interviewee recollects his wartime memories in Voghera and describes how bombings, strafing, and “Pippo” flying at night became part of everyday life and how the population tried to cope. He gives a vivid and detailed account of the August…

The informant recollects his wartime experiences in Voghera. Claims he has always had the gift of sensing impending events, the first episode being when he told his mother that aircraft are approaching before the siren had sounded, and therefore…

MB CR 4. Ada Breschi.mp3
L’intervistata è Ada Breschi, nata a Pistoia il 22 settembre 1917, impiegata. L’intervista è effettuata da Claudio Rosati a Pistoia, presso l’abitazione dell’informatrice, il 22 settembre 1983. Dopo l’Armistizio, Ada Breschi aiutò…

Ada Dellaferrera (b. 1928) recalls aircraft strafing the railway station and how she tried to hide next to a wall. She remembers when her mother sent her out in the blackout and the fear of the dark she has had ever since.
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